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In what order would you guys watch the Marvel movies that are related to the Avengers? I'm trying to watch them in chronological order, not the order of release. I'm not even sure if the order of release is the correct timeline because I'm sure I read somewhere that Thor 2 is before Avengers Assemble. Help!


I watched the Transformers trilogy on blu-ray and even though the quality was amazing, my views on the movies have slightly changed. Transformers was actually better than I remembered. I really enjoyed the movie.


Revenge of the Fallen was enjoyable to a degree. There were a few scenes that I was a bit bored of and some scenes were just beyond stupid to the point where I just wanted to facepalm repeatedly but...yeah.


Dark of the Moon was good for the first half an hour but the whole change of Sam's girlfriend kind of threw the movies off a little for me. I mean, the explanation we got was by the little Decepticon saying "She dumped you" and that was it. I was like "Erm...what happened?". It just felt too unexplained, she played a bit of a big role in the first two movies and then suddenly, she's dropped off the Earth? Ugh! However, the problem with Dark of the Moon was the villain, and I don't mean the Decepticons. The human dude was just annoying as fuck! I hated him! So yeah, first half an hour was cool but after the office scene, it went so downhill. However, in saying that, Age of Extinction looks pretty cool and, y'know, Mark Wahlberg!

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In what order would you guys watch the Marvel movies that are related to the Avengers? I'm trying to watch them in chronological order, not the order of release. I'm not even sure if the order of release is the correct timeline because I'm sure I read somewhere that Thor 2 is before Avengers Assemble. Help!


Chronological order would be


Captain America

Iron Man

Iron Man 2

Incredible Hulk


Avengers Assemble

Iron Man 3

Thor 2

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And if you want to watch the show


Captain America

Iron Man

Iron Man 2

Incredible Hulk


The Avengers

Iron Man 3


Thor 2

SHIELD Ep 8-16

Captain America 2

SHIELD Ep 17-22


Interestingly, from The Avengers and onwards, the films and show have been roughly set in "real time".

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Over the past few weeks, i've watched (mainly thanks to Amazon Prime + Netflix). Toy Story 3 (Not a bad finale to the trilogy), Slam Dunk Ernest (havn't seen it in years, just as cheesy as i remember (i miss Jim Varney)), Tango + Cash (saw it on a whim, mate in work was talking about it. Not as bad as the reviews said it was) + Escape Plan (Brilliant movie)

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I watched Requiem for a Dream yesterday for the first time.


Scared to be on TV, take diet pills or heroin/10.


Excellent film. I'd say that I probably preferred The Fountain and Black Swan over this one, though...hmm. Hard to decide.


You prefer Black Swan over Requiem for a Dream?




Reminds me, I need to watch In Bruges again. My favourite fucking movie :D


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You prefer Black Swan over Requiem for a Dream?




Reminds me, I need to watch In Bruges again. My favourite fucking movie :D



I love that gif. :D


Yeah, although I've only seen both films once and saw it in this order: The Fountain, Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream. I would definitely choose The Fountain in first place. They all leave a lasting impression, Aronofsky certainly knows how to create an epic climax at the end of his films. :D




- Has a Belgium woman.

- Has never seen In Bruges.

- Has never been to Bruges/Brugge.



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- Has a Belgium woman.

- Has never seen In Bruges.

- Has never been to Bruges/Brugge.






- Has seen In Bruges several times

- Has been to Bruges/Brugge and it was awesome


- Has no woman... :(


I still win.


YES, it's a fucking contest!

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- Has seen In Bruges several times

- Has been to Bruges/Brugge and it was awesome


- Has no woman... :(


I still win.


YES, it's a fucking contest!


Am tempted to watch In Bruges whilst being in Bruges/Brugge, during the sexing of my Belgian. To complete the hat-trick.


*checks bank account to see if possible to afford ticketings*

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Here another fan of In Bruges.


As for Darren Aronofsky:

I loved Requiem for a dream and Black Swan. I have yet to see The wrestler, Pi, and The fountain, but all 3 hold my interest (especially the The fountain), I´ll see them eventually (come on Netflix :P). So with that in mind, I would go see Noah for Darren Aronofsky alone. Then I saw the trailer.


If Captain America wasn´t enough, I also went to see The grand Budapest hotel yesterday. This doubled the fun I had. The Grand Budapest hotel was awesome too. So much fun, hilarious, and epic. Just a big adventure. An amazing cast, although you get to see most of them for just a little bit. But Ralph Fiennes was excellent (not to mention playing a totally different guy than the one in In Bruges), and I didn´t know Adrien Brody could be such an convincing evil, evil guy. And for such a cheerful film, there was a pretty big casualty list including

a poor persian cat

and even a few unexpected gruesome things too, but this just added to the hilarity. Even the credits makes me smile. There´s this little animated Russian guy doing his traditional dance alongside the credits. If you love Wes Anderson, this one is a no-brainer.

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Watched Battleship the other day expecting it to be shit, but reasonably entertaining. Turns out it was just shit. Like offensive to the audience type of shit.


