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Alternative Vote, please vote!


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I know, bet you don't live in the deprived quarter though.

I live in your neighbouring borough, the most deprived, and some would say depraved, in the country. Rather be here than there.


I swear you get funnier with every post. Playing a game of "Who's poorer?", and then attempting to take the moral high ground is laughable.


Come back when you have an opinion worth reading, or at least a leg to stand on.

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I know, bet you don't live in the deprived quarter though.

I live in your neighbouring borough, the most deprived, and some would say depraved, in the country. Rather be here than there.



Biggest shit hole in the country and you like it?


Can't you make up your mind whether you like where you live or not?

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I don't live in Dalston thankfully.

I've spent enough time there to know it's not a nice place though, enough time to have scars from it.


Look, just go away, you're obviously mental.

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Mwahaha, my vote won. Makes a change.

Watched it live, was OK, but they ignored important news.

I've only seemed snippets of How I Met Your Mother so I could be mistaken, but I don't believe they normally cover "important news".



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All this "who's poorer?" nonsense aside, the Telegraph has this map of the AV votes by region.


So the only places to vote Yes were Cambridge, Camden, Edinburgh Central, Glasgow Kelvin, Hackney, Haringey, Islington, Lambeth, Oxford, and Southwark. Unless people can spot any others.

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Very disappointed by the AV result. I voted yes. I thought the result was a lot tighter than the hammering the media were suggesting. If 1 in 4 of the people voted No instead voted yes then it would have been a different story. Not forgetting that turnout was below 50% I believe.


Not all the council elections have been uploaded in my local area, but wanted to show you something. In the election below, the top 2 candidates are elected. If I've read it correctly 2nd place (a labour candidate) beat 3rd place (a conservative candidate) by 1 vote!! And since I voted labour, my vote did make a difference!



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This might sound a bit controversial but I think the votes should be compulsory and aversion being a fineable offense.. there's no excuses for not voting... Turnout being below 50% is a disgrace

The problem with this is it would lead to loads of people just guessing/choosing at random, making the results pretty inaccurate.

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Very disappointed by the AV result. I voted yes. I thought the result was a lot tighter than the hammering the media were suggesting. If 1 in 4 of the people voted No instead voted yes then it would have been a different story. ]


And if your mother was your father's brother she'd be...



Well, weird.



What an enormous load ofold bollocks to pull out:


"oh, if half the people who voted no voted yes and no one else voted we would have won!"


Go cry into your Fairtrade coffee.

Edited by Iun
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This might sound a bit controversial but I think the votes should be compulsory and aversion being a fineable offense.. there's no excuses for not voting... Turnout being below 50% is a disgrace


They're compulsory where my sister-in-law is from. She had to travel to London recently to make her vote since she's not a British citizen yet.


She had the choice between a known dictator and the daughter of a former president who was sent to jail for corruption (my sister-in-law being part of the prosecution team that put him there). What lovely choices.


Not voting would result in her bank accounts getting completely frozen until she pays the fine.


I don't agree it should be compulsory. I think they should be doing more to engage with the public in a way they understand and appreciate.


Parties should be making people want to vote for them - not have them pick them because they'd hate the alternatives to be in power more or by force.


And as Grunch says, it leads to people making ill informed choices by adopting the "Fu*k it - just pick anyone" approach.

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They're compulsory where my sister-in-law is from. She had to travel to London recently to make her vote since she's not a British citizen yet.


She had the choice between a known dictator and the daughter of a former president who was sent to jail for corruption (my sister-in-law being part of the prosecution team that put him there). What lovely choices.


Not voting would result in her bank accounts getting completely frozen until she pays the fine.


I don't agree it should be compulsory. I think they should be doing more to engage with the public in a way they understand and appreciate.

Parties should be making people want to vote for them - not have them pick them because they'd hate the alternatives to be in power more or by force.


And as Grunch says, it leads to people making ill informed choices by adopting the "Fu*k it - just pick anyone" approach.


I think a big reason people don't vote and why parties will always struggle to make people want to vote for them is class. Who the hell are these politicians and how can they relate to the average man/woman who is middle class. It counts for a lot so many people I know feel this way. It always makes me wonder if say me an everyman ran in my local area and tried to get the local kids (read 18-25ish) involved and interested and based my ideas and principles on everything they want would there be any chance of victory. Meh this all sounds a bit Ali in Da House lol

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