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Luigi's Mansion 2


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Are you a God?


N... No?



Go get her, Ray.


Damnit Ray, if someone asks you if you're a God you say YES!!!!




Damn I must remember to look for that on Bluray.




Anyway back on topic.


I just noticed March 28th is a Thursday.... that's a little weird for a Nintendo release here isn't it?

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Damnit Ray, if someone asks you if you're a God you say YES!!!!




Damn I must remember to look for that on Bluray.




Anyway back on topic.


I just noticed March 28th is a Thursday.... that's a little weird for a Nintendo release here isn't it?


Lego City Undercover comes out on that day aswell

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29th March is Good Friday. So 28th March is the last business day of March.


Good Friday? Pfft, don't know many stores here that close on Good Friday.

Hell I'll be paying a trip to Burger King that day to get my daily dose of horsemeet in me in case the wife tries to make me go without meet for dinner cause it good Friday. (Only organised religions could come up with such crap tryin to tell ya what you can or cant eat on certain days :heh)


But if the game comes a day earlier then who am I to complain. :D


Though Burger King is in the same place as GameStop so I may just wait till teh Friday to pick up LM2 to save me a trip to the city :heh:

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So happy there is finally a date for this! I loved the GC game and actually spent quite a long time on it, despite it being a short one. I just loved exploring the mansion and finding all the little things to do, using the vacuum on anything that could move. Sucking up things like table cloths was strangely fun haha. I hope this game is filled with nice little touches too. =)

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A question have they just not shown us/I've missed it, but where are the awesome "boss" ghosts of the first game? Doesn't seem to be any just a collection of relatively bland ghosts....the dog one for example looks soooooo boring.


In the last ND, Miyamoto did mention so called 'Boss Ghosts', but without any pictures to go with it, just his chirpy face. Suppose they don't want to spoiler the game at all/much.

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Bollocks, this game is really making me want a 3DS.


Brilliant advert, Luigi seems to have more personality than we've seen from Mario in 20 years, they've done a really good job with his character.


Have to wait for more games to build up I think as I can't just buy it for this, but might have to look into getting a Black 3DSXL if they start selling them separately later on in the year.

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I've been wanting to play the original for ages but been saving it so the sequel seems more fresh! I'll definitely give it a go over the summer though hopefully!!


Really can't wait for this, ONM have hinted they've given it a great score so that's a decent start. Download play mulitlpayer, online, a fair few mansions... It's going to be great!

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I've just got a gut feeling this is going to be awesome, and I'm not an enormous fan of the original either. I liked it, and I loved reading @Hero\-of\-Time's playthrough of it, but it's not a game I'd have asked for a sequel to. I'm glad they've made one though because it looks like it belongs with Super Mario 3D Land in that special class of 3DS game: "Lovingly-crafted, 3D Nintendo Efforts".

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What's more, I think Next Level Games has now shown that they can handle lots of different genres.


I wonder what their next project will be.

A racing game perhaps?

A racing game which goes so fast your skins melts of when you play it perhaps?

A racing game which has you go super-duper ultra fast?


Bring on Mario Kart: F-Zero edition!


Oh Fuck, that would be one awesome cross-over actually, getting some of the Mario Crew over to the F-Zero world. Though they sort of did that already, and more, with GX.

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