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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Sorry to interrupt this terrific chat going on guys.


Had 3rd date with girl I met from POF, she stayed over. She is absolutely crazy. Will probably see her again though.


You can carry on bickering now.


:bowdown: : peace: :yay:


I think a lot of what Zechs said is actually true, it's just not every single girl who is like that, there definitely are some who are like that though.

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:bowdown: : peace: :yay:


I think a lot of what Zechs said is actually true, it's just not every single girl who is like that, there definitely are some who are like that though.


Agreed. But on the flipside there are guys who are just as bad and think they've managed to get one girl, why not more?


6 of one and half a dozen of the other.

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I was talking to another girl on OKCupid and she seemed cool. We were talking True Blood and stuff and I was thinking "This is going pretty well, I'm happy at the moment"...and then I looked at her questionnaire. Basically, she's very against homosexuals and thinks it's a sin, she's into sex after marriage (I couldn't deal with that considering y'all know my views on marriage so I'd be the male equivalent of a nun if I went with this chick!) and she says overweight people would be a dealbreaker...I don't think she is the one for me, haha.

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Seeing crazy girl on Friday and potentially a Tinder less crazy one for first time on Saturday. Quite enjoying this dating lark now, though it is rather expensive!


When are we going on our next date?

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I went to Benidorm for my cousin's stag do, and got back last night. It's far from my sort of place, but the guys were a great laugh so I still had fun.


When playing water polo in the pool, we got chatting to a couple of girls. Spent a bit of time with them, and got on well. One of them was obviously keen on me, and everyone was egging me on to make a move. Finally on the last night, I had my chance with her. I was sharing a room with my uncle (stag's dad), my dad, and my cousin's other uncle, so obviously I couldn't take her there. So my cousin gave me his key, and I took her to his room. We got back and spent ages talking. So long, that just as we got onto the bed and started, one of the guys staying in the room came in. He's a bit weird, and he was interested in her as well, so he wasn't very accommodating; so that fucked that up.


Pretty annoyed that I missed my chance. The rest of the guys ripped me for it the next morning. She has added me on facebook and we chatted a lot yesterday, but I don't think anything will come of it as she lives in Bolton. Nice to know I've got a chance with women, and she was really into me and paid me lots of compliments, so I've got a bit of an ego boost.

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So after reading the Tinder thread on GAF I decided to download it just to see what actually makes it so good. To be clear, I have a girlfriend and so this was just to see what the app was like and how it worked. I checked my phone after 10 minutes and found that I had been matched with 4 girls all of whom were WAY out of my league. I mean there was one who was a solid 9..jesus. Anyway, as I was a taken man I just played around and when talking to one girl I said 'I'm just playing Mario Kart', expecting her to laugh/ignore me, but then she told me that she just got a Wii U and plays as Metal Mario in MK8....


God damn. I finally meet a fit gamer and I'm taken. Ah well. I've deleted the app now but it's certainly interesting. It takes away a lot of what makes dating websites so terrible and I can see why people find it so much better than other forms of meeting people.


Anyone here tried it?

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So after reading the Tinder thread on GAF I decided to download it just to see what actually makes it so good. To be clear, I have a girlfriend and so this was just to see what the app was like and how it worked. I checked my phone after 10 minutes and found that I had been matched with 4 girls all of whom were WAY out of my league. I mean there was one who was a solid 9..jesus. Anyway, as I was a taken man I just played around and when talking to one girl I said 'I'm just playing Mario Kart', expecting her to laugh/ignore me, but then she told me that she just got a Wii U and plays as Metal Mario in MK8....


God damn. I finally meet a fit gamer and I'm taken. Ah well. I've deleted the app now but it's certainly interesting. It takes away a lot of what makes dating websites so terrible and I can see why people find it so much better than other forms of meeting people.


Anyone here tried it?

I tried it and have not received a single match...

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one of the guys staying in the room came in. He's a bit weird, and he was interested in her as well, so he wasn't very accommodating; so that fucked that up.


Cock blocking. The lowest of the low. He knew exactly what he was doing by coming in. Terrible chat. We don't allow cock blockers on nights out. One strike and you're out policy. Lads should be helping other lads out.


I tried it and have not received a single match...


Like/Yes every single girl on it, filter them out after you've been matched if you want to.

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I tried it and have not received a single match...


What picture did you use? You need to make sure you've got 2-3 good pictures of yourself on it. A good pictures shows a lot about yourself, but most importantly, it shows you're confident.

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I have a good few on there.


I'd be interested in seeing them as they may well be why. Other than that, it depends how many people you're 'liking' to. I liked about 20 girls today and got 4 response, so it depends how picky you're being.

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Funnily enough this may actually be an option...


Online on MK8! :p


I've got Tinder... it's just too much, you get too many matches and can't keep up with all the messages coming in. I ended up having a cull of my matches and have stopped using it now.

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I hate you all :(


If you're not getting matches on Tinder it's probably you're profile..maybe give it an update? Also I would take the advice that someone gave above; like everyone and turn cherry pick once you've got matches.

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Went to a club yesterday with a couple of my fellow students. Most of them are girls and some of them were clearly flirting with me (classic signs; laughing, touching, kiss on the cheeks, blowjob...wait).

Shame that they aren't my type, though. They are pretty, just not my type.


And while I was dancing I noticed some girls looking at me/watching me, also smiling.

No, not because I suck at dancing.

Because I'm fucking awesome. :p


However, I hate talking to girls in clubs.

Still, it's nice to see that I'm apparently quite attractive.


/shamelesslyinlovewithmyself :awesome:

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