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Bin Laden is Dead


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Re: being buried at sea.


1. Muslim practice dictates that a body is buried within 24 hours of death. The Marines were abiding by that.


2. What else would they have done? Give him to Saudi Arabia? (He was a Saudi) No. He'd have been given a state funded martyr's funeral, providing a focal point and powerful imagery to his followers.


From experience, I can confirm that first point. Muslims also can't be cremated, as the body needs to be whole. Can't really recall from memory if it's ok to bury them at sea, though. But, as long as the body is whole, don't see why not. It's quite a big deal, because the body needs to be purified (cleaned) and buried in order to reach salvation in the next.

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From experience, I can confirm that first point. Muslims also can't be cremated, as the body needs to be whole. Can't really recall from memory if it's ok to bury them at sea, though. But, as long as the body is whole, don't see why not. It's quite a big deal, because the body needs to be purified (cleaned) and buried in order to reach salvation in the next.


I believe it's allowed in two circumstances: on a long sea journey where the body would decay before reaching land, or, in this case, if there's a risk of the body being raised and desecrated and mutilated by the deceased's enemies.

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They probably pissed on it.


Yeah, who knows what shape the body was in. :heh:


I believe it's allowed in two circumstances: on a long sea journey where the body would decay before reaching land, or, in this case, if there's a risk of the body being raised and desecrated and mutilated by the deceased's enemies.


Ah, well there you go then.

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I do think for myself...just not the same brand of shit you seemingly do. You seem to be littering a number of threads at the moment calling people out almost as being less intelligent than you simply for having a different opinion.


Well it certainly doesn't seem like it, blindly following what the media tells you and instantly dismissing any alternatives and insulting anyone who puts them forward doesn't seem very free thinking to me.


P.S: It's not so much about intelligence as what you do with it, what good is the smartest man in the world if all he does is blindly follow orders his whole life.

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Well it certainly doesn't seem like it, blindly following what the media tells you and instantly dismissing any alternatives and insulting anyone who puts them forward doesn't seem very free thinking to me.


P.S: It's not so much about intelligence as what you do with it, what good is the smartest man in the world if all he does is blindly follow orders his whole life.


There is no proof that what that woman was saying was correct either.

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One? There's likely loads of them, all organising stuff independently. The "War Against Terror" is fruitless - it's an idea and you can't kill an idea.


Thank god some one else posted it.


In my opinion, Al Qaeda never existed. Bin Laden was a terrorist though, it's pretty much been proven that religious extremist groups in the area sought help from him and he gave them funding due to his own extremist beliefs. But what the media claimed 'Al Qaeda' was at the time was pretty far fetched.


They made out this 'Al Qaeda' to be a global operation, bases spread throughout the world and were completely organised and under the command of one man. Bull shit. We've seen enough evidence in footage and news in the past 5 years to indicate that there is no order amongst the groups and they are all completely independent of each other.


The big raids on the mountainous region of Afghanistan back when there was 'evidence' suggesting that Bin Laden was in a massive underground complex that was stories deep with secret entrances, exits, telecommunications, command centre etc. They never found any thing like that. They never found any one that was a proven 'Al Qaeda' member. Just a couple of people and a few small pockets in the mountain with some ammunition inside.


And to make things worse, the idea of a terrorist organisation worked against them as those with similar extremist beliefs that the west should convert or die began heralding Bin Laden. Why? Because Western media was reporting that Bin Laden was supposedly a great commander of a massive organisation that worked for their beliefs.


Don't get me wrong though, like I said earlier, Bin Laden was funding terrorism and his death was definitely coming.

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Well it certainly doesn't seem like it, blindly following what the media tells you and instantly dismissing any alternatives and insulting anyone who puts them forward doesn't seem very free thinking to me.


P.S: It's not so much about intelligence as what you do with it, what good is the smartest man in the world if all he does is blindly follow orders his whole life.


Blindly following what any alternatives tells you and instantly dismissing the media and insulting anyone who puts that forward doesn't seem very free thinking to me.


P.S: Insert irrelevant quote here

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Woke up to the news. I think the BBC are right to question the security of Bin Laden's location in Pakistan, we knew that someone must have been harbouring him right? I am surprised by the news, as it has come out of the blue, but more so that details have been revealed hours after. We are still waiting for release clauses on WWI documents right? Obama revealed everything, down to the point that he was watching the operation like David Palmer.


