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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Oh my god, it's only one week away. The end is nigh.


The release will be awesome. Hopefully I'll get the game Friday morning and then it's time to play the game for 72 hours straight :D

It's also my birthday the day after the European release :yay: A Smashing Birthday...


I'll get my coat.





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Maybe after his second post, he was sucked into Smash Bros WiiU, never to be seen again!


Or maybe he's being held prisoner down in the dungeons of NOA and those couple of posts he's made over the last 2 years are his cries for help? #FreeMikeybear!

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GameStop posts “Karissa The Destroyer” video, explains how the publicity stunt was done


Earlier this month, one GameStop location over on the West Coast held a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U preview event. That’s when the story of “Karissa The Destroyer” began. Karissa was thought to have taken down several top Smash Bros. players, but we quickly learned that the entire thing was likely staged.


We now have definitive proof that the event was nothing more than a stunt done by GameStop. I won’t spoil the “secret” of how the store managed to pull it off – just watch the video below!




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Man, I wasn't convinced that I needed the Wii U version of this game but I've just seen the changes that the update has made..


Holy crap. I'm surprised they've made so many changes to competitive side of the game to actually make it better. I've just seen a list of the character balance changes and there's about 100 altogether!

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The online triumph


For many fans, the biggest concern for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was how its online component would function. Super Smash Bros. Brawl's online play was a major disappointment and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS sputtered out of the gate, though has progressed steadily over the past couple of months.


However, the Wii U Smash Bros. will not need that kind of time window to see improvement. The online component for Smash Bros. is astonishingly smooth.


I was taken aback by how many clean online sessions I was able to participate in right out of the gate. The moment servers went live, sessions went off with almost no issues. There were a couple of lag hitches, but a large majority of online games functioned without incident. Games ran smoothly and controls remained responsive, the latter of which is most important for a game as twitch-heavy as Smash Bros. Response time is critical and this game's online component is able to account for that with practically zero trouble at all.


Nintendo has been slow to acclimate itself to wacky 21st century ideas like online play and patches. But Super Smash Bros. for Wii U's online component is a winner, which should allow fans to breathe a sigh of relief.




So much for all that rubbish about extrapolation, latency and too much interactivity that you know who says are the reasons why it's not in other Nintendo games. This is twitch fast reaction required gaming, tonnes of interactivity and it runs at 1080p and 60fps. It can be done, this and MK8 are the proof. It just takes will power and know-how. I don't to hear this excuse in future.

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So much for all that rubbish about extrapolation, latency and too much interactivity that you know who says are the reasons why it's not in other Nintendo games. This is twitch fast reaction required gaming, tonnes of interactivity and it runs at 1080p and 60fps. It can be done, this and MK8 are the proof. It just takes will power and know-how. I don't to hear this excuse in future.


That doesn't work Wii, from what I understand you are referring to comments that defending a lack of in game voice chat. As this game and mario kart both exclude that feature, it doesn't refute the statement I think you are addressing.

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The way FPS and racers work is that a lot of it is extrapolation rather than live. If the connection is good, then it's not an issue, otherwise what the game does is just extrapolate speed, trajectory etc.


That's why you sometimes see people darting about crazily. The game is catching up to them. Lag is still a major issue in FPS games.


Extrapolation isn't necessarily feasible in a precision platformer such as Mario, with the level of interactivity that Mario has. It's the same reason as fighters have only just managed to be online.


Technical limitations are actually a major factor. Those games have extrapolation, and it shows. I've played LBP online and it's not as smooth as they'd like.


I have a degree in Internet Technologies so I know full well the capabilities of these things. The level of interactivity Nintendo puts in these games is more than the games you listed.


Don't get me wrong, I want it online as well, but I know exactly why it's not. Latency would kill these things


I'm talking about quotes like these and that's just a couple from Super Mario 3D World, it's nothing to do with voicechat. We'll leave their name out of it.

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I'm talking about quotes like these and that's just a couple from Super Mario 3D World, it's nothing to do with voicechat. We'll leave their name out of it.


No need to leave the name out, you're taking a dig so the name is obvious.


A link to jump to the actual posts would have been appreciated, I like to be able to read the post and actually use my own intellect to interpret the context and to see the surrounding conversations.

I'm not stating your assessment is entirely without basis, just I would appreciate the ability to make my own.


But I'm sure all can agree to the sentiment that hopefully the amelioration of internet infrastructure/expertise in dealing with connection issues will lead to improved online features in Nintendo's games.

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No need to leave the name out, you're taking a dig so the name is obvious.


A link to jump to the actual posts would have been appreciated, I like to be able to read the post and actually use my own intellect to interpret the context and to see the surrounding conversations.

I'm not stating your assessment is entirely without basis, just I would appreciate the ability to make my own.


But I'm sure all can agree to the sentiment that hopefully the amelioration of internet infrastructure/expertise in dealing with connection issues will lead to improved online features in Nintendo's games.


We'll just leave it at that. These couple of games show it can be done and I hope it's the norm going forward with the addition of voicechat also becoming the norm as well some day. They're getting there slowly. : peace:


Edit: If you want to find the quotes and where they're from it's very easy.

Edited by Wii
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The other thing I'm annoyed about is that there's a bug that affects the C-stick on the Gamecube controller. If you use it to do an aerial attack you lose control of your character in mid air for some reason. Hopefully they fix it soon.


It's not a bug per se. The c-stick has always been a macro for direction + A. The difference now is that you can now charge smash attacks with the c-stick, so if you hold the c-stick in mid air it overrides the left stick's input. This means that you can't control aerial movement with the left stick while the c-stick is being used.


From what I understand, changing the c-stick controls to "tilts" instead of smashes allows you to regain regular aerial control with left stick. The downside is that you can no longer c-stick smash on the ground.


I do hope they patch it back to how it was in Melee and Brawl.

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