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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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Actually, neither looking around or the gears menu uses the IR. Point away from the TV and try it - it will work the same.


I know. That's why I said I'm pointing at the ceiling and floor most times.


The point is (and has always been) it's too slow for me and it's stupid that you can't change it.

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Whilst I don't have issues, I do agree it's silly not to give an option to change. It might be a limitation of motionplus itself, though. What irks me more than anything else is that the text speed is just slightly too slow for my liking(even with A to speed it up). I'd also prefer Z if it toggle locked on, but I guess I'm getting used to that now. I did find it strange there was no options for any of these things.

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Is anybody else having trouble with


Octoroks? They damage my wooden shield instead of deflecting their shots. Do you need a better shield or is there a way of beating them without using the slingshot?


You need to bash their rocks back at them. Bring up your sheild and when they shoot just before the hit push forward the nunchuck to push forward the shield and it'll deflect the rock back


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Ah gotcha. I must have been playing too much OOT on 3DS. Thanks!




How come you can't see a mini-map in the corner like other Zeldas? Get really disoriented without it. I know you have the main map, but along with Z toggle, I fail to see why they omitted this.


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The point is (and has always been) it's too slow for me and it's stupid that you can't change it.


You're talking about menus here (map, item collection), not FPS aiming, right? The pointer gets the job done quickly enough and is absolutely precise and that's all a menu has to be. If you're pointing at the ceiling for anything other than the "skyward strike", you're doing something wrong.


Now, looking around is indeed slow and clumsy, but I can't remember it ever being anything else in a 3D Zelda. Maybe it'd bother me more, if I regularly used it, but I rarely do.


It's the very least of the game's issues and seems like a strange thing to get worked up about.

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You're talking about menus here (map, item collection), not FPS aiming, right? The pointer gets the job done quickly enough and is absolutely precise and that's all a menu has to be. If you're pointing at the ceiling for anything other than the "skyward strike", you're doing something wrong.


Now, looking around is indeed slow and clumsy, but I can't remember it ever being anything else in a 3D Zelda. Maybe it'd bother me more, if I regularly used it, but I rarely do.


It's the very least of the game's issues and seems like a strange thing to get worked up about.


I'm not worked up about it, it's just a shame they missed that. Stop making excuses for the game. It's sloppy.

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i dont know about anyone else here but after 2 days of playing this my right arm absaloutely cains!! even my forarm muscles are sore, i dont think theyve ever been sore before!


im pretty happy with the controls now, taking out mobobkins is a piece of piss. ive started holding the controller in a different way, that seems to be easier and i can make sword swipes with less effort. ive got my fore figer on the A button so im kind of holding it like a mouse. much easier i think.

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i dont know about anyone else here but after 2 days of playing this my right arm absaloutely cains!! even my forarm muscles are sore, i dont think theyve ever been sore before!


im pretty happy with the controls now, taking out mobobkins is a piece of piss. ive started holding the controller in a different way, that seems to be easier and i can make sword swipes with less effort. ive got my fore figer on the A button so im kind of holding it like a mouse. much easier i think.


Me too, my arm aches this morning after quite a long session yesterday. Don't think I could play this for quite as long sessions as the last Zelda.


On the subject of the first boss I just could not figure out what to do for the first part. The game gave hints but the character seemed too fast for the controls to keep up. The second part was better though. I could see what to do based on the stance and so it was much more satisfying.


Guess I am on the fence a bit. I could see it suddenly clicking or alternatively the controls always being a bit of a barrier.

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@Oxygen_Waste And here I though it was driving you nuts. ;)


I'm actually surprised nobody has commented on the game's habit of repeating the messages for every collectible item every time you load a save. TP did that with rupees and I thought it was a bug. Now Skyward Sword does it with everything but rupees, which makes me think it's deliberate. It's insulting the player's intelligence somewhat.

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Just beat the first boss. Not gonna lie, I not a fan of these controls. At all. Completely agree with the gamespot review about the controls issues.


But I will agree with this. There's so many movements that could just as well be controlled with the analogue stick such as


Swinging from vines, and dare I say it, flying the beetle



I'm actually surprised nobody has commented on the game's habit of repeating the messages for every collectible item every time you load a save. TP did that with rupees and I thought it was a bug. Now Skyward Sword does it with everything but rupees, which makes me think it's deliberate. It's insulting the player's intelligence somewhat.


Ha. I was actually just going to complain about this myself!

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I'm loving this game too much.

I can understand why people may be complaining about controls, they definitely take some getting used to, but they definitely add to the game for me. Zelda's combat has never required so much technique, I think motion plus swordfighting is brilliant and adds some challenge to the game - I died four times in the first dungeon - that's never happened to me before on a console Zelda!


I think a lot of the people complaining about the controls are similar - not used to dying in a Zelda game, have been killed by a bokoblin or a skulltula and therefore come to the conclusion the controls are terrible :p

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I've not yet had one single control issue with this game. Seriously guys, how are you managing to screw things up?


There is jest when I say that, I'm not trying to wind people up, but I really haven't had any control issue at all, everything has been working perfectly... and I'm 29 hours in, have all items and I'd not want any of the controls replaced with button presses/analogues.

