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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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In the post mess had feelings for you but now we're just gonna be friends thing, it's nottt fun. (still on slimgate for anyone who read my previous posts)


In my weakness I texted him and asked if he wanted to spend some time with me (even though he now has a gf) and he actually said yes..... Really really regretting it, was in a bad place when he waved his lil charm wand in my face. Just as he probably knew... Now to make myself sound really busy and hopes he forgets about it. Fuck. :(

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I'm not sure why girls think it matters if you're related. It's like, I know I'm your brother! The whole reason I'm asking you out is because we kind of look alike.


I know right! It's like, it's not my fault I'm that incredibly good-looking that I want to find someone who looks almost like me! Some people just don't understand...:(:wink:

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In the post mess had feelings for you but now we're just gonna be friends thing, it's nottt fun. (still on slimgate for anyone who read my previous posts)


In my weakness I texted him and asked if he wanted to spend some time with me (even though he now has a gf) and he actually said yes..... Really really regretting it, was in a bad place when he waved his lil charm wand in my face. Just as he probably knew... Now to make myself sound really busy and hopes he forgets about it. Fuck. :(


This is your opportunity to get on top.... Cancel on him the morning of said meeting and say you're too busy or something.


N.B. I have no idea on the background of the story.

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Oh good god someone take away the power trip.


Nostrings seems to have had a hard time over "us". And I quote: "Im torn between desire and code" (lol) "been consuming silly amounts (food) of stuff these past few weeks, I eat when I'm unsettled" (to which I asked what's unsettled you) "I dunno. You I think" think he's realised that this isnt going to work as friends... pity cause I do actually like him.


Slimgate texted me saying we could hang out on wednesday, to which I said "where you taking me". Like fuck I'm putting up with being treated like shit. If you want to be my friend you'll spend time with me, not invite me over to spend time ignoring me.


Checkmate bitches.


Raining_again is taking no damn shit today

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Oh good god someone take away the power trip.


Nostrings seems to have had a hard time over "us". And I quote: "Im torn between desire and code" (lol) "been consuming silly amounts (food) of stuff these past few weeks, I eat when I'm unsettled" (to which I asked what's unsettled you) "I dunno. You I think" think he's realised that this isnt going to work as friends... pity cause I do actually like him.


Slimgate texted me saying we could hang out on wednesday, to which I said "where you taking me". Like fuck I'm putting up with being treated like shit. If you want to be my friend you'll spend time with me, not invite me over to spend time ignoring me.


Checkmate bitches.


Raining_again is taking no damn shit today




Both of them sound like time-wasters, move on to someone who's better than that. You deserve better!

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So I had a very long and flirtatious text conversation with slimgate.... It seems like being a total bitch grabs his attention.... I have literally no feelings for him now except wanting to tell him what an ass he is, so I'm quite enjoying it lol.


Being a bitch wasn't ever in my nature but now I'm a lot more confident I'm fine with it. Lol. Not bitching in a nasty way, just not apologising for being honest or for being myself! When he called me weird I used to back down and say well sorry etc, but now I just threaten to karate chop him or beat his shortarse :)


Bunch o fake tan and some more hair and that's totes me btw ;)

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Being a bitch wasn't ever in my nature but now I'm a lot more confident I'm fine with it. Lol. Not bitching in a nasty way, just not apologising for being honest or for being myself! When he called me weird I used to back down and say well sorry etc, but now I just threaten to karate chop him or beat his shortarse :)


That's not being a bitch, that's just not letting someone walk all over you. Great effort on 'not giving a fuck'. It really does work you wonders.

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I have gotten to the point of unresolved desperation and unspent desire that I often stop at the side of the road to do a Method Man esque double take and yell "Daaaaymn!" at the unsuspecting booties of various nightwalkers that be out creepin'. Triflin'. Dirtfoots. Diiiirty foots.

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Still not having the best of luck...nobody ever seems to respond. I've taken all of your advice in how to write these things and still nothing. Not just with me sending opening messages, but the other way too; A girl messaged me first, I messaged back and bam, two weeks later, still no responses.


I make sure that none of my crazy shows up, but I just don't know what's wrong

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