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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I was hoping she might whip out the little balance board guy as a weapon/shield in some way.


What's his name again?


Can't remember his name but I was hoping for that too. Maybe he'll be an item or something? Or an assist trophy?

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Noticed that there 18 character slots so far, 6 of which are blank (of course). So I'm guessing that after all those 18 are shown that's going to be the initial roster? perhaps?


Brawl started with 20 I think.


EDIT: Actually it was 21.

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Noticed that there 18 character slots so far, 6 of which are blank (of course). So I'm guessing that after all those 18 are shown that's going to be the initial roster? perhaps?


I think it's a simple as that the blank spaces fill the current row do the website doesn't look odd.

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Sakurai caught fighting himself again. I can't even begin to imagine how many times he's done this in the past (and not just this game!).


No wonder he had RSI. ;)


After sleeping on it, the Wii Fit Trainer is a pretty funny inclusion. Glad they added her.


Megaman seems to have a few moves similar to Sonic's which made me wonder if he will be returning, although makes sense due to the partner ship Nintendo & SEGA have at the moment.


Villager looks overpowered*. Can't wait to see if he get banned. :P


Liking the new stages so far, especially the handheld ones.


*not sure if serious


Was watching the trailer again but this time I noticed that there's going to be a Fire Emblem Awakening based stage, in this case Arena Ferox. It's in the part of the trailer that has Mario jumping on his own.





Good catch. Chrom confirmed?

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MegaMan stage is the new Pokemon change stage judging by the four logo windows at the bottom.






Wii U




SSB Dojo

Megaman - Dr. Wily's Castle +






Mario 3DLand

Legend of Zelda: Spirit Train

Gerudo Valley

Edited by Dante
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As the resident Fire Emblem expert, I fully expected Marth and Chrom to be in some ages ago. I'd love to see another Fire Emblem character, though, doesn't matter if it's Ike, Roy or Lyn (or Tibarn :heh:)


Megaman seems to have a few moves similar to Sonic's which made me wonder if he will be returning, although makes sense due to the partner ship Nintendo & SEGA have at the moment.


Megaman has one move similar to Sonic, right? The spring jump. Everything else seemed completely different.


(I still can't believe how well made Megaman is. Normal A for shooting? Genious! :yay:)

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What's people's beef with villager? Cos he catches stuff? We don't even know if it's automatic or a move yet, if there's delays/cooldowns or what. I love it tbh, I've always enjoyed reflects/counters(though I don't utilise them well) and this is another nice new take on that sort of move. His other moves don't look to strong/easy to use, plus it's Sakurai - he'll have this balanced.

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It's probably going to be his neutral special attack (B), he'll be able to 'collect' any projectile thrown his way, Like Mr. Game & Watch but he can also pick up any items on the stage too. Once he's picked up something he can only use it once.


I'm more interested in his planting-the-tree attack. It's just so hilarious!

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I imagine the Villager will be a very lightweight character and his balloon thing doesn't look too good for recovery either and his most powerful attacks seem kinda slow. Being able to grab items really isn't a big deal, Fox can reflect them, Ness can absorb them and Game & Watch can store them in his bucket, which is actually a very powerful attack and something you should worry about more than Villager throwing your items back at you. And hey if they keep spamming the item grab... Just run up to him and whack him, he can't grab your fists :D

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Actually where is RedShell don't think I've seen him around the forums recently.


Maybe he got Animal Crossing early?

I wish. :hehe:

Nah, I've just been catching up with/taking in all of the E3 stuff.*

*Includes watching the Mario Kart 8 trailer about 1000 times. :heh:


Loved the vid for this game too, the Animal Crossing intro/Villager reveal was absolutely magnificent. icon14.gif

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Suprise, surprise.


That was a match between Sakurai and one of the translators which they did after they revealed Wii Fit Trainer which Dante posted on the previous page. You can tell cause of the awful commentator lol


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