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My cute boyfriend just taught my cute little brother a song on guitar. Cuteness overload :heart:

Was it a cute song?

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Was it a cute song?


It was a song he wrote me, so I guess it was. /explodes


And no, Sméagol, it wasn't about pigs :P

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A rollercoaster week ends in me in the angriest state I've EVER been in. I mean..I describe myself as someone who effectively never gets angry (at most frustrated/annoyed). And I've just calmed down after slamming doors/knocking over stuff/throwing my phone around (though tbf that was cause my phone is a piece of crap and if it broke it would give me an excuse to get a new one - not actually like screaming and tossing my phone around or anything...). But yes, I was seething.



Never been so simultaneously humiliated, offended and disrespected in one night. To top it off was freezing cold, paid a few quid for the pleasure of this...my goodness. *backs away from keyboard to seeth/have a sharp intake of breath*



I never get angry.


And this is the angriest I've ever been I think. How dare someone make me feel the way I did earlier tonight? I'll cut a bitch if pressed. Or just rip out your fucking ugly-ass snakebite piercing. Or whatever it's called.

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Work Christmas party last night and there was far too much inappropriate flirting with various members of the opposite sex. Didn't help that the main victim had her boyfriend there. God. Not looking forward to work on Monday, though I think everyone was pretty smashed so it's all good. I just cannot resist cute asian girls.

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I realised today I've got it baaaad.


Oh well, I'll plod along. Got myself into a tizzy earlier over-thinking everything then got a reassuring message. I just need to remember not to over-think!

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If you ever find the trick to that, I'd love to hear it.


-If the thinking is neurotic, try meditation / inner silence. You need an experience of what is not-thinking, if you wish to get out of there...

-Good self-esteem is pretty conducive to mental peace, i.e. less doubting oneself etc. Just start checking what kind of good qualities you have in yourself → one good self-esteem coming up!

-In general, accustom yourself to DOING! Ask people out, send them messages, whatever you feel like doing...build the kind of self-confidence where you know what you want and feel good about yourself. After that, just start making it happen! Confidence & positivity → less fear about rejection etc.


; D

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-If the thinking is neurotic, try meditation / inner silence. You need an experience of what is not-thinking, if you wish to get out of there...

-Good self-esteem is pretty conducive to mental peace, i.e. less doubting oneself etc. Just start checking what kind of good qualities you have in yourself → one good self-esteem coming up!

-In general, accustom yourself to DOING! Ask people out, send them messages, whatever you feel like doing...build the kind of self-confidence where you know what you want and feel good about yourself. After that, just start making it happen! Confidence & positivity → less fear about rejection etc.


; D


I prefer dutch courage, but each to their own.

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I prefer dutch courage, but each to their own.


I prefer Irish courage. It's basically the same but you get completely shitfaced and can't remember if it went well or not, so you assume/tell everyone it did.

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-If the thinking is neurotic, try meditation / inner silence. You need an experience of what is not-thinking, if you wish to get out of there...

-Good self-esteem is pretty conducive to mental peace, i.e. less doubting oneself etc. Just start checking what kind of good qualities you have in yourself → one good self-esteem coming up!

-In general, accustom yourself to DOING! Ask people out, send them messages, whatever you feel like doing...build the kind of self-confidence where you know what you want and feel good about yourself. After that, just start making it happen! Confidence & positivity → less fear about rejection etc.


; D


I (also) meant in general, as I have a habit of just plain thinking too much. :heh: As such I've never been good at, well, not thinking, so finding mental peace has always seemed rather difficult.

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If you ever find the trick to that, I'd love to hear it.


Well I solved my own lack of self confidence. I think I can do it! :heh:


That or I'll just listen to 'Be Calm' on loop.

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Boom. 2 pulls on a relatively sober night out! First one was pretty hot but an awful kisser! No idea how you can be so bad at it. 2nd one was a girl I've been with a few times who I didn't realise was there and saw her as I was waiting in the cloakroom queue. Went over for a chat.


