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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Seems a bit out of character for Smash Bros., but I imagine it's what a lot of fans wanted lol.


There was a slight discussion in the Wii U thread comparing Brawl and Melee and one of the comments was how much better the levels were on Melee. I have to agree, that game just seemed a lot more fun in general, wheras for the most part, Brawl felt like the same general level layout with different backdrops. I really hope this isn't the case with Smash 4. The 3DS certainly seems to have some very inventive levels but I haven't seen as many Wii U levels that have really caught my attention.


That will all change if there's a PokéFloats 2, mind.

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Well they're not quite the same costumes...


... but they are clearly based off of these two shots from the GBA Metroid games. They've taken their colour schemes and make sportswear out of them ;)


The boots/heels aside, they're exactly the same costumes, what are you on about?


Or did you simply prefer her Super Metroid 90's look? Maybe her Metroid II underwear?




Is that literally the inspiration for these 'cosutmes'? Two screenshots from GBA games, or are they actually featured more/elsewise? Feels a bit cheap to put her in them to me really.


Of course it was cheap, it was done at the last moment :heh: But seriously, there are more screenshots of her in those Fusion and Zero Mission endings.

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Pic of the day. The treasure chests that appear in Smash Run are very important. Not only do they give you stat boosts, but they also give you custom parts (the bag on the right) and Smash Run powers (the bag on the left). You should pick these up and use them in the next battle!!




…However, watch out for Mimicuties disguised as treasure chests. Run away! RUN AWAY!!

Edited by Serebii
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As a whole, I think Brawl's stages are more fun then Melee's. But you know, opinions.


You sure you guys aren't mixing up Brawl with Project M?


And for the record, Brinstar (Melee) sucks. So disappointed that we get it again... (Instead of the far superior Brinstar Depths, that stage was fantastic)

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As a whole, I think Brawl's stages are more fun then Melee's. But you know, opinions.


You sure you guys aren't mixing up Brawl with Project M?


And for the record, Brinstar (Melee) sucks. So disappointed that we get it again... (Instead of the far superior Brinstar Depths, that stage was fantastic)


I did feel like most of Brawl's stages were more background than substance. Sure, there were stages like Norfair and Port Town, and one could make a case for 75m and New Pork City (though I absolutely hated those two stages, very unfun), but it felt that stages like Lylat Cruise, Halberd and Yoshi's Island were far more common.

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It's the Luggage!!


Not enough legs ;)


As a whole, I think Brawl's stages are more fun then Melee's. But you know, opinions.


You sure you guys aren't mixing up Brawl with Project M?


And for the record, Brinstar (Melee) sucks. So disappointed that we get it again... (Instead of the far superior Brinstar Depths, that stage was fantastic)


I'm one of those apparent weirdos who preferred Brawl. Bridge of Eldin was simple yet effective, often our stage of choice for a final brawl, if not Corneria. The rush(and battle) for the protective chambers on Norfair or scramble to avoid the lava coming in also made for a nice change in the mood of battles. Having said that there were definitely stages that were just a bit too much - New Pork City was too large and easy to run on, 75M a bit jarring, and despite its awesome Bramble Blast remix that I love Rumble Falls just gave way to too many quick/easy/accidental deaths. I can see the arguments for some of the stages being similar, but even despite that I felt most had something to make them a little distinct that it wasn't too bad.

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I did feel like most of Brawl's stages were more background than substance. Sure, there were stages like Norfair and Port Town, and one could make a case for 75m and New Pork City (though I absolutely hated those two stages, very unfun), but it felt that stages like Lylat Cruise, Halberd and Yoshi's Island were far more common.


I'll give you that, but maybe it feels like that because there are more stages? Wait, are there more stages? There were 31 in Melee, including N64 stages.

I happen to love 75m, and I quite like New Pork City. I never quite understood why Temple was so loved, yet New Pork City is so hated. If anything, NPC has more going on thanks to the Ultimate Chimera.


I'm one of those apparent weirdos who preferred Brawl. Bridge of Eldin was simple yet effective, often our stage of choice for a final brawl, if not Corneria. The rush(and battle) for the protective chambers on Norfair or scramble to avoid the lava coming in also made for a nice change in the mood of battles. Having said that there were definitely stages that were just a bit too much - New Pork City was too large and easy to run on, 75M a bit jarring, and despite its awesome Bramble Blast remix that I love Rumble Falls just gave way to too many quick/easy/accidental deaths. I can see the arguments for some of the stages being similar, but even despite that I felt most had something to make them a little distinct that it wasn't too bad.


I'd like to add a few more stages that I think were quite interesting as well.

Mushroomy Kingdom might look awful, but it's probably my favourite scrolling stage.

Pirate Ship is also a lot of fun!

Spear Pillar (Especially when Palkia is present. Suddenly, upside-down!)

Pictochat is often overlooked, I find. Flat Zone 2 while I'm at it.


There's probably more I'm neglecting to mention. But while there are a few stages that may be similar, but I'm sure Melee had a few stages that are quite similar.

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I didn't like New Pork City at all.


You could tell it was trying to be the Temple, of Brawl, but it failed at it so badly.


On first glance it looked like an immense level. On second glance you could tell it was in fact just a few pieces of stage in front of a grand background. And what there was, was terrible... so much space/just floating pieces of stage. Temple was a complete level you could run a whole 360degrees around.

