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Posted (edited)






It just felt required after seeing her campaign for her latest single "Last Friday Night".





I think she's so successful purely because, minus all the little quirks and such, she's the last remaining traditional American pop-star. There's no hidden agenda, it's just straight forward American pop. Teenage Dream is an undeniably brilliant pop song.



The fact she's blatantly about to match Michael Jacksons record of having 5 Number 1 singles from one album is kind of unimaginable when thinking back to when she was simply "that one that sings about kissing girls".

Edited by Slaggis
Posted (edited)

She's alright, I'm in the don't mind category I guess. She seems like a nice person though!


I've only heard the singles, of which I liked Hot n Cold, love this part of the video... [running man etc... win]






Waking Up In Vegas and Thinking of You I liked... Didn't really like California Girls.

Firework was good and ET alright.


I Kissed A Girl however, is one of those songs I absolutely can't stand... up there with Just Dance. Both these songs gave me terrible/the wrong first impression of GaGa/Perry.

Edited by Retro_Link

Catchy songs, loud (i.e. has a voice), doesn't take herself too seriously (coughGaga), nice hair (ahemKe$ha), hot body, awesome stage outfits = Katy Perry.


My favourite song has always been Hot N Cold, and my favourite costume was the sushi bodysuit:




I really don't like ET though. And actually I just listen to about three of her songs over and over :woops:

Posted (edited)

I wanted to hate her but she makes very good* pop music. I only like/can listen to the singles from the first album, but the entire of the second album is a great listen.


I love/d/still do love Thinking of You, her only 'overlooked' single, because it's not a dance song.

A nice song. I like the lyrics.

You said 'There's tonnes of fish in the water'

So the waters I will test

He kissed my lips, I taste your mouth

He pulled me in, I was disgusted with myself.


I just love 'disgusted with myself'.


I do like the complete lack of pretension she exudes. Simple, but effective.




*understand what very good means in this context please.

Edited by Paj!

I don't think Thinking of You was particularly overlooked... it was her first slow song so I thought it did get noticed... same air time as Waking Up in Vegas... it's probably one of my more prefered songs of hers.


Oh my god that song is hideous, first I've heard it. When she songs properly it's okay, but she sings in the forced high register and it grates!! She's alright though, shame she has that talentless cunt for a boyfriend!

  dazzybee said:
Oh my god that song is hideous, first I've heard it. When she songs properly it's okay, but she sings in the forced high register and it grates!!
Tbf quite a few of her songs are like this... the forced chorus in Firework being another example. She's not a great singer, and her live performances are often damn aweful... but somehow she gets away with it.

Apparently Rebecca Black cameos in the TGIF video. (not shown) (but mentioned in one of those video blog things she did in character)

Katy-Perry-Last-Friday-Night-TGIF.jpgI love. I love that she seems to be having so much fun in her life and success.

  dazzybee said:
She's alright though, shame she has that talentless cunt for a boyfriend!


  The Mad Monkey said:
She's OK, has terrible taste in men though.




I like her, she seems to be the only happy sounding pop-star remaining. Everyone else takes themselves so seriously and pretends their same-y message is very important. She reminds me of S Club 7. A bit. I have fond memories of them from youth :p


Think she getting quite a bit of stick here actually. :weep:


I personally think she's brilliant. Teenage Dream is one of the best pop songs for a long long time. Simple but brilliant.


The problem in my opinion is that she tends to release songs that are very radio friendly. Rightly so of course for sales and interest etc.


But her albums do contain some much deeper tracks than just the sometimes sickly sweet pop she produces.

Thinking of you is an example of this (which remains one of my favourite songs of hers), as well as the likes of Circle the Drain from Teenage Dream.


I think she ticks most of the boxes for what a pop star should be.

Great songs, looks good, involved in the writing and presentation of her music, and doesn't take herself too seriously. As evidenced in her new TGIF video - which is classic!

  Kurtle said:
Isn't that the only place one can be bummed?


You'd think so but women have another hole just behind the knee, and it's only visible if you look from just the right angle. Like the entrance to Hogwart,s you have to believe it is there. It is called the kneebum. Family guy.

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