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Eddie, did you see Insidious? You said you walked in and out of the room? Its a fucking sweet horror film. You're bad.


Of course I am.



I saw the beginning and the end, and bits in between. I saw enough to decide (subjectively) whether or not it was good :p I also googled for the picture of the thing that looks like a

Darth Maul/Jigsaw hybrid

which my sister claimed was the scariest thing.




Think I might catch The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo if it's still available when I get back to the city. The BGM of the trailer has me hooked. If it turns out to be bad, I can pretend that it's James Bond: Spunky Goth Assistant Edition :D

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Just watched Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows yesterday and was entertained to bits! :D


Stephen Fry as Mycroft Holmes was amazing!


It's really good isn't it!


I wasn't sure if I enjoyed it more than the first or not... I ended up thinking I probably enjoyed them about the same, because despite all the obvious similarities they're actually quite different films because of the scale of the second one. But to anyone who loved the first, you'll love this one.


It's brilliantly funny as well... there were times where I'd laugh along with an entire scene of banter betwen Holmes and Watson (even after the comedy lines have finished... it's just their following expressions/reactions), and other times where I was just laughing in anticipation of something happening between them. Also Sherlocks new 'disguises' were brillaint! :D


I'd really love this series to continue for many films, past the traditional trilogy, and tell many stories (like Sean Connery stayed for numerous Bond films).


I'm guessing seeing as Moriarty is Sherlocks nemesis, that he survived the fall as well.


It's a bit strange now we've had a film with him because you kind of think well, where next? I'd imagine a third film, probably with a different villian, would reveal a link with Moriarty towards the end, with him returning in the fourth. But that would be dependant on a 4th/more films, otherwise Moriarty again for the 3rd/Final?


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It's really good isn't it!


I wasn't sure if I enjoyed it more than the first or not... I ended up thinking I probably enjoyed them about the same, because despite all the obvious similarities they're actually quite different films because of the scale of the second one. But to anyone who loved the first, you'll love this one.


It's brilliantly funny as well... there were times where I'd laugh along with an entire scene of banter betwen Holmes and Watson (even after the comedy lines have finished... it's just their following expressions/reactions), and other times where I was just laughing in anticipation of something happening between them. Also Sherlocks new 'disguises' were brillaint! :D


I'd really love this series to continue for many films, past the traditional trilogy, and tell many stories (like Sean Connery stayed for numerous Bond films).


I'm guessing seeing as Moriarty is Sherlocks nemesis, that he survived the fall as well.


It's a bit strange now we've had a film with him because you kind of think well, where next? I'd imagine a third film, probably with a different villian, would reveal a link with Moriarty towards the end, with him returning in the fourth. But that would be dependant on a 4th/more films, otherwise Moriarty again for the 3rd/Final?


I feel exactly the same! :D I think what I missed most was the Victorian London setting of the first one, but then the scope and action was much larger, so it balances out.


The ending was obviously based on The Final Problem wherein Conan Doyle originally killed off Sherlock Holmes, only to revive him later due to the sheer size of the public outcry. Moriarty, despite being recognised as Holmes's greatest foe, only appeared in a few of the original stories and, unlike Holmes, did stay dead after the Reichenbach Fall, so I'm not sure if they'll use him again in future films. Holmes originally faked his death to avoid the attention of Moriarty's goons (without luck, though), so they could possibly tie future films to Moriarty that way. I'm not sure they'll be making it into a series with a James Bond-like scope, but I certainly wouldn't mind if they do! :D


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I feel exactly the same! :D I think what I missed most was the Victorian London setting of the first one, but then the scope and action was much larger, so it balances out.


The ending was obviously based on The Final Problem wherein Conan Doyle originally killed off Sherlock Holmes, only to revive him later due to the sheer size of the public outcry. Moriarty, despite being recognised as Holmes's greatest foe, only appeared in a few of the original stories and, unlike Holmes, did stay dead after the Reichenbach Fall, so I'm not sure if they'll use him again in future films. Holmes originally faked his death to avoid the attention of Moriarty's goons (without luck, though), so they could possibly tie future films to Moriarty that way. I'm not sure they'll be making it into a series with a James Bond-like scope, but I certainly wouldn't mind if they do!


Ah right ok, thanks for that info.


To me it would be a bit strange if he stayed dead though, simply because the way they told the story it felt like this was just the introduction/beginning of something that would become far greater. But we'll have to wait and see.


Yeah I think Victorian London was missed a bit.


I also think they seemed to spend less time on the whole detective/analysing side of things. I think you were already meant to know the methods he went through at a crime scene etc... after the first film, so we were kind of meant to fill in those blanks ourselves, meaning they could spend more time on the action side and telling a larger story. It did work, but I do enjoy the investigations and him theorising with Watson.


Personally I'd like to see Rachel McAdams back as well if possible! :D


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We seem to agree entirely!

:D I was considering mentioning the smaller focus on deductions as well, but then they were still there, we just didn't spend as much time on them. I remembered how they handled it in the first film and thus figured stuff like the withered flowers and the book in Moriarty's office would become relevant later on, but I wouldn't have minded a bit more focus on the thought processes.


