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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Super Smash Bros. 3DS has confirmed to be playable at Hyper Japan... I wish Nintendo would just release the demo on eShop.


A LOT of the StreetPass communities are going to be there and obviously swarming the Nintendo booth. As long as nothing horrendous happens then bluey and I will be there so come and say "It's a Miiiiiiii!"

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Pic of the day. Robin's Nosferatu is the first ability in the Smash Bros. series that recovers your damage as it gives damage to others. The attack becomes even stronger if you strike from behind! Robin doesn't actually use this ability in the original game, but we added that element to make the character unique. Who knows--the ideas we use in this game may contribute to the original series.

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It wouldn't be the first time that Smash Bros has taken liberties with characters that end up feeding back into their respective series...








and of course more or less everything about Captain Falcon ;)




I suppose Kirby sort of counts as well... Even though Smash Bros is actually basically Kirby Superstar turned into a fighting game soooo.... technically Smash Bros is the one that stole from Kirby but whatever :p






... so I reckon there's a chance he'll be right about this one ;)

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Translation: "Please, IS, let me customize the tactician to use Dark Magic in the next game!"




Actually, aren't one of the DLC characters a Grandmaster who can use dark magic?


I'm thinking it's Katarina (The one you get for surviving the 5 waves on that last DLC stage)

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Actually, aren't one of the DLC characters a Grandmaster who can use dark magic?


I'm thinking it's Katarina (The one you get for surviving the 5 waves on that last DLC stage)


I haven't played Awakening, so I'm not 100% sure of what you mean, I think you're saying there's a way for Robin (or Robin's class) to learn Dark Magic, but that's more of a hard-to-find unlockable, instead of something that Sakurai would see in his playthrough.

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I haven't played Awakening, so I'm not 100% sure of what you mean, I think you're saying there's a way for Robin (or Robin's class) to learn Dark Magic, but that's more of a hard-to-find unlockable, instead of something that Sakurai would see in his playthrough.


Yeah, you're right. No normal playthrough is going to get it. And it's a separate character to Robin, just the same class.

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The Great Fox again!? That's the 4th bloody time they've used that as a backdrop for a Starfox stage!


Why can't we have something else? Maybe fight on top of a giant Landmaster or an Arwing that flies through classic Starfox stages (and you have to jump every time it barrel rolls, or else you get killed in the process!)

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Pic of the day. In general, there are completely different stages in the 3DS and Wii U version, but we made Wily Castle and the special boxing ring available for both versions! We didn't forget the Yellow Devil either. There may be some small differences in the stages, such as the 3DS stage appearing to be during daylight hours.

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At first I wasn't too sure about Amiibos but I think I might have to buy them now... 8soRbxt.jpg


Nintendo have fixed up Rayman's trophy now, they've posted an updated photo on their Facebook page 10532381_301990396641314_2816384033166412107_n.png?oh=c7497a2d7279adf0b01a967c1dc66ec7&oe=543831A8

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Pic of the day. This is the Tomodachi Life stage that's exclusive to the 3DS version! The front walls of the apartments disappear so you can see the area within when a fighter overlaps with the room. The rooms are randomly placed and selected from among several types. Planting an X Bomb behind a wall might be an effective tactic.

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Pic of the day. This is the Tomodachi Life stage that's exclusive to the 3DS version! The front walls of the apartments disappear so you can see the area within when a fighter overlaps with the room. The rooms are randomly placed and selected from among several types. Planting an X Bomb behind a wall might be an effective tactic.

The only thing that could make that more awesome, would be if it actually pulled data from your Tomodachi Life savefile for the room designs/Miis. :hehe:


I wonder if residents will still fart on this stage? :laughing:

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Hmm. In case anyone is interested, a technique virtually identical to wave dashing (but easier to perform) has been confirmed in some new hands on footage of the game. It looks as though it will certainly help out the slower/heavier characters.

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