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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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The Namco character ( if there is one ) will either be Pac-Man, Klonoa or Lloyd from Tales.


Yep. I'd also say Sonic is staying, because he fits in the game nicely and Nintendo have good relations with Sega now.


As for Xenoblade, it will probably be Shulk (zzz), although Reyn, Sharla or Dunban would be much cooler choices.

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Yes, I think that Mega Man, Sonic and one more (probably from Namco) would be the perfect amount. Also, Nintendo, Namco, Capcom and Sega seem to have a pretty good relationship.


Never forget




I know it was just a strategic merger for arcades, but was still so cool reading about the agreement back in the day.

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It is kind of strange seeing a stage from Twi-Pri in there, and quite the boring one at that.




So who would you guys rather see if you had to pick:


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Personally I think they might go with both, so that Ganondorf finally has some reinforcement on the villian side (+They're bot really unique characters), but if I had to pick it would definitely be ZANT.


Come on FK dude; a powerfully skilled, sassy, swordsman whom is a humble yet passionate, witty servant - and literally a right hand man of the dark warlord :laughing: - over some power-hungry fool who was manipulated as a pawn.

I would love badass ZANT and jokey ZANT in though!! And definitely Ghirahim!

Both these characters could have some sickass movesets, like Ghirahim turns parts of his body into his powered-up form during some combos. Perhaps can transform into his sword and use himself as a projectile (some spinning sword flying toward enemy and then he turns back into himself after attack [mild teleportation? :D]).

Perhaps their powered-up state could see changes in personality and attack moves. FINAL SMASH could be some dark demonic arse magic spells with slice n dice sword finishers. Yep so throw in that Xenoblade fellow and shitloads of fire emblem dudes, then we'd have an ultimate JUMP type brawlin' manga XDDDDDD


Link's FINAL SMASH needs to be a magic seal like how he seal The Imprisoned. If it were upto me, if that FINAL SMASH was executed it would be instant game overr for whomever got sealed, regardless if they just respawned from the heaven with max hp.

Hope gameplay is next-gen nuts but still brawl!

Edited by Beverage
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No more tripping in the new Smash Bros

When I asked my Twitter followers what they'd like to know about the new Smash game, announced for 3DS and Wii U, the number one question was: is tripping back?


In an interview with me this morning, Smash designer Masahiro Sakurai confirmed that it's not. "To answer quite frankly, it will not return," he said through a translator.


Smash Bros. Wii U, 3DS are final names.


Since Nintendo's broadcast earlier this week, many have wondered what names would be assigned to the 3DS and Wii U versions of Smash Bros. With Melee and Brawl subtitles already used, would the new games keep the fighting spirit? Scuffle? Skirmish? In this case, series creator Masahiro Sakurai is thinking in simpler terms - the two games are called Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Super Smash Bros. Wii U.


Both games with have the same cast.


"The reality of the situation unfortunately is that there are certain limitations on the 3DS," Sakurai said. The 3DS and Wii U versions of the next Smash Bros will have the same library of characters.


"So we're forced into the situation where we may need to reduce some characters to a certain degree. but we're really working hard in order to include as many characters as possible."


No Plans for Smash Bros. DLC


"At the current time we have no plans," Sakurai told me. "I consider my job at this point, and my main responsibility, to make the Wii U and 3DS versions the best and the fullest experience possible. That said, once finished, it's the type of thing we could take into consideration, but for now, you could consider DLC as not being in the cards."


Sakurai also confirmed to me that tripping, a significant and frustrating element from Super Smash Bros. Brawl had been removed. The series creator described the gameplay direction of Super Smash Bros. Wii U and Super Smash Bros. 3DS as being somewhere between the faster, more competitive style of Melee and the slower, more casual design of Brawl. No doubt that will be good news for those wanting a better compromise.

Edited by Dante
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I'm SOOOOOOO much happier with the more Melee like vibrant cartoony visual style! Brawls more realistic darker tone with Mario's denim etc... just didn't sit right with me. Bowser, DK... they all look much better, much more Nintendo.


Hope Samus is just Samus in this game.

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Other characters? I could see a character from Xenoblade/X and maybe Professor Layton. I'd say they'd keep Sonic. Those guys doing the Rabbid games have stuck by Nintendo pretty good, so a Rayman/Rabbid character or cameo would not surprise me.


Megaman is the best addition for me. I got chills watching the intro for him! Maybe it's just the Megaman 2 nostalgic factor?


When they said they were cutting down characters, did they mean "compared to the last game" or "we had a big list for this game but had to trim it extensively".


I think this whole 3DS thing may be a curse. I hear delays because of the 3DS version, and character restrictions because of the 3DS version (likely stage and other options too). It doesn't sound good to me. To be honest I don't care for any interactivity options between the two. Am I hearing false info?


Will they try to save on space by having certain characters simply be alternate costumes? Like Luigi being a Mario clone? Various different Links simply alternate costumes? Pokemon Trainer's costumes basically each gen's main character with 3 Pokemon starter palette swaps?


I always wanted Vaati from Minish Cap to be a character, a sort of rival to Link's swordplay in the game, but it's unlikely now given how old the game is. i'd say there's going to be a character to represent each of the really popular 3DS/Wii U games currently out and out around the time of the game.

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Sakurai - Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS not adding a lot of 3rd party characters, roster limits due to 3DS restrictions


The following comes from a Kotaku interview with designer Masahiro Sakurai...


"I'm really sorry...If I were to answer that question, I'd get in a lot of trouble in a lot of different ways, so I can't answer. But I think I can say generally that there won't be a trend of adding a lot of third-party characters. You can sort of think of Mega Man as being the special case."


On the 3DS being factored into returning character decisions...


"The reality of the situation unfortunately is that there are certain limitations on the 3DS. So we're forced into the situation where we may need to reduce some characters to a certain degree. but we're really working hard in order to include as many characters as possible."




The 3DS better not end up gimping this game. If it wants to tag along, it should be fit for the fight and not hold back production of the Wii U game. Smash is a console game so I was never sold on a handhel version. This game is a progression so it better have at least the same size cast of characters. Keep Sonic, Snake, see you later, you leech. I want Shulk from Xenoblade, LLoyd from Tales Of Symphonia, Rayman, maybe Viewtiful Joe but I think Pac-man is the safest bet. Get rid of some of the clones if they need to thin the cast.

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Much better than daily dojo updates. Doesn't spoil much


But when the serious stuff comes out it will be near impossible to avoid spoilers all over the internet. Not saying that I'll spoil you though, no way, I learnt my lesson :p

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But when the serious stuff comes out it will be near impossible to avoid spoilers all over the internet. Not saying that I'll spoil you though, no way, I learnt my lesson :p

Well, I have to keep on top of things for Pokémon stuff.


When Brawl came out, my site was known around the net for a few months as the best site for Brawl stuff (since the Dojo didn't have everything). I intend to duplicate this success.


In the run-up to the game I'll only post Pokémon details on my site, but I have to keep up with all of it, which is sad

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