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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Damn, sorry to hear your troubles - Hoping things get better for you! :hug:


Damn, sorry to hear all of that. Hope that you can overcome all of this.


Have you spoken to anyone professionally about this? That's a lot to go through alone.


I'd second Flink's sentiments and suggest trying to see if you can get any help from some professionals with all of that - it's certainly a big chunk of things to be going through; and as you say/recognise it can be really difficult to be rational or believe realities whilst you're in the throngs of it. Can be so much more difficult with a lack of support network around you too.


Thanks guys.


I'm seeing a psychiatrist on the NHS about once every 6-weeks, but that's mostly in reference to the depression and panic disorder. I certainly could do with talking to someone on a more frequent basis, but like I say it becomes difficult to motivate yourself to do things that you know need doing.

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Thanks guys.


I'm seeing a psychiatrist on the NHS about once every 6-weeks, but that's mostly in reference to the depression and panic disorder. I certainly could do with talking to someone on a more frequent basis, but like I say it becomes difficult to motivate yourself to do things that you know need doing.


I dunno if you have or not yet but you should also get referred for the gender stuff. Maybe go online n check out some support sites about it too, talk to some people in the same situation.


One of our former regulars is going through the transition too. I spoke to her there n she said to feel free to speak to her on facebook if you need any support: https://www.facebook.com/georgia.drew.35


Even if you do or don't decide to transition the gender clinic should be able to help you.

Edited by Raining_again
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Sorry guys. I'll try and keep it under wraps...but no promises ;)


Thanks guys.


I'm seeing a psychiatrist on the NHS about once every 6-weeks, but that's mostly in reference to the depression and panic disorder. I certainly could do with talking to someone on a more frequent basis, but like I say it becomes difficult to motivate yourself to do things that you know need doing.


I dunno what the structure of your services are there but if you're seeing an NHS psychiatrist then they/you must be under a specific team? Can you put in a request for therapy/psychology intervention? Sounds like that's what'd be good going forwards. Try and get on it ASAP tho - those things take time and there's lots of demand etc, especially in more recent times(tho also a lot of structural changes to services to facilitate it better from what I understand). A psychiatrist is mostly gonna just be doing/tweaking your meds rather than going at underlying issues - though they may be sort of the gatekeeper of care/referrals so best to try and chase things up as soon as you can and get it all in motion.

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Thanks guys.


I'm seeing a psychiatrist on the NHS about once every 6-weeks, but that's mostly in reference to the depression and panic disorder. I certainly could do with talking to someone on a more frequent basis, but like I say it becomes difficult to motivate yourself to do things that you know need doing.


As raining again said message me if you want to talk I'm very far into the transition. Hopefully having grs either late this year or some time next year.


I'm happy to help x

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I dunno about my love life at the mo. Cos I'm in the middle of a big change in my life my love life has been put on hold for some years.


But at this stage I want to be in a relationship again but I doubt very much that anybody will be interesed because I'm in the middle of said change.

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Do black women have a thing for ginger guys? Is that a stereotype? Most of my matches since I've moved to Reading have been with black women. There are a lot of black people in Reading but they're still the minority, so it seems strange to me. And it's not because I'm more likely to swipe right on black women because I swipe right on everyone and whittle it down later (I have no racial preferences, I wouldn't say i have any "type"). I don't really have any black friends (as I've met very few black people) but I've been on dates with quite a few black women.


Random musings, just seems unusual to me.

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First weekend with Sophie done............, already cost me a few quid as we kind of broke the bed.


If it's really to be known, it kind of broke (and it's only because both of us were on one side of the bed and leaned on an already cracked section of the frame) during the art of love making.


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Updated post. So yeah, what i believed was the mattress that broke turns out to be the bed base itself. Ordered a new one, will be here end of the week..............just in time for when Sophie comes over again. This time, it's slightly stronger (and newer, the base i have at the moment is 5-6 years old)


Edit: It also was impossible to say farewell to each other, she left around half 5. Once she left, i did have a tear in my eye. Honestly, i'm believing that she could very well be the one for me.


And, here's a nice photo of me and Sophie.



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Never look a gift horse in the mouth, Moogle.


That's racist.


First weekend with Sophie done............, already cost me a few quid as we kind of broke the bed.


If it's really to be known, it kind of broke (and it's only because both of us were on one side of the bed and leaned on an already cracked section of the frame) during the art of love making.


Ah, nothing beats the first time you get to lean over the counter at the bed shop, say "That's right, reinforced" and give a wink to a salesperson who knows exactly what's happened.

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Do black women have a thing for ginger guys? Is that a stereotype? Most of my matches since I've moved to Reading have been with black women. There are a lot of black people in Reading but they're still the minority, so it seems strange to me. And it's not because I'm more likely to swipe right on black women because I swipe right on everyone and whittle it down later (I have no racial preferences, I wouldn't say i have any "type"). I don't really have any black friends (as I've met very few black people) but I've been on dates with quite a few black women.


Random musings, just seems unusual to me.


Can't speak for black women typically, but as a 'all-inclusive' heterosexual black guy, Ive found ginger-haired women to be irresistible... That red hair-pale skin combo (with freakles) has always done something for me. Like John Snow's bird in GoT....:heart::heart::santa:

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