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Well I have completed the first dungeon and am moving onto the second. Therefore not played a great deal.


All I will say from my experience so far, is the motion controls are not doing it for me at all. In some places they work (general combat, slashing away at branches, webs whatever) - anything more it requires too much precision.


Even holding the bloody sword above my head isn't a simple task!


Good job I am enjoying the rest of it :p

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I will say to those who found the first dungeon/boss battle disappointing that that isn't exact the best showcase for the controls. Trust me, things definitely pick up after there and show you how good the controls are so don't get hung up on that early part of the game.


I've just done the third area/dungeon and it really shows how good the controls for sword and item use really are. Really enjoyed that one.

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What I don't like about this game (after third dungeon):


Fi, the sword spirit, is Captain Obvious! Almost every time she says something, it's just like: "Well, duuh!?" She constantly reminds me of things I already know. It's irritating.


Furthermore, I never would have thought that a Zelda-game would get inspired by Luigi's Mansion, but here I am, mistaken. That opposite vaccuum cleaner is most definitely of Prof. E. Gadd.


I also suck at controlling the bird when traveling the overworld. It's too sensitive.




I find the motion controls working most of the time and enjoy them. I haven't experienced any soreness in my arm due to this. Are you people swinging much away? I actually only swing my lower arm and sometimes even just my wrist. It works too. Try it.

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I will say to those who found the first dungeon/boss battle disappointing that that isn't exact the best showcase for the controls. Trust me, things definitely pick up after there and show you how good the controls are so don't get hung up on that early part of the game.


I've just done the third area/dungeon and it really shows how good the controls for sword and item use really are. Really enjoyed that one.


I was under the impression the first boss was designed to be tough, not that the controls were off?


Only control problems I've had are


with the bloody bug catcher net thing.. just doesn't work properly at all.


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Found something rather interesting this morning: The game uses the sensor bar somehow. The IR-sensor of the Wiimote was directly exposed to sunlight and the pointer in the map- and collection-screen started to jump around inexplicably. When I covered the IR-sensor with the hand, I could use the pointer again as usual.


I can only speculate, but maybe they're using it to automatically recalibrate Motion+, when the Wiimote can "see" the sensor bar.


Only control problems I've had are


with the bloody bug catcher net thing.. just doesn't work properly at all.


It does. But without true depth perception it's very hard to estimate how far away a bug is. The upgrade makes catching a lot easier. They added a nice touch when you kill bugs with the sword (or accidentally trample them), too. They get a cute, tiny white version of the skull-cloud defeated enemies produce. ;)

Edited by Burny
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I've not yet had one single control issue with this game. Seriously guys, how are you managing to screw things up?


There is jest when I say that, I'm not trying to wind people up, but I really haven't had any control issue at all, everything has been working perfectly... and I'm 29 hours in, have all items and I'd not want any of the controls replaced with button presses/analogues.


I don't think the controls are bad, and I'm not sure if that's what others are thinking either. The controls are very good most of the time. Personal opinion, I dislike excessive use of motion control and that's why I'm having hard time enjoying it.


After finishing the second dungeon I went back to Skyrim. Maybe in a couple days, I think I need to play Zelda in short burst.

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I've done the first dungeon, now approaching the second. I'm enjoying it so far, took a bit of time to get going, but it's very fun. Actual core design is top notch but motion controls can be a pain at times. I don't know why pointing isn't done using IR, it's annoying having to recalibrate the pointer every so often. The actual sword swinging is generally fine and works well, but so far I think this game would've controlled just fine with the Gamecube controller (since all I've had to do when fighting enemies is horizontal slash, vertical slash, thrust and spin attack).


I was really struggling at first, but I think I figured it out towards the end. I think what I did was point the sword one way and then swing the same way. For instance I would point the sword to the right and then swing even further right to make Link swing from the left. Or something. The second part was fine except that I hate how there's a delay in your on screen sword swing.


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I've done the first dungeon, now approaching the second. I'm enjoying it so far, took a bit of time to get going, but it's very fun. Actual core design is top notch but motion controls can be a pain at times. I don't know why pointing isn't done using IR, it's annoying having to recalibrate the pointer every so often. The actual sword swinging is generally fine and works well, but so far I think this game would've controlled just fine with the Gamecube controller (since all I've had to do when fighting enemies is horizontal slash, vertical slash, thrust and spin attack).


I was really struggling at first, but I think I figured it out towards the end. I think what I did was point the sword one way and then swing the same way. For instance I would point the sword to the right and then swing even further right to make Link swing from the left. Or something. The second part was fine except that I hate how there's a delay in your on screen sword swing.


It steps up a gear during the second area/dungeon. You're in for a treat.


I've got a bit further and yeah, the controls. They've gotten better but all I'm having to use are vertical/horizontal slashes, something you could do in EVERY 3d Zelda. The flying controls aren't bad but it's a shame they don't let you use an analogue stick for the beetle and the bird :/


Also to whoever it was that said 'it's not that hard to use the controls properly'..Well it's not a case of not being able to use the controls correctly. Me and Oxigen Waste were referring to the fact that you CAN'T use IR which is MUCH faster than using the M+. I'm finding it a massive pain having to recenter my pointer every 5 minutes as well.

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