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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Olimar is in Pikmin 3, he plays some role, maybe you free him near the end of the game or something and he becomes playable...


Still, it's quite likely that some of the new characters in stead of Olimar will replace him, or they'll be different skins, or they'll work together.




I totally agree, I think the Zelda-series have produced a good handful of characters which can have unique movesets in the last few games:


- Midna riding Wolf Link

- Ghirahim

- Skyward Sword style Impa

- Zant

- that balloon/clown guy from Skyward Sword and/or Twilight Princess :laughing:

- Perhaps Demise in some form....

- Groose


The balloon/clown guy.. no hahahaha, I am just more thinking about Skullkid, midna, ghirahim. Also I hope they just use Ganondorf instead of Demise. But again, I don't think they will use them in the new super smash. =(


oh and yeah Olimar is in the new Super Smash! :D

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Holding him back? I thought he was pretty brilliant! I know a lot of people didn't like brawl's engine as much as melee, but I really wasn't fussed. I'm interested to see how 4's is gonna be.


Olimar, Mario and Lucario had the same problem, I think. They were built like they should be moderately quick characters, but felt slower than they should be. Lucas also felt slow, but he had raw power to make up for it.


A shame, because Olimar's moveset is pretty good (Though his Down+B could be replaced with something else)

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Olimar, Mario and Lucario had the same problem, I think. They were built like they should be moderately quick characters, but felt slower than they should be. Lucas also felt slow, but he had raw power to make up for it.


I can attest to that. Mario was my 'main' in melee but I had to drop him in Brawl. The overall speed in Brawl was slower compared to melee, but Mario just felt like he went another notch back.

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You guys are weaksauce, get with the times and evolve with the game! I can tell you for sure Mario is definitely not a weak character and many a smash brother has gotten many a KO with him! I've never seen anyone rock the super cape finer than @Jon Dedede. AND YOU NEVER SEE IT COMING DESPITE THE FACT YOU SEE IT COMING.

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Melee's game feel was amazing. Pure bliss.

Brawl's wasn't, unfortunately.


That doesn't mean every character got worse, though. Pikachu, Kirby and Bowser were improved, I think, and Zelda (sans Sheik) went from being one of the worst characters in Melee to my main in Brawl.


But I do miss how characters like Fox, Jigglypuff, Ganondorf and Mario controlled previously. C'est la vie.

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Melee's game feel was amazing. Pure bliss.

Brawl's wasn't, unfortunately.


That doesn't mean every character got worse, though. Pikachu, Kirby and Bowser were improved, I think, and Zelda (sans Sheik) went from being one of the worst characters in Melee to my main in Brawl.


But I do miss how characters like Fox, Jigglypuff, Ganondorf and Mario controlled previously. C'est la vie.


I agree and disagree. Given that Ganondorf is meant to be a power-house, he is far too agile in Melee. I'm glad that he's "heavier" in Brawl. Same goes for Fox really, he was a bit too floaty from experience.


Bowser is a million times better in Brawl. I also agree with you about Pikachu, Kirby and Zelda. Jigglypuff almost felt like a cheat character in Melee with her sleep-KO move. Very cheap at times.

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I agree and disagree. Given that Ganondorf is meant to be a power-house, he is far too agile in Melee. I'm glad that he's "heavier" in Brawl. Same goes for Fox really, he was a bit too floaty from experience.


Bowser is a million times better in Brawl. I also agree with you about Pikachu, Kirby and Zelda. Jigglypuff almost felt like a cheat character in Melee with her sleep-KO move. Very cheap at times.


Ganondorf was my main back in Melee. He had low mobility, but at least his attacks could connect. I find Ike to be a good replacement in this regard, though.

Jigglypuff had more than just Rest. Her aerial game was ace, but nothing works for her in Brawl, and even her Rest is useless now. And unfortunately, nobody plays like she did.


I'm pretty curious to see how many more changes we're going to see. You know, like the ones we've seen in Bowser already.

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There's a Staryu in a pokéball: peace:

But perhaps his presence is in jeopardy too...


I literally will not buy it if Ness isn't there. Best character in every game by a mile. Even Lucas was a poor alternative - even if I did favour his blonde locks. :p


Hmm, we need some Ness confirmation and sharpish Nintendo!

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