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Bin Laden is Dead


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To everyone saying that the death of bin Laden won't change anything. It will. Of course there are people who can replace him but he was Al Qaeda's symbolic leader and a major propaganda tool that he could evade capture for so long when he was the most wanted person in the world. There have been lots of cases throughout history where when the leader of a nation or group of people has completely demoralised them and the other party involved has gone on to gain a victory soon afterwards. I'm not saying this is what's going to happen here but it's happened before.


Osama bin Laden's death is a massive point, not only was he killed but also a number of other important members of the Al Qaeda and their HQ was destroyed. This is a huge blow to Al Qaeda. I can't imagine there will be any quick retaliation for his death as these things take a long time to plan. You might find that there are a few sporadic attacks by a single person or a few people but nothing major, and nothing planned.

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I think it's good news that he's obviously not the leader anymore.


But I find it somewhat unnerving that people are throwing parties over it, the war is still here and people are still dying, let's leave the champers for when that's over - kay?

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I think it's good news that he's obviously not the leader anymore.


But I find it somewhat unnerving that people are throwing parties over it, the war is still here and people are still dying, let's leave the champers for when that's over - kay?


It will never be over.

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Good news but, as Adthegreat says, it's not like he's the only one who can organise terrorist attacks. Where one dies, another will replace unfortunately. Maybe not now but at some point in the future, there will be.


One? There's likely loads of them, all organising stuff independently. The "War Against Terror" is fruitless - it's an idea and you can't kill an idea.

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But can the war on an abstract noun ever be over?


Oh shush you, don't make me pull out gifs!


Mad monkey - in a sense it will be, eventually the country will be able to pull itself together, the war on terror, pretty much in agreement with you there sista!

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Good news, I'd say... for the short term at least, in the long term you do have to wonder what kind, if any, retaliation there might be? Or could this be the demoralising blow?


Will he just end up becoming a Martyr?



One thing that's kinda annoying me though is the scenes of US people celebrating chanting "USA USA" as if it was a sporting event they'd won.


Also saw one guy with a poster saying "Obama 1 - Osama 0" surely if they were keeping score shouldn't Osama have at least 3 points from 9-11? Or since that was during the Bush era did the "scoreboard" reset when Obama took over?


I bet he regrets buying a PS3 and signing up to the PSN.


BTW, I'm also steeling this for Twitter : peace:

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Meh, he's been dead for years, the Americans just found the body.


Yeah same here. He was on kidney support years ago.


Good news, I'd say... for the short term at least, in the long term you do have to wonder what kind, if any, retaliation there might be? Or could this be the demoralising blow?


Will he just end up becoming a Martyr?



One thing that's kinda annoying me though is the scenes of US people celebrating chanting "USA USA" as if it was a sporting event they'd won.


Also saw one guy with a poster saying "Obama 1 - Osama 0" surely if they were keeping score shouldn't Osama have at least 3 points from 9-11? Or since that was during the Bush era did the "scoreboard" reset when Obama took over?




BTW, I'm also steeling this for Twitter : peace:


Damn you I was going to! Did retweet this one though;


Donald Trump demands Osama Bin Laden's death certificate.


As for him dieing its a victory on the war in terror to some extent but they will still go on without him sadly. Also is there really any need for it to be supported as such


Bin Laden resisted and was shot in the head.


Do we really need to know this? The reasons are obvious, american bravado, sigh...

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I think some people have been criticising them saying "he should have been tried, punished etc" and saw death as the easy way out. I think Pentagon were just confirming that would have been ideal but the only way to get him was death.

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Took them long enough didn't it?


Saddam was found months after the Iraq war started, and it takes nearly 10 years to find Bin Laden. And to top it all off, he wasn't even hiding in a cave as people thought he did. All that wasted time looking in holes, dear oh dear.


And, i quote this from my cousin


"Following Osama bin Laden's death, Madeleine McCann has announced she is delighted that she only has six years to go before she takes his hide-and-seek world record!"

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Just re-tweeted this;


Remember on Sept 12, 2001 when you saw people in some places abroad celebrating death? Exactly.Don't be like that.


Kinda true, the west always kicks off and gets annoyed when they see these mobs celebrating such events in streets and burning effigies of our leaders etc... and now we have americans running around chanting "USA USA USA" and inciting more hatred.

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Having a chat downstairs with the folks, they are iffy with this. Not for Osama being killed, but for not bringing him to account for what he done. Like the UK/USA did with Saddam, then executing him afterwards.


But then, would it do much good. Was killing him right there and then the best thing to do?.

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