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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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ROB is a piece of plastic that nobody ever wanted. Not a character.


Are you really trying to be completely revisionist about history and suggest he was ever some sort of fan-favourite character or cult icon?


I never had a NES and I somehow knew and loved the design. N64/NGC magazine probably used him a lot.

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That Wii Fit Girl video actually made me chuckle. I think it is quite funny. Sure, maybe not worth being called a "big announcement", but I don't mind her being in Smash Bros.


I might not use her much, but then there were tons of other characters in the previous games I didn't really use and that didn't ruin the game for me. For example, I always thought Snake didn't fit in at all, but I still loved the game. =P


Can't wait to play both versions of this game!

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The way I see it, Smash Bros should be about representing the variety of Nintendo games on offer. I'd much rather have characters like the Wii Fit Trainer and the Villager who aren't your first thought for a fighting game, then yet more Fire Emblem or Zelda secondary characters who are only in it because they have swords.


There's still some great Nintendo franchises not represented. Punch Out!, Pushmo, Staffy!

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Thanks Cube didn't know the website was up already, hope they do updates everyday.


Wii Fit girl is so fit, I can't wait to play as her and when I unlock her trophies I can examine her from every angle in HD :D Shame there's no Wii Fit guy I think he deserves a good seeing to as well


EDIT: Just saw the developer direct because embeds don't show on n-europe on the Wii U browser, I'm outraged at what they've done to Bowser. He doesn't slide on the floor anymore :( His new kick attack looks cool though

Edited by f00had
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I honestly can't see why anyone is complaining over the Wii Fit trainer being in there. It's quirky and funny and fits the nature of the series. It's the only game where you will see Pikachu and Samus assault a space station together and it all looks natural!


Also, after some of the decisions Nintendo have made of late, harping on about this decision is like going to Pizza Hut and being served a pizza with a massive steaming shit in the middle of it and calling the waitress over to complain that one of the olives near the crust is slightly off colour!

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The Megaman trailer. I came. All over the place.




MEGAMAN IS FUCKING BACK! HE'S IN SMASH BROS! His fighting style is perfect, perfect, perfect!


When he was brought down and Metal Man came up, that was just... FUCK! That's amazing! They knew! They fucking knew! Metal Blade was made into an FMV! Fuck! Just...God!


And dat Wily Stage remix! Jesus! I kept thinking this was fanmade, but it was real and official and it was unbelievable!


This is making justice to Megaman! This is beyond what I would've hoped or dreamed of!


Fuck yeah, I still can't believe it!



Anyway, I also loved the fact that Wii Fit Girl was announced. I thought it was a joke, but damn, am I pleased. Even her music sounds good.


And squee, Dojo! :yay: Hype doesn't even begin to describe what I saw.


@Cube: Mr.Game and Watch is also a mannequin, if you think about it. And ROB was just a marketing tool, not even an in-game character.

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This looks absolutely amazing.


The 3ds version looks brilliant! I reckon it'd look pretty spectacular in 3d too!


This was a genuine hype moment for me throughout Nintendo's announcement.


Made me realise how much I love Smash Bros.


So long as Ness is there - I don't care who is in it :D

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That Developer Direct was a great video to watch. I really liked hearing Sakurai's reasoning behind these choices and that they're not 'just' character inclusions.


I feel like High school all over again with the new Smash Bros. website! but this time we're also getting Miiverse updates from Sakurai 5 times a week! I'm going to visit this website every single day from now on just like I used to for SSBB.

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Thanks Cube didn't know the website was up already, hope they do updates everyday.


Wii Fit girl is so fit, I can't wait to play as her and when I unlock her trophies I can examine her from every angle in HD :D Shame there's no Wii Fit guy I think he deserves a good seeing to as well


EDIT: Just saw the developer direct because embeds don't show on n-europe on the Wii U browser, I'm outraged at what they've done to Bowser. He doesn't slide on the floor anymore :( His new kick attack looks cool though


I'm so glad Bowser finally looks like Bowser and I never understood the sliding...


Was it a reference to something? Like... why did he slide? It made no sense... I always thought it was just lazy animation...

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I was just watching trailer again and couldn't help but laugh at the villager. He's a hilarious character and I'm already loving his wacky moveset.


Just look at the glint in his eye




Actually where is @RedShell don't think I've seen him around the forums recently.


Maybe he got Animal Crossing early?

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Why on earth do Nintendo insist on 720p max for their youtube vids?! It's very hard to find decent res screens too.


I know, it's mental. Not only that, the 720p versions are also compressed to buggery. You just have to scope for other sites that upload them or watch via the Wii U eShop which are of much better quality.

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Sakurai caught fighting himself again. I can't even begin to imagine how many times he's done this in the past (and not just this game!).




Maybe it's the lack of food or sleep but it just finally sunk in that this is going to be released next year. I expected an early-mid 2015 release. Development has been very efficient despite Sakurai's health issues, also Namco must be playing their part extremely well.

Edited by -Dem0-
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I suppose you had to be there!

&ap=%%2526fmt%%3D22&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="615" height="360">


Watch -







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Is it just me or does it feel like gravity is stronger than in Brawl? In that fight between Mario and Mega Man I was surprised that Mario wasn't even close to grabbing the ledge even after using his Up+B whereas if it was Brawl he would've easily gotten on there without having to use it.

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