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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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It looks as though this is going to be a VERY combo heavy game. Should make even casual play online interesting when we start seeing casual players being combo'd from 0-70% very easily.




So much for Smash 4 just being Brawl 2.0 :p


Smash 4 is its own thing, Whodathunk it? Just like every other Smash game was...

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So much for Smash 4 just being Brawl 2.0 :p


Smash 4 is its own thing, Whodathunk it? Just like every other Smash game was...


I don't think people were concerned about it being Brawl 2.0 or Melee/64 2.0, it was more the concern that it uses the Brawl engine (albeit updated).


I do however wonder what the response will be from casual players given how combo heavy the game is. Will it throw them off? Hmm.

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I do however wonder what the response will be from casual players given how combo heavy the game is. Will it throw them off? Hmm.


What I said about "dumbing down" a while back (that is, that making a game more accessible for newbies doesn't necessarily make it worse for veterans) also applies the other way around, I think. Just because a game has more depth, that doesn't stop people from enjoying the shore.


Unless some party poopers decide to use their skills on newbies online (quite difficult outside of a 1vs1 scenario), I don't think the more casual players will mind.

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I do however wonder what the response will be from casual players given how combo heavy the game is. Will it throw them off? Hmm.


Hopefully the skill matching will be good so that players like me won't be matched with people who know what they're doing.

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What I said about "dumbing down" a while back (that is, that making a game more accessible for newbies doesn't necessarily make it worse for veterans) also applies the other way around, I think. Just because a game has more depth, that doesn't stop people from enjoying the shore.


Unless some party poopers decide to use their skills on newbies online (quite difficult outside of a 1vs1 scenario), I don't think the more casual players will mind.


That's very true. This game seems to be like Smash 64, where it's basically impossible to get out of combos due to a lack of DI and so players can rack up huge % very quickly, but casuals loved that game and Melee even more.


It's going to be so good. Man, so much hype. We'll have to play a few games online once it's out :)

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Watched some stream footage earlier, looks like my boy Pika is coming into SSB4 in good shape. I'll still suck terribly, but can't wait to suck terribly with you guys. So many hours of my life will be lost to this game.


With the adjustments for 4... I'm really not too worried about the hardcore/casual divide that'll result. I pretty much only ever play with four players and items, bring on the clusterfuck. Every Smash so far has had a more hardcore component, but I've had plenty of fun playing however with friends.

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I consider myself a hardcore player but I also love items lol, I'm just not into the whole tournament no items Fox only final destination stuff :D


do you reckon an N Europe Smash Bros league would be possible? @lostmario :p


I'm sure we'll definitely be having a league! I'd be interested in organising a full on tournament too, allowing people to use items or have them off (as long as both people agree to them).


We could even copy the E3 format which was a bit of both worlds.

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Spoiler free comment about the demo here, but a feeling I had since the Hyper Japan demo persists, the lack of a C stick to do uncharged attacks is really annoying me. No matter how loose I am with the stick, doing the attack I intended to do is far too hit and miss for my liking.

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Glitches already being discovered..Hopefully they can remedy this with a patch for when we get the game in the West.



Basically, Megaman's up+B, for some reason, can be used during hit stun (but only under 100%). Simple patch but weird how no one picked up on this during testing. Proper weird too.



Edited by Goron_3
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So, the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U date is apparently to be announced during Treehouse Live on Friday.




I know, I'm just wondering if it will be 20 November here? That would be the ultimate Tombstone on Watch Dogs. Nah, it won't happen, Nintendo wouldn't do that to Ubisoft and I don't know if it's official but I hear Nintendo are publishing Watch Dogs.

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Stupid question ; what's comboing?


when you do a series of attacks that the opponent can't escape from, or in the case of Smash Bros it's difficult to escape from unless if you guess right and move in the right direction. Smash Bros 64 and Melee had combos and Brawl didn't.

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Spoiler free comment about the demo here, but a feeling I had since the Hyper Japan demo persists, the lack of a C stick to do uncharged attacks is really annoying me. No matter how loose I am with the stick, doing the attack I intended to do is far too hit and miss for my liking.


I don't actually know about any of my regular smashing company, but I was always a c-stick smasher for exactly this - sometimes I needed to make a hit and I could always fluff it with the main stick+A. I still use regular smashes most of the time but sometimes I'm thinking of something in motion or setting something up and I just need that smash to be on point.


I consider myself a hardcore player but I also love items lol, I'm just not into the whole tournament no items Fox only final destination stuff :D


do you reckon an N Europe Smash Bros league would be possible? @lostmario :p


I hear you brother! As for that league thing maybe....


I'm sure we'll definitely be having a league! I'd be interested in organising a full on tournament too, allowing people to use items or have them off (as long as both people agree to them).


We could even copy the E3 format which was a bit of both worlds.


Awwww, I was totally going to nudge nudge wink wink in your general direction! I'm not sure yet whether I'll be getting this for 3DS(as I still haven't sent it off for re-fixing), but I'd be all over this game when the WiiU hits. I'm assuming multiple people can be online from one console without any issues, right? Can def see some local company being interested(but I'm the only sucka who actually bought a wii u :p)


Also @Goron_3 - start taking them vids and stuff to the spoiler thread! I'm tryin' to avoid things over here!

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A very short clip but it looks as though Mario won't be the average 'all rounder' this time round. 0%->Death in 3-4 seconds. Unbelievable Jeff.


I thought that would be a guaranteed death combo, but I'm sure glad it isn't. There was some true improv there, I like what I saw. Looks like Mario can chain his moves much better this time around.

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