The film starts of with some dudebro waste of organs chilling with his brother (a Navy guy) in a dive bar. The brother is telling his loser bro that he needs to shape up and fly right or something. Dudebro is like "Fuck that, there's a hot woman over there and I'm gunna go fuck it" or something and wanders off to feebly attempt to pick her up.


Hot woman wants a burrito for some reason, so Dudebro is all like "I'll well get one for you" and proceeds to break into a local shop for some reason. He naturally gets arrested and honourable sailor bro whinges some more and reveals that it's the final straw because the woman he was trying to pick up was his commanders daughter or something. Ol' Popeye enlists his brother in the Navy to teach him to buckle up and make something of himself.


Cut to some time in the future and dudebro has had a haircut and is literally in charge of a destroyer for some reason, despite never showing any potential whatsoever, even though everyone else in the Navy is like "Whoah, he's got so much raw talent, but is a wildcard". There's no evidence of it, we just have to take the supporting characters word that there's some skill there.


That's just the start of the insults towards the audiences intelligence. Admiral Kegstand's brother gets killed for reasons, causing him to ask "now who's in charge?". Queue the cliched "you are sir" whilst everyone else on the ship looks confused as to how someone managed to rise to his position without understanding the fucking chain of command. Seriously, having some entry level shit muncher, probably played by an unlisted cast member, telling the second in command that he in fact is actually second in command is probably looked on poorly by the Navy.


But the sillyness doesn't stop there. The next hour or so is filled by "unconventional" Navy tactics, including a rather "adrenaline fueled" scene where Admiral Radbar totally drifts his destroyer whilst firing the main cannons to destroy some alien thing.


Also there's a scene where they divide the radar up into a grid and hunt for an invisible enemy. Because Battleship.


Also also, there's the usual "our modern destroyers are garbage compared to an old, outdated battleship which is currently serving as a floating museum, but with active weapons for some reason".




Liam Neeson is barely in it, so there is literally no redeeming features of the movie. The soundtrack is pretty good, but all songs have been rendered shit by association. Fuck this film. I'm not even spoilering the above because I consider it a public service.

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Am tempted to watch In Bruges whilst being in Bruges/Brugge, during the sexing of my Belgian. To complete the hat-trick.
Am tempted to watch the sexing of the Belgian, in Bruges/Brugge, watching In Bruges, eating a Waffle. :awesome:


Watched Battleship the other day expecting it to be shit, but reasonably entertaining. Turns out it was just shit. Like offensive to the audience type of shit.


The film starts of with some dudebro waste of organs chilling with his brother (a Navy guy) in a dive bar. The brother is telling his loser bro that he needs to shape up and fly right or something. Dudebro is like "Fuck that, there's a hot woman over there and I'm gunna go fuck it" or something and wanders off to feebly attempt to pick her up.


Hot woman wants a burrito for some reason, so Dudebro is all like "I'll well get one for you" and proceeds to break into a local shop for some reason. He naturally gets arrested and honourable sailor bro whinges some more and reveals that it's the final straw because the woman he was trying to pick up was his commanders daughter or something. Ol' Popeye enlists his brother in the Navy to teach him to buckle up and make something of himself.


Cut to some time in the future and dudebro has had a haircut and is literally in charge of a destroyer for some reason, despite never showing any potential whatsoever, even though everyone else in the Navy is like "Whoah, he's got so much raw talent, but is a wildcard". There's no evidence of it, we just have to take the supporting characters word that there's some skill there.


That's just the start of the insults towards the audiences intelligence. Admiral Kegstand's brother gets killed for reasons, causing him to ask "now who's in charge?". Queue the cliched "you are sir" whilst everyone else on the ship looks confused as to how someone managed to rise to his position without understanding the fucking chain of command. Seriously, having some entry level shit muncher, probably played by an unlisted cast member, telling the second in command that he in fact is actually second in command is probably looked on poorly by the Navy.


But the sillyness doesn't stop there. The next hour or so is filled by "unconventional" Navy tactics, including a rather "adrenaline fueled" scene where Admiral Radbar totally drifts his destroyer whilst firing the main cannons to destroy some alien thing.


Also there's a scene where they divide the radar up into a grid and hunt for an invisible enemy. Because Battleship.


Also also, there's the usual "our modern destroyers are garbage compared to an old, outdated battleship which is currently serving as a floating museum, but with active weapons for some reason".




Liam Neeson is barely in it, so there is literally no redeeming features of the movie. The soundtrack is pretty good, but all songs have been rendered shit by association. Fuck this film. I'm not even spoilering the above because I consider it a public service.

Surely the only reason to watch this film is for Rihanna, and she didn't get a mention...
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Surely the only reason to watch this film is for Rihanna, and she didn't get a mention...


I thought it sounded bad when Goafer described the film, but you've just made it sound a thousand times worse, which I didn't even know was possible.

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Saw the Muppets on Wednesday.


Brilliant. I don't know what it is about the Muppets films, they just make me all happy when watching them. Loved cameo spotting too.


Phil Dunphy was great in it too.

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