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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Also had the most hideous of the hideous move into my town thanks to a streetpass:





Wow, I do not want that new neighbour.




Turnip price today...45 bells :( hopefully tomorrow or Saturday see's a boom in the stalk market.

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Finally got my Dream Address:



Can anyone that uses it let me know if Katrina's tent is at the Plaza? As she was in town today.

Also, be sure to check out my other character homes, 9-Volt (Nintendo stuff) and Jimmy T. (competition for Club LOL :heh:).


: peace:

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Finally got my Dream Address:



Can anyone that uses it let me know if Katrina's tent is at the Plaza? As she was in town today.

Also, be sure to check out my other character homes, 9-Volt (Nintendo stuff) and Jimmy T. (competition for Club LOL :heh:).


: peace:


Finally, will be dreaming of your town right now.



Edit No Katrina and your house is a crowded mess. Wish I had Police Station :(


Edit: Like your Music Room

Edited by Gentleben
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After only 4 days, I've decided that my town is better off being a Night Owl town. The number of times this week I've started my game only to remember it's too late to do anything and all the shops are closed. It's going to be a pain watering all of the flowers but at least I'll be able to get stuff done!


They totally should have made it so after a certain amount of time you could choose to have two ordinances active at once, would make things a lot easier!

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After only 4 days, I've decided that my town is better off being a Night Owl town. The number of times this week I've started my game only to remember it's too late to do anything and all the shops are closed. It's going to be a pain watering all of the flowers but at least I'll be able to get stuff done!


They totally should have made it so after a certain amount of time you could choose to have two ordinances active at once, would make things a lot easier!


You don't need to water all your flowers - in fact it's best not to. Just water the grey ones.


Besides the grey ones, I only water the ones I want to make hybrid plants - this way I've gone from 2 black roses to about 20 in a week. The watered (non grey) plants are pretty much the only ones that will form hybrids.

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Finally, will be dreaming of your town right now.



Edit No Katrina and your house is a crowded mess. Wish I had Police Station :(


Edit: Like your Music Room

I'll have you know, that crowded mess is a feng shui/good luck machine! :heh:


They totally should have made it so after a certain amount of time you could choose to have two ordinances active at once, would make things a lot easier!
I switched to Night Owl the other day too. Was tempted by Bell Boom though, so yeah, It would be really cool if you could have 2 going at once. :hehe:


Anyway, yesterday I also unlocked the final Main Street shop (well, the public work project for it at least) and today the construction was complete, so I now have...


Katrina's fortune telling shop!


This is awesome because I can finally get my fortune read everyday, but even better than that, is the fact that Katrina sells special lucky items from the shop.

Today I was offered (and bought) a Tingle Hat (Yes, that Tingle :heh:) for 10k.


This hat is amazing because it activates any of the fortunes that Katrina might give you, meaning you no longer need to track down a specific piece of clothing or accessory! ;)

Furthermore, it removes the effect of any negative fortune, like tripping. It's basically the opposite of the King Tut Mask, and the ultimate good luck item in the game!


Now I look forward to frequently getting 32k per money rock, finding rarer items, befriending villagers faster, etc... Thanks to the Tingle Hat! :D

Kooloo-Limpah! :laughing:


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Finally Redd arrived to my village on Friday, so I bought a legit paining after checking it was a legit and donated. I now have the 2nd floor of the museum. One room is called Nintendoland is as it sounds, full of my Nintendo prizes. 2nd Room is my Gyroid display room.


Thinking of having a 3rd for clothes and the last one for fish... yes I know we have the aquarium, but at the moment in my house I have a whale shark, hammer head & normal shark, as well as a Ray & Swordfish on display. So think I want to keep them on display in the museum but in their small environments (I'm mean)


Also club LOL should be opening any day now. Got the 6 signatures and given them over. So just waiting for it to be finished.



Over the weekend probably racked up about 20 hours on it. 10 hours alone on Friday.

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Paid off my final house expansion! Yup. Just going to concentrate on the outside now, as far as renovations are concerned. Going to go for the castle. Super Mart is going in for upgrades on the 30th. Heheh. Might start putting that money towards projects, that I'm severely lacking in, while my perfect fruit crops last.


Anyone else got the free Tortimer/Tortimer's House and badge pack? (With ONM.)

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I wish it wasn't called Club LOL. I just pretend it's called Club 101.


Anyway, I got asked for an illuminated arch (or something to that degree). I was all over that, have paid it already. One new villager is in my bad books though as she plonked her house right in the middle of my vast bamboo patch. God damn.

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Anyone else got the free Tortimer/Tortimer's House and badge pack? (With ONM.)


I got one of them. I subscribe and the magazine was in it's normal wrapping, but the AC gift was placed in another bag outside the normal mag, so I wondered if it was subscribers only.

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Finally got my Dream Address:



I just visited Saltopia and had a great time! You do everything to the max, RedShell, and your Animal Crossing town is no exception! Loads of Wario Ware references and visual humour - I actually laughed a lot.


In your main house, I was really impressed with the basement. How did you do the film posters?


The nightclub was great, what with the really basic men's toilets and the women's ones being so much more elaborate! VIP area too. :laughing:

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I just visited Saltopia and had a great time! You do everything to the max, RedShell, and your Animal Crossing town is no exception! Loads of Wario Ware references and visual humour - I actually laughed a lot.


In your main house, I was really impressed with the basement. How did you do the film posters?


The nightclub was great, what with the really basic men's toilets and the women's ones being so much more elaborate! VIP area too. :laughing:

Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it. :)


I actually did all of those film posters pixel by pixel, with the images up on Photoshop at the same time. This was before I discovered the online application that automatically generates pattern QR codes. :rolleyes: Typical. :heh:

But anyway, I actually find it kind of relaxing doing pixel art on AC, so it's all good. :)

Used the QR generator for the Nintendo portraits in 9-Volt's house though. :hehe:


I had a lot of fun putting Jimmy T's house (Club Sugar) together, especially the contrasting toilets. :D

I plan to add a bar at some point too. Will update my dream town when that happens.

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Got my T&T upgraded to a TIY. Bit irked that THAT now opens at 10am too instead of 9...guess no more early morning ACing for me :(


Yeah I noticed the same thing as well, but I don't wanna get rid of Bell Boom in favour or either Early Bird or Night Owl.

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