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Raining just defriend and cut all contact! that is a a two faced Ex, i've had ones like that and all they do is bitch behind your back...he sounds like a right bitch posting that


TLDR He's a grade A tosser

  Dr. bob said:
Are we talking like Love Actually, or Jurassic Park? Or 28 days later?


  Animal said:
Or even Psycho or Misery...


Heh :p


No idea, I'm just really unsure about the last few days.


I realise my last two posts have been quite meaningless, maybe borderline spam, but somehow I just needed to write down something. ::shrug:


Seconding the others Raining, you need to cut him completely from your life. No contact. No matter what he does(which'll be some serious emotional blackmail I predict). I guarantee you he'll only be trouble, you'll get hurt - and tbh you won't have anyone but yourself to blame if you do. I don't even know why you ended up being the shoulder for him anyway.



I recently found the courage(read:a few pints) to tell my very good friend I liked her. There's not future like that for us but hopefully nothing's gonna change. I was really worried about losing her and how she might feel that I sort of forgot to think about myself - it's been weirder than I anticipated in terms of myself, and now I'm really hoping I don't pull away from her but it's a really weird paradigm shift of sorts that I just didn't see coming.


On the plus side it totally means I can look forwardish of sorts, always held myself back a bit when I've met nicelookingbirds.


Anybody know the feeling when you begin to develop feelings for a woman that you're not - let's say - "allowed to" get feelings for? And you don't know what she thinks/feels? And you simply just have no idea what to do? And everything inside you just rampages?

  drahkon said:
Anybody know the feeling when you begin to develop feelings for a woman that you're not - let's say - "allowed to" get feelings for? And you don't know what she thinks/feels? And you simply just have no idea what to do? And everything inside you just rampages?

Humanity :p


You're allowed to get feelings for anyone...unless we're talking family as that's just wrong. Don't worry, just take it step by step

  drahkon said:
Anybody know the feeling when you begin to develop feelings for a woman that you're not - let's say - "allowed to" get feelings for? And you don't know what she thinks/feels? And you simply just have no idea what to do? And everything inside you just rampages?


It's called "wanting what you can't have". You've already got form for this. :p

  drahkon said:
Anybody know the feeling when you begin to develop feelings for a woman that you're not - let's say - "allowed to" get feelings for? And you don't know what she thinks/feels? And you simply just have no idea what to do? And everything inside you just rampages?


Dude, incest is not OK.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
It's called "wanting what you can't have".


But maybe I can have this. (and no, I'm not talking about incest :p).


Maybe it's a case of "wanting what I shouldn't want", if that makes any sense...


Then behave yourself!


I saw my friend as part of a bigger thing I organised last night, we're good and ting it seems, but I'm essentially drahkon - looking for the next thing but also still wanting something I shouldn't. I'm gonna blame the drink for now, but I'm worried I'm gonna end up having to turn to sobriety.

  Rummy said:
Then behave yourself!


I saw my friend as part of a bigger thing I organised last night, we're good and ting it seems, but I'm essentially drahkon - looking for the next thing but also still wanting something I shouldn't. I'm gonna blame the drink for now, but I'm worried I'm gonna end up having to turn to sobriety.


Have been doing this for the past few days. It's what's keeping me sane.


Well, I won't be seeing the lady in question for 2 or 3 weeks, this will calm things down and I won't be able to misbehave.


A while ago I mentioned someone at work that I had a flirtatious relationship but thought nothing of it because as far as I was aware he was straight. Well we met for lunch on Friday (he's moved to a different department so try to meet up now and then) and he admitted he was bi. That night was a work do and we hung out a bit amongst lots of different people and changing groups/formations and all that. Then yesterday I got a text saying he's finished his weekend job and wanted to know if I wanted drinks in central. So we did! (even though I'm currently kind of ill)


I don't think anything serious is going to happen, but I think something fun might. Regardless, it's nice to actually get closer to him (as it were) as we had a lot of shared interests anyway and I'm always up for more friends.


Although it seems people at work suspect something has been going on anyway. Speaking to his now-former boss on Friday apparently everyone in that team (which is part of our open-plan office) thought something was. Oh well, gossip makes the working day go quicker eh?


But, on the other side of things...


Met up with this guy a number of times and crashed round his a few times and at first I thought it could become serious, but I don't think I'm actually suited for a relationship. Or, if I am, I don't think it's with this person. I really like him as a person, but he's quite ill at the moment and part of me thinks it might be my nurturing side coming out more. I was supposed to go round last night but I said I wasn't feeling very well (I'm a terrible person) and I tried to go this morning but I genuinely was still feeling sick (I have been sick over the last week, it's not as a result of last night). He's back at his mother's for Christmas now so I won't see him until mid-January. I think I need to tell him at that point. I want to do it in person and I could have dragged myself there this morning, but I didn't want to do it this side of Christmas. I do feel bad though. There was a point where I genuinely thought it could become something more but I don't think it's right. I just feel bad as he's been through a lot in the past and I feel like I'm going to make things worse :/


So yeah, good and bad. Or good and sad I suppose.


Hmm well just got a message from the second guy saying while he's undergoing treatment it would be unfair on me to try and continue as is as he'll have to be going home and whatnot.


Well, that was a freebie. Still feel bad though but at least ultimately we agree.


Hoping to meet the other before we go back from Christmas break. Invited for new year but he's busy :(

  Fierce_LiNk said:
u...u wot m8?


The Lion King was amazing!


@Rummy, can you believe this?


Haha, well I was sort of joking. But I also don't think it was amazing. Very creative, but AWFUL ACTING, it was like acting for the hearing impaired. Not a patch on the film!


He's used to going to the emirates though, he won't have seen such a performance, he'll love it.

  dazzybee said:
Haha, well I was sort of joking. But I also don't think it was amazing. Very creative, but AWFUL ACTING, it was like acting for the hearing impaired. Not a patch on the film!


He's used to going to the emirates though, he won't have seen such a performance, he'll love it.






I think I'm about to cry. It was awesome, brah. Can't believe you didn't like it. I didn't know that was possible.


(Lolled at the Arsenal joke, though!)


Mission Failed btw.


That said, my social confidence is building. Was able to talk to more people with whom I had no prior association so that's a step, some of whom were female.


Marathon, not a sprint. I'll get there.

  Serebii said:
That said, my social confidence is building. Was able to talk to more people with whom I had no prior association so that's a step, some of whom were female.


Marathon, not a sprint. I'll get there.


Great to hear :)


Continue at a pace you're comfortable with and it will all fall into place.: peace:



I broke up with my girlfriend. This long distance thing just didn't work out for me.

It was horrible looking into her eyes and saying: "I have to break up with you." Her look said more than any number of words are able to say...It was the right decision for me to break up, but I hate how I had to hurt her.


But it ended without a fight. I decided to not stay in touch with her (at least for a while - I didn't tell her the last part, though). It's always better this way (in my experience).


I'm sorry to hear that Drahkon, I'm sure it wasn't an easy process. It's all for the best anyway.


During the New Year's party at my house one of my friends since I was 8 kissed me and now I'm not sure what's going on here. And not a it's new years let's have a traditional kiss, but an oh my god we're alone in the hall come here so no one sees kiss.

  Diageo said:
During the New Year's party at my house one of my friends since I was 8 kissed me and now I'm not sure what's going on here. And not a it's new years let's have a traditional kiss, but an oh my god we're alone in the hall come here so no one sees kiss.


Did you kiss him back? How did you respond?

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