I cringed a little when I saw the partying in US cities, chanting U.S.A and the like. I understand why, but they were like schools in July. No class.

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There is no proof that what that woman was saying was correct either.


Benazir Bhutto? No, but I'm not basing my theory purely on what she said. Personally I think he probably died due to kidney problems, living for ten years without a fully functioning kidney is probably a bit of a stretch, even with access to up to date medical equipment.


Blindly following what any alternatives tells you and instantly dismissing the media and insulting anyone who puts that forward doesn't seem very free thinking to me.


Good job I came to my conclusion on my own then.

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Personally I think he probably died due to kidney problems


came to my conclusion


But there is also no proof that he had kidney problems. Enemy leaders are always made to appear weak and insignificant. Hitler apparently had all sorts of shit, yet no one knows who diagnosed him or leaked the reports etc. Napoleon was supposed to be really short, under 5 feet yet evidence points to him being above average height in those times.

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But there is also no proof that he had kidney problems. Enemy leaders are always made to appear weak and insignificant. Hitler apparently had all sorts of shit, yet no one knows who diagnosed him or leaked the reports etc. Napoleon was supposed to be really short, under 5 feet yet evidence points to him being above average height in those times.


Oh I know that Bin Ladens kidney problems are unsubstantiated, but the stories of it started in 2000, before 9/11, making them less likely to be propaganda for the War against Terror.

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So you're basing it on a story about kidneys that someone told you and then just thought, completely on your own, yeah I reckon today is the day he just dropped dead.


All on your own :o


No, I've thought he's been dead for years, since he stopped sending tapes back in 2006. Didn't seem relevant to bring up till today though.

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I love everyone with their conspiracy theories. I'm sure we'll see pics/video footage soon to blow them away. If not then I don't really care. A mystery it shall remain.


I can't believe that he was in that compound and the Pakistani's or at least the ISI didn't know he was there. Ridiculous. Maybe they were just double crossing everyone and his dog.

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In Mad Monkey's defence, the media has reported numerous times over the years Bin Laden is or might be dead. I didn't believe it personally, it just seemed like a report to help try assure people that we were 'winning' in the war against terror.

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No, I've thought he's been dead for years, since he stopped sending tapes back in 2006. Didn't seem relevant to bring up till today though.


If you had solid proof, I would be inclined to believe you, really I would, but you've come here shouting about how he was dead years ago, mentioning ifs and buts the whole way.


Give me some evidence he was dead years ago and I will apologise here.

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I find anyone partying over death distasteful. Like... grow up.

Even though I'm not partying I can certainly see the cause for happiness.


Remember the end of Independence Day anyone? Aliens die = celebration. Just because Bin Laden wasn't an alien* means we can't be happy?





*Mad Monkey may say he is.

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It's nice that the figurehead is out of commission, but there are 100 more of him. I find anyone partying over death distasteful. Like... grow up.


I'm not sure.. Kinda off topic but I believe funerals should be a time to remember the good and funny stuff about a person. Everyone i've been to has people cracking jokes and stuff and it's better, then the inevitable session. So I would say we party over death :D


I know that wasn't your point in the case of Bin Laden, but even with someone like Michael Jackson.. I don't see why death is so taboo sometimes. Like "shhh you can't joke about his DEATH......until 2 days at least" Such bullshit.

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If you had solid proof, I would be inclined to believe you, really I would, but you've come here shouting about how he was dead years ago, mentioning ifs and buts the whole way.


Give me some evidence he was dead years ago and I will apologise here.


By the same token when I see some actual proof that he was killed last night then I'll admit I'm wrong.


*Mad Monkey may say he is.


Don't be silly, aliens don't impersonate terrorists, they impersonate world leaders.

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By the same token when I see some actual proof that he was killed last night then I'll admit I'm wrong.




Don't be silly, aliens don't impersonate terrorists, they impersonate world leaders.


You'll just take any proof we throw at you and claim it is faked anyway.

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Even though I'm not partying I can certainly see the cause for happiness.


Remember the end of Independence Day anyone? Aliens die = celebration. Just because Bin Laden wasn't an alien* means we can't be happy?





*Mad Monkey may say he is.


I know. Just feels so primative though. Primative like ol' Bin himself. I just don't think a party vibe is going to help anything, the batshit crazies will be loving that ammo.

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