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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I haven't dated for a while and everyone keeps trying to get me with 'a friend they know' or telling me to go on a date with (for the sake of privacy, lets name him Kurtle) but I'm quite happy being single right now.


People find that really hard to believe though. WHAT'S SO WRONG?! I guess after being in a rather long relationship I just want some space to breathe but I keep getting told that I should "get out there", "find someone new". I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE FOR A WHILE. Geez.


I thought you were dating someone...not sure why. I'm going to blame facebook.


I suggest when your friends next try and set you up just shout LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! Always works...maybe.


But in fairness, you don't want to be friends, no? He's got the right to not want you around if you want to be with his girlfriend.


Hey now. I've been friends with people I fancied who were in relationships. Some of us know boundaries :p But does such to hear that CF :(

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But in fairness, you don't want to be friends, no? He's got the right to not want you around if you want to be with his girlfriend.


I would have preferred more yes but I was content to being friends if that's all I could have. And I have no problems adhering to boundaries... I'm not some animal.


The point is, I've known her for about 10 months now and she's probably known this guy a couple of weeks tops so I fail to see what right he has to tell her to stop speaking to me - and then it makes me feel like shit when she complies so easily... especially given all the times she's called me a dear friend.


Would you have stopped speaking to a friend you knew liked you if your girlfriend asked? I wouldn't let anyone tell me who I can and can't be friends with... especially if I'm already friends with them.

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But in fairness, you don't want to be friends, no? He's got the right to not want you around if you want to be with his girlfriend.


No, he has absolutely no right to tell this girl who she should have in her life. That's completely up to her. Frankly, any boyfriend or girlfriend who demands their partner cut all contact to a friend because of jealousy is a bit of an untrusting jerk, if you ask me. And if the partner goes along with it, I wouldn't hold that person in very high regard, either.

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No, he has absolutely no right to tell this girl who she should have in her life. That's completely up to her. Frankly, any boyfriend or girlfriend who demands their partner cut all contact to a friend because of jealousy is a bit of an untrusting jerk, if you ask me. And if the partner goes along with it, I wouldn't hold that person in very high regard, either.




I was in a similar situation last year, a friend of mine admitted he liked me, whilst I was with someone, I didn't return the feelings but it was clear to everyone nothing was going to happen, he respected that.


My boyfriend at the time made me cut the guy out completely, stupid idea, not only did I resent him and we ended up splitting up but it took a while before things were ok between me and the original guy.


She'll need to realise that before you can be friends again CF, make sure she understands that!

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They all do when it goes wrong. I've experienced that myself from time to time. I've had friends suddenly disappear when in relationships and then re-appear when they end


Well part of me wishes that to be the case - that she would come back in time. And the other says, if she's happy now, I'd rather it not end for her because it's obvious I can't make her happy.


I'd never want her to be unhappy... even if it meant her back in my life. I feel dreadful right now but I'd never want her to feel like that.

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If you want to be in relationship, but haven‚t found the right one for you, remember that the universe works in perfect order and, therefore, right now your life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to be. Maybe all this time has been part of your preparation period for meeting your intended partner. Even the relationships in our lives that haven‚t worked out as we had hoped serve us by teaching us to make better choices in our next relationships.



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Had a good bit of interest from Asian students on ok cupid after I put that I was learning Japanese on my profile. Got two dates lined up for when I'm back from London. One utterly stunning and one just very good looking, both are 20. Bit worried about the age but they seem cool from chatting.


A language exchange site is also throwing up some good possibilities, though not quite as sexy.


So my current top tip - take on a language and practice on hot girls.

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@Sarah Wilson

Haha. What hilarious comforting nonsense.


And not quite as comforting when you think about, because if you end up not finding a partner, it would mean you're destined to be alone, a notion I believe would break even the most hardcore optimists.


Besides, there's plenty of comfort to be found in simple statistics: Statistically speaking, it's extremely unlikely there isn't a good number of people out there perfect for you.

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So statistically speaking, there's a high likelihood there is someone perfect for you as long as your definition of perfect resides along the parameters that have a high population.



Well, your geographical placement may be more or less fortunate, but your odds are still pretty good. And you could always go international like Fleenuh.

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I don't believe there's anyone perfect for anyone. It's all in people's heads. We're indoctrinated at childhood to believe we are all to fall in love, to find someone to spend our lives with, but it's not natural at all. It's all a myth.

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I didn't mean geographical population. I mean that your definition of perfect changes the statistic. If you want something really specific and are particularly picky, or if you're just a cunt to everyone. Stuff along those lines severely reduces how likely you are to find your perfect match.

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