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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I thought Peach was Master Hand for ages, especially the way she moved her hands around in the Melee opening... and y'know, just her gloves in general.


But I guess it would be hard for her to do the Master Hand laugh :p And I guess we saw the real master behind it all in Brawl. Would have been cool though.

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Tabuu was dreadful.


Real disappointment to just have this generic new bad guy as the main boss in a Nintendo celebration.


Well at least Non-Specific Action Figure can now take that place :D


Anyway, is it just me that thinks that the screens of the Wii U version have been a little disappointing visually. For all the ram under the hood of the console compared to the current consoles, apart from some of the character models it looks rather flat and meh so far. Obviously, it's still a work in progress but it's just not exciting me in anyway yet. And this is before we even see what they'll do with the gamepad (hopefully they'll keep it as a standard fighter without forcing some unnecessary gamepad functionality in there).


The 3DS version is looking better somewhat but I'm still not really taken by that version yet either. Perhaps once we see more of the game my opinion will change.

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I've been impressed with both versions really. However the most important part is the gameplay and I'm pretty sure we can expect that silky smooth brawler we've come to know and love, and a few new features that Sakurai has managed to keep under the lid so far in order to shake things up a bit e.g. Character customisations in terms of attack direction.


As for the 3DS' visuals, Sakurai said this last month:

“And the same thing with the Wii U screen – since we’re an HD-compatible console, we’re able to do more details, and bigger stages as seen on previous home consoles. Now of course, I want to point out that everything on 3DS is designed for that screen, and that’s where they look the best. It’s unfortunate we can’t show everyone what it looks like on 3DS, rather than screenshots, while they do look fine, do not do that justice once you see it on the system. Too bad we can’t show everybody what it looks like on the system.”
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He looks better on 3DS, but I'm still not happy about him lacking his proper TWW look...


Ah well. As long as his Down&A is still broken to all hell, I'll be happy :D


BTW, Also just noticed that the platforms in the Wii Fit stage are elongated Balance Boards. Nice touch :)

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Spoon Link has returned. Question is, does he come with a new WW stage?


SSB for Wii U & 3DS really looks amazing. Don't know how else to put it. Brawl clearly went for the more 'realistic' look whereas the next game looks a bit more cartoony/vibrant.



"Toon Link joins the battle!! Just look at those innocent cat-eyes! The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is out in Japan today."
Edited by -Dem0-
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Spoon Link has returned. Question is, does he come with a new WW stage?


SSB for Wii U & 3DS really looks amazing. Don't know how else to put it. Brawl clearly went for the more 'realistic' look whereas the next game looks more a bit more cartoony/vibrant.


Yeah, Toon Link is probably the best example of this stylistic change...






It just looks SO much better! :D


I believe Sakurai wants to sort of create a uniform style for all the Smash characters.


Yeah I'm sure that's what he's going for and I think it makes a world of difference to the game's overall look and feel (Playstation ASBR looks like a total mess because all the characters/stages utilise their origin styles and they all clash horribly).


Still, they could at least have had the eyebrows going over the hair like in TWW... (and maybe some light celshading, even if it's only on the 3DS version...).

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Ugh! That bugged the crap out of me in Brawl and it's STILL an issue here!

But... just like Villager (in the Wii U version) he looks like a real figurine/toy! :o

I still can't put my finger on it. :blank: Is it the model? The textures? The lighting?... My eyesight? :heh:

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But... just like Villager (in the Wii U version) he looks like a real figurine/toy! :o

I still can't put my finger on it. :blank: Is it the model? The textures? The lighting?... My eyesight? :heh:


No you're right. They've all got a very nice sort of "real toy" look to them. It looks lovely.


Wind Waker HD has a sort of similar quality to it (as does Pikmin 3). Everything feels very "solid" to look at :)

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Yeah I'm sure that's what he's going for and I think it makes a world of difference to the game's overall look and feel (Playstation ASBR looks like a total mess because all the characters/stages utilise their origin styles and they all clash horribly).


Still, they could at least have had the eyebrows going over the hair like in TWW... (and maybe some light celshading, even if it's only on the 3DS version...).


I bet your worried for the inclusion of this guy:



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I remember Sakurai saying it was really difficult if not impossible to have cel shaded and none cel-shaded models on screen at the same time. Just think about it, how many cel-shaded games are there that have non cel-shaded parts?


I'm also quite disappointed that Toon Link is in the game, I never liked him cause he's just a clone of Link gameplay wise only faster. I also think the Brawl graphics are better than this game's :S

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I remember Sakurai saying it was really difficult if not impossible to have cel shaded and none cel-shaded models on screen at the same time. Just think about it, how many cel-shaded games are there that have non cel-shaded parts?


I'm also quite disappointed that Toon Link is in the game, I never liked him cause he's just a clone of Link gameplay wise only faster. I also think the Brawl graphics are better than this game's :S


Almost all games that use celshading don't use it everywhere. Even Twilight Princess used it selectively (on the Twilight enemies) as does The Wind Waker (characters are celshaded, the environments are not).


Also Toon Link is WAAAAYYYY better than normal Link. He's much more distinctive than Young Link was in Melee, so to dismiss him as a mere "clone" doesn't do him justice. Out of all the clone characters, he's definitely the most distinctive of the lot!

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They've slowly but surely been fighting the clones throughout the series and it helps that they create all the characters from scratch, including returning characters, and with the Wii U they've got a lot more resources at hand to makes these characters more unique than ever before.

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Well at least Non-Specific Action Figure can now take that place :D


Anyway, is it just me that thinks that the screens of the Wii U version have been a little disappointing visually. For all the ram under the hood of the console compared to the current consoles, apart from some of the character models it looks rather flat and meh so far. Obviously, it's still a work in progress but it's just not exciting me in anyway yet. And this is before we even see what they'll do with the gamepad (hopefully they'll keep it as a standard fighter without forcing some unnecessary gamepad functionality in there).


The 3DS version is looking better somewhat but I'm still not really taken by that version yet either. Perhaps once we see more of the game my opinion will change.


That's all I've been thinking, too. It doesn't look terrible, but put Brawl in HD and I'd say there isn't much difference at all. I think the new visual style doesn't help either as it makes some things look less detailed (such as Mario's clothing).





It's not just the visuals, the game in general looks pretty 'meh' to me so far. I remember the build up to brawl was so exciting and everything looked so huge and fresh. This just feels like Brawl 1.5 to me.


The Animal Crossing and Pikmin levels hurt the most. It all looks a bit too samey. Maybe I just played the previous titles too much :p

Edited by Josh64
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