BUT! All of that was heavily outweighed by the most amazing climax, both the chess scene and the "fight" afterwards! That was the one thing I had wanted in the first film, a "Sherlock Scan" climax, and I got it in abundance! :D


So, all in all the two films compliment each other very well. :)


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Just saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It was really good! I think it might have even been better than the original swedish version.


Although what the hell was up with the opening sequence? It was like whoever made them saw Daniel Craig and got confused as to which franchise they were making.


Yesterday i saw Mission Impossible, which was really good as well (apart from the ending). Pegg was great in it, and the Burj Dubai scene was awesome, really wish i'd seen it in IMAX now...


Last week I saw Sherlock Holmes 2. That was awesome as well! Good week for films this. Not sure if it was better than the first, but i suppose it doesn't matter...


Finally, saw the trailer for The Amazing Spiderman at the cinema today. Was even better on the big screen. Needless to say, i came. They should totally think about making a full length film from that trailer.

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Yesterday i saw Mission Impossible, which was really good as well (apart from the ending). Pegg was great in it, and the Burj Dubai scene was awesome, really wish i'd seen it in IMAX now...


I saw this yesterday at the IMAX in Manchester (which meant I also got to see the Dark Knight Rises prologue) and also really enjoyed it. However, I can't agree about Pegg. He seemed to be playing the same character he does in everything I've seen him in. The only time I laughed at one of his "jokes" was when he said something like "that was tough, but I did it" after we'd just seen Tom Cruise doing his best Spiderman impression.


When Cruise first stepped out that window, seeing it on the enormous screen did make me feel a touch dizzy. That whole bit was much better than the ending section. The ending wasn't bad, but it was going to take something special to top that and they didn't deliver.


Also, it struck me that they were throwing around a lot of technical terms to create the illusion that everything was more complex than it actually was.


Still, it was good enough for the job and the film had a good pace that kept things feeling slick throughout.

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Saw Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.


A great thing. So solid, nothing to fault. I haven't seen the original/read the book, nor did I know the story. Most people are saying this film is better than the original though.


The opening sequence was the greatest ever thing. I knew it was coming cause of the music video for the theme song (which is stunning), but yeah...STUN.



If that doesn't EXCITE you, you are stone. Karen O + Trent Reznor? Oh my g


I don't understand why more filmmakers don't put more effort into their films feeling great. This felt great, aesthetically, sonically etc etc.


But yeah, a good film. Rooney Mara as the titular character was e'erthing.

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The opening sequence was the greatest ever thing. I knew it was coming cause of the music video for the theme song (which is stunning), but yeah...STUN.



If that doesn't EXCITE you, you are stone. Karen O + Trent Reznor? Oh my g



There's no doubt that it is awesome. I downloaded the song when i got home and i'm listening to it now.


However, it didn't really fit with the rest of the film i thought...


The film only changed a couple of things from the book, and they were barely noticable, which was good

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Have you seen the Swedish version? They're quite good. They even got the amount of coffee drunk right.


It better have the great level of coffee drinking which I adored from the books!


It does indeed. Of that you can stop fretting.

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Would I like The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo if I thought the Sweedish version was utter tripe?


I wouldn't know, i've not seen the Sweedish version.



LOlolololooOlOlolol spelling error!!!!11!!



You might do. Its certainly more cinematic than the previous one, which was filmed like a dull documentary. However, if it was the plot you found odious, then i would not recommend.

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Is it weird that despite not reading comic books, not enjoying The Incredible Hulk, Ironman, Ironman 2, Thor OR this... I'm still sort of interested in seeing The Avengers?


I thought Iron Man was OK, Thor was terrible and Captain America was pretty good (The Incredible Hulk has been ripped out of continuity, I believe). I'm still hugely excited about The Avengers.


It's possibly due to Joss Whedon.

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I just watched Captain America: The First Avenger.


Is it weird that despite not reading comic books, not enjoying The Incredible Hulk, Ironman, Ironman 2, Thor OR this... I'm still sort of interested in seeing The Avengers?


Not enjoying them all? I hate you.


But The Avengers is going to be amazing. Its a unique movie experience, there has never been this kind of over arching setup before, even from a movie fan point view its an extremely exciting concept in my humble epic opinion.


I thought Iron Man was OK, Thor was terrible and Captain America was pretty good (The Incredible Hulk has been ripped out of continuity, I believe). I'm still hugely excited about The Avengers.


It's possibly due to Joss Whedon.


Incredible Hulk is certainly in continuity (they reference it in the mini Marvel short on the Thor Blu-Ray) its simply Edward Norton who has been replaced.

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Not enjoying them all? I hate you.


But The Avengers is going to be amazing. Its a unique movie experience, there has never been this kind of over arching setup before, even from a movie fan point view its an extremely exciting concept in my humble epic opinion.


I think that is the reason. There hasn't actually been a film like The Avengers. Which is what is missing from the set-up films. They're really formulaic. Not bad, not bad at all. But for films to grab me, they really need to do something I've never seen before. Thor came close, and Ironman and Cpt. America did have some flashes of originality, but they're just a bit... "fine" when they should be "super".

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I thought Iron Man was OK, Thor was terrible and Captain America was pretty good (The Incredible Hulk has been ripped out of continuity, I believe). I'm still hugely excited about The Avengers.


It's possibly due to Joss Whedon.


And Cobie Smulders.

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