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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Pic of the day. Here's a new item that we've thrown in--the boomerang. As you'd guess, it'll fly back into your hands after you throw it, and if you keep catching it, its attack power grows with each throw! However, opponents can nab the boomerang out of the air, so it might be an easier item to use in Smash Run.



The Boomerang item is everywhere these days as we've had it in SM3DW, MK8 and now Super Smash Bros...







...it just keeps coming back.



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Whats the problem, du?


He and Zechs had a nightmare on Mario Kart last night. He joined Zechs game, where he had to spectate for 3 races ( if there's no room then the join option shouldn't even be available ) and when he finally got in the game everyone got disconnected.


The lack of communication options, invites, lobbies and messaging make it a bit of a hassle for those ( myself included ) who are used to having all these options in an online game. It makes it so much easier to set a game up.


Mario Kart is very basic and I imagine Smash will be the same. I think this is why Blade isn't hopefull. I could be way off the mark though. :D

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Apologies for the negativity. I do try my damned best to remain positive about Nintendo and have often got dismayed at others negativity BUT


After experiencing the shocking online for MK8 I haven't got much hope for this.


I'm avoiding the MK thread until I get the game - but I'm intrigued to know, what's been the issue with online for you? Nvm just seen H-o-T's post, I must say that doesn't sound too great. My biggest letdown with MK7 was endless online problems when I tried to take part in the league, hoped it'd have improved by now though. Guess I'll see for myself soon enough!


That would look nice on my shelf.


Imagine the future, where when you collect trophies in Smash you can actually hook it up to a 3D printer and genuinely print out your favourites to display as actual trophies on your shelves! /sillydreams

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He and Zechs had a nightmare on Mario Kart last night. He joined Zechs game, where he had to spectate for 3 races ( if there's no room then the join option shouldn't even be available ) and when he finally got in the game everyone got disconnected.


The lack of communication options, invites, lobbies and messaging make it a bit of a hassle for those ( myself included ) who are used to having all these options in an online game. It makes it so much easier to set a game up.


Mario Kart is very basic and I imagine Smash will be the same. I think this is why Blade isn't hopefull. I could be way off the mark though. :D


I get the feeling Sakurai won't want to overlook these things though.

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Pic of the day. Here's a new item that we've thrown in--the boomerang. As you'd guess, it'll fly back into your hands after you throw it, and if you keep catching it, its attack power grows with each throw! However, opponents can nab the boomerang out of the air, so it might be an easier item to use in Smash Run.


I love this picture. I'm happy that the male trainer is in ther game is well. I used him a couple of times on the Wii fit games.

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Pic of the day. Here's Ike, Marth and…a brand-new stage!




We've added a familiar setting from the Fire Emblem series, the Coliseum. In the original game, this place is filled with both hope and despair. There is machinery in the ground that activates variable platforms.

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That stage looks fantastic visually! But it's kind of hard to get a feel for how it plays without seeing any of the platforms being active...


Yeah..I need to see the rest of it to form a proper opinion I think. Beautiful level though!

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I've never seen Colosseum spelt that way, but apparently they are both correct.


Carry on.


And so we learn something new!


Coliseum vs. colosseum

Coliseum and colosseum are both common spellings of the word referring to (1) the famous Roman amphitheater built in the first century A.D., and (2) any large amphitheater used for sports or other public events. Neither spelling is considered wrong in either use, but while the forms are often used interchangeably, the famous structure in Rome is now usually spelled Colosseum, and coliseum is generally reserved for other uses. Exceptions are easily found, however, and there is no consensus evident in popular usage.


Some English reference sources claim that colosseum is the British spelling for both the Roman structure and the common noun, but this is not consistently borne out in writing searchable on the web. In the rare instances where the word is not part of a name, coliseum is about twice as common as colosseum on British websites. But because the sample size for this is small, it might not be a reliable indicator of where British usage actually stands right now. It could be that colosseum is indeed the preferred form in all types of British writing that are not searchable online.


The issue is clear-cut in the U.S. Coliseum is the preferred spelling except when it comes to the Roman Colosseum. As in British writing, the word usually appears in names of buildings, but the generic noun is a little more common in the U.S. than in the U.K., probably due to a spate of new buildings with coliseum in their names built over the last few decades.

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Pic of the day. Remember the video that introduced Greninja joining the battle? Every Pokémon that appeared in that video will make some kind of appearance in Super Smash Bros! By the way, here's one of the Pokémon that didn't make an appearance in that video--Meloetta. Its vocal attacks reflect off land forms, so they'll be especially effective in a closed environment.

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I still have this feeling that Professor Layton will be a playable character.

He's a big part of NINTENDO's history by now, bringing people together throughout the entire DS era and beyond to enjoy quirky puzzles, Japan's take on Europe/Britain and a cup o' tea :)


I would be shocked if there isn't at least a stage or an item related to the series in it.

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