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The only advantage Brawl had over Melee was content, but it still lacked an adventure mode like Melee's and individual Break the Targets. It had 'more' content (characters and levels) but you'd expect that given that it came out after Melee, but to say its better because of that is something I can't agree with. It's like saying Shovel Knight is better than the old school NES games, because it's only 'better' due to the 20-30 odd years of level design they've had to be inspired by.


Melee was just crazy good. It was the definition of next gen when it came out. I still remember playing it having played Smash 64 the day before and being in shock at how good it was. I also loved the Mute City level :D

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run a whole 360degrees around.


You can't run 360º. You can rotate 360º, but running the entire length/perimeter of a circumference has nothing to do with angles



I agree with the sentiment of the post, though, Temple had a lot of ground, it was more of a field, and each part of the stage behaved differently, and had specific strategies you could go for depending on location.


New Pork City was just a bunch of disconnected platforms on which you're going to spend more time jumping and falling than actually fighting. It also means the stage is just too good at rewarding defensive/stalling behaviour, even items rarely land a good hit on nearby opponents (even the Chimera rarely does.


Meanwhile, the only reason I dislike 75m is because DK's springs can kill someone way too easily, what with being near the border all the time. It's a badly thought-out stage hazard. It would otherwise be a fine stage.

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Each to their own, but I prefer NPC to Temple.


Anyway, forgot to mention Mario Bros. as a stage in Brawl that was intriguing.


The only advantage Brawl had over Melee was content, but it still lacked an adventure mode like Melee's and individual Break the Targets. It had 'more' content (characters and levels) but you'd expect that given that it came out after Melee, but to say its better because of that is something I can't agree with. It's like saying Shovel Knight is better than the old school NES games, because it's only 'better' due to the 20-30 odd years of level design they've had to be inspired by.


Ok, I want to point out that I do not think more = better.


Anyway, Brawl had an adventure mode. Which I prefer to Melee's. Yeah, the story is dumb, (Although, I'm sure any gaming fan couldn't help but smile at some of the scenes. Snake and Lucario come to mind, along with Sheik drinking tea) and the setting can be drab, but the actual gameplay is top notch! Especially in co-op.

Melee's adventure mode is just a glorified Classic mode with about 3 levels that aren't just straight up fights. (One could argue that it's worse than Classic mode, because at least it was a bit random with who you fought) Plus, having to do it at least 25 times really kills it dead.


Oh, and while I'm at it, Brawl's Event matches are more fun, thanks to the co-op.

Multi-man fights and Home-run contest also benefits from co-op availability as well.


Brawl's Break the targets completely blows though, not gonna defend that.

Edited by Glen-i
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There are many official Super Smash Bros screenshots, as provided by the game’s director Masahiro Sakurai in his daily Miiverse posts, but there are also a few screens which have unofficially leaked. According to a post on the Nsider Forums, these screenshots apparently reveal the entire character roster for the latest Smash Bros instalment on Wii U and 3DS.


While we love a good juicy rumour here, the screens should be taken with a large pinch of salt, and thrown over the shoulder in good faith. Nevertheless, you can take a look at the images on the aforementioned forums, here.


For the less inquisitive, you can rest assured that the leaked images contain fan-favourite Ness, Dr. Mario, the return of Shulk, Bowser Jr, and – weirdly – Duck Hunt, as is pictured above. Wario also seems to be missing a pupil, but maybe that’s just a trick of the eye.




Take with the largest grain of salt as most people are convinced it's fake.



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I'll give you that, but maybe it feels like that because there are more stages? Wait, are there more stages? There were 31 in Melee, including N64 stages.

I happen to love 75m, and I quite like New Pork City. I never quite understood why Temple was so loved, yet New Pork City is so hated. If anything, NPC has more going on thanks to the Ultimate Chimera.




I'd like to add a few more stages that I think were quite interesting as well.

Mushroomy Kingdom might look awful, but it's probably my favourite scrolling stage.

Pirate Ship is also a lot of fun!

Spear Pillar (Especially when Palkia is present. Suddenly, upside-down!)

Pictochat is often overlooked, I find. Flat Zone 2 while I'm at it.


There's probably more I'm neglecting to mention. But while there are a few stages that may be similar, but I'm sure Melee had a few stages that are quite similar.


Mushroomy kingdom! How did I forget that! I do quite like it to mix things up into something different. We like Pirate ship mostly cos it's from WW(Dedede loves boats, too) but it's got some interesting bits to it as well(especially that thing that springs up). Hell, I love all the stages you mentioned! Pictochat is cool - I'd wonder the chuckles on making it drawable on the Gamepad whilst you play. Warioware's another great stage for changing the rhythm of the match quickly.


New Pork City did indeed seem like another Temple, and yeah that is/was quite loved(we've grown out of it) - again I think it's loved a bit more because it's Zelda. I think NewPork, whilst similar, was actually a little larger, and made it easier to essentially run/hide from your opponents. Temple has similar flaws, but I think NewPork has more of them and to a greater extent. It ended up taking us ages to play a match on it because of the size, so we eventually just turned it off.





Take with the largest grain of salt as most people are convinced it's fake.




I can't help but heavily think Sakurai would never name a character 'Duck Hunt', even if it was that very character in the game.

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If it's fake, it's a really good one. And it leaves enough room for unlockable/DLC characters, so it can't even be called a "Final Roster".


That said, the absence of Lucas and Ice Climbers leaves me somewhat sceptical. The good thing about it is, it'll get proven or disproven with the next reveal, simply because we can compare the artwork.

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