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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Okay so I did what I said I'd do and I asked her out. We were talking about how much work we had to do and then I just thought 'Just bloody do it' and I did. I asked her if she wanted to go out for a drink sometime and she just smiled, was silent for like five seconds (felt like an awkward forever) and said "Let me get back to you on that" so I'm taking it as a no because I figure if she liked me, she wouldn't have hesitated a little and said that, lmao. I know people would probably say "It's a maybe" or "She's playing hard-to-get" but why can't a girl just say yes, I'd rather that! I don't mind that it's a no really, I'm just happy that I asked her.


Also Ville, I wouldn't worry about her, mate. She seems to be like a total timewaster. I don't like girls or guys who lead people on like that, it's wrong. I also don't really like people not replying, it's just rude.


Why the hell isn't dating straightforward?!

Edited by Animal
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Dazz, that doesn't sound like the worst ambiguous semi-rejection ever - don't stop with her, go on a roll! :D


I don't think dating is ever straightforward, even if two people get together without problems there are always external factors causing trouble :( (Case in point: biggest weakness of long distance = borked Internet/Skype/mobile devices.)

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Okay so I did what I said I'd do and I asked her out. We were talking about how much work we had to do and then I just thought 'Just bloody do it' and I did. I asked her if she wanted to go out for a drink sometime and she just smiled, was silent for like five seconds (felt like an awkward forever) and said "Let me get back to you on that" so I'm taking it as a no because I figure if she liked me, she wouldn't have hesitated a little and said that, lmao. I know people would probably say "It's a maybe" or "She's playing hard-to-get" but why can't a girl just say yes, I'd rather that! I don't mind that it's a no really, I'm just happy that I asked her.


Also Ville, I wouldn't worry about her, mate. She seems to be like a total timewaster. I don't like girls or guys who lead people on like that, it's wrong. I also don't really like people not replying, it's just rude.


Why the hell isn't dating straightforward?!


Without meaning to be harsh, if that were me I'd be taking it as a no, if I got a yes out of that it would be a pleasant surprise.


At least you went for it though! If you don't ask you'll never know Always look at the positives of the situation - you had the balls to ask a girl out to her face. Something not a lot of people do these days. Texting is becoming far more acceptable to ask someone out. As is Facebook Chat, calls are largely ignored in my experiences until after you've gone out with someone a few times.

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Without meaning to be harsh, if that were me I'd be taking it as a no, if I got a yes out of that it would be a pleasant surprise.


At least you went for it though! If you don't ask you'll never know Always look at the positives of the situation - you had the balls to ask a girl out to her face. Something not a lot of people do these days. Texting is becoming far more acceptable to ask someone out. As is Facebook Chat, calls are largely ignored in my experiences until after you've gone out with someone a few times.


Nah, you don't sound harsh, you're just saying what I'm thinking. I know it's not a yes but hey, I did it so I'm happy about it. Of course I'm a tad gutted but not as much as I probably should be. I'm just happy I had the courage and the balls to ask her out like that. Now I look forward to work the next time she's in, it may be a bit awkward now, haha! :p


I've not asked a girl out through technology before, I wouldn't even know where to start, lmao. I've only asked two girls out, one girl was back when I was 13 or 14 and the one I asked out yesterday, normally they'd make the first move. It's probably why I suck at trying to ask a girl out, haha.


I do think that technology can build a wall under the circumstances. If you live a distance then I say fair enough but if it's closer to home, I imagine asking the person out to their face might be pretty daunting but it's surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. A bit awkward, yeah I'll give you that, but even if it's a no, don't be upset over the rejection but be happy over the fact you brought up the courage to ask her. That's just me though, always looking for positives in what could possibly be a negative situation.

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Texting is becoming far more acceptable to ask someone out. As is Facebook Chat, calls are largely ignored in my experiences until after you've gone out with someone a few times.


WHAT. That is terrible. Unacceptable for a first date. Subsequently...no. It just seems so insincere, and more weird than anything. To me it's like taking a huge shortcut - being a pansy and/or very lazy :shakeheadOr maybe I am becoming...old(-fashioned)??

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Or maybe I am becoming...old(-fashioned)??


Not at all. Everyone knows the proper way to ask someone out is to ask their father first, then present them with a giant heart shaped box of chocolates that you keep on you "just in case", then escort them to the picture show for milkshakes. Always best to have them home by 9 in case their father has a gun.

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Don't let slip the cool! You are a child of the Pease shinobi village, ville, don't get all riled up now!


She's clearly a crazy. Don't go. Count the bullets you dodged. That'll take you long enough that you'll meet someone else.


Hehe, I might be hailing from the the Peaceful Shinobi Village indeed, but I do have a Wrathful Deity Mode as well ; D Anyway, I don't know about crazy, but her social skills sure could be far better...I mean geez fucking laweez, woman!


I agree with jay, Ville! I don't think you being blunt with her would have helped the situation in any way. On the contrary, I like to think your approach to it all has helped her! It sucks that she treated you the way she did, but in handling it the way you did, maybe you've helped her on the way to improve her social skills. :)


Yeah, easy to say now, did what I could and knew at that point. I really hope she can improve her life as well, still have some valid pointers I could've told her...but not really keen on keeping up this one-sided conversation with her. Well, her life, her choice, her suffering. What can you do...


Anyway, it's a good lesson in that if people are giving you mixed signals, fucking drop it and move on. Clearly they are not really that interested in you or ready for anything...I mean it's so obvious when people ARE interested, they engage you in a wholly different positive level, like it should be : ) Like if someone interesting would ask me out, I'd say yes straight away, and not keep on giving ambiguous signals and unclear answers!


Why the hell isn't dating straightforward?!


Tell me about it xD Anyway, sounds a bit suspicious that lady of yours, not really giving you any kind of an answer, i.e. just keeping you waiting. Drop it or ask again, this time for a clear answer, please ; D I mean for fucks sake, can't be that hard to say yes or no, can it? xD

Edited by Ville
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Not at all. Everyone knows the proper way to ask someone out is to ask their father first, then present them with a giant heart shaped box of chocolates that you keep on you "just in case", then escort them to the picture show for milkshakes. Always best to have them home by 9 in case their father has a gun.


Nah, I'm Asian, you're supposed to kneel in front of my father and kowtow (bow so low that you thunk your head on the floor), and if he rejects you then you have to kneel outside my front door all night, preferably when there's a thunderstorm going on. :indeed:

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Anyway, it's a good lesson in that if people are giving you mixed signals, fucking drop it and move on. Clearly they are not really that interested in you or ready for anything...I mean it's so obvious when people ARE interested, they engage you in a wholly different positive level, like it should be : ) Like if someone interesting would ask me out, I'd say yes straight away, and not keep on giving ambiguous signals and unclear answers!


Well, not everyone jumps at every opportunity, and they might be a little apprehensive even if they're actually interested. If you stop the pursuit at the smallest obstacle, aren't you the one who's not wanting it hard enough? :)


Nah, I'm Asian, you're supposed to kneel in front of my father and kowtow (bow so low that you thunk your head on the floor), and if he rejects you then you have to kneel outside my front door all night, preferably when there's a thunderstorm going on. :indeed:


And if you try to pursue her anyway, he'll come after you with a katana. Right? Or is that just in Scott Pilgrim?

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Nah, I'm Asian, you're supposed to kneel in front of my father and kowtow (bow so low that you thunk your head on the floor), and if he rejects you then you have to kneel outside my front door all night, preferably when there's a thunderstorm going on. :indeed:


For some reason I now picture your father as a Samurai. Not entirely sure why...

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