@Gizmo - I don't remember the clubs ramping up the drinks prices at Christmas last year? £3 a vodka in Kushion last night, it's usually £2! Bamboo was £2.7, up from £1.5. I spent £24 on 4 doubles!

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Fuck that. I don't particularly remember prices going up last year but I might not have been out in the city centre around this time due to exams. The mistake you made was going to rubbish clubs like Kushion and Bamboo :p

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Kushion's the best club in the city!


I wasn't out too much at the weekends last year so I think it might just be that. Jellybaby better still be quid drinks on Thursday!

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Jokes though. I hate Kushion...


I have an invite to a night at Jellybaby on Thursday, but I'm probably going to be suffering from Wednesday / preparing for Friday so unlikely I'll be going.

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I need to pluck up some courage by the weekend. I'm thinking of asking a girl out on a date. If I get a no, it'll be cool but I'm hoping it's a yes and that she likes me too :D

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I need to pluck up some courage by the weekend. I'm thinking of asking a girl out on a date. If I get a no, it'll be cool but I'm hoping it's a yes and that she likes me too :D

Good luck! :smile:


The great thing about the internet is that you can tell us she said yes even if she doesn't, and we'll never know.


Eventually, you'll have a fake marriage and fake children.


And then a fake funeral if you ever get a real date.

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I found out that my "date" has gotten out of a 4 year relationship, 4 months ago.


I would normally think that he would probably want to have some single life fun for a while. But then I know these two people who were in a relationship for 3 years, and they each had another relationship within 2 weeks. I dunno, could be either.

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I need to pluck up some courage by the weekend. I'm thinking of asking a girl out on a date. If I get a no, it'll be cool but I'm hoping it's a yes and that she likes me too :D


Go for it, you da man! ; D


Well, finally got things cleared today. The girl I mentioned before, she does have some social problems etc. I asked whether she would even like me to ask her out, well the answer was yes...had a long discussion about self-esteem and so forth. I told her I would ask her out by the end of the week, so that she would be prepared for that... : D So yeah, she suggested the art museum and there we went. However, I noticed her getting a bit tightened up, not really replying to my texts afterwards etc...I did wait for a week or so, then asked how she was doing. Another week went by, and no reply. So today I just told her that she could say it to my face if she didn't like me, wanted to stay just friends or whatever she was really thinking. Reply was that she was just so busy and tired, and that she did see me as a friend only.


Ok. I'm glad it's over, but it's rather irritating that she just cut the communication at one point, forcing me to fucking dig the answers out of her xS Like wtf, it can't be that hard to tell someone you're not really into them...just a douchebag move to keep them waiting in vain. I know, it probably stems from all her other issues, but still, it's irritating as fucking hell...aaaand I probably should've phoned her and told all this. Yeah, apparently I'm still too timid with my anger sometimes, gotta learn to be more bold with it and speak my mind as freely as possibly xD xS Clearly shouldn't have had to put up with this ridiculousness at all, could've stopped this shit in the very beginning by being EVEN MORE BLUNT. Well, I guess I have to start doing that more then. Naruto-level impulsiveness, here we come! xD


And yes, on the phone, texts suck ass!


Overall, the signs were pretty contradictory from the very start, so I would've normally dropped the case pretty fast, but body just decided to get attracted to her, making escape much harder. Damn infatuation system, u real shitty! > : ( Targeting really needs some recalibration, that's for sure...

Edited by Ville

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I found out that my "date" has gotten out of a 4 year relationship, 4 months ago.


I would normally think that he would probably want to have some single life fun for a while. But then I know these two people who were in a relationship for 3 years, and they each had another relationship within 2 weeks. I dunno, could be either.


Be careful of anyone who "Just got out of a X-year relationship..." and their smiling eyes.





Nobody likes being played

Jus a byutiful lyre

Edited by Paj!

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