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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Sooooo to summarise this day: no one came out with any real info so now people are voting for Nintendohnut. Right?


Is there really nothing else we have to go on?



I would still like to know who blocked or redirected me, though I doubt anyone is gonna come out.

Is there a protector who puts people in traps or something?


You don't know who you ended up targetting last night when you were caught in the traps? Or do you think the traps were a roleblock or protection of some sort?

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You don't know who you ended up targetting last night when you were caught in the traps? Or do you think the traps were a roleblock or protection of some sort?


I didn't get any information as I got caught in a trap.


So either I got redirected to you or Nintendohnut (or someone else with traps) or I got blocked by a roleblocker with traps or I got blocked by a protector with traps. =P


All I know is a trap was involved haha.


I'm actually thinking someone specifically targeted me, as my PM said it happened as soon as I left my room.

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Okay so I've read all through the pages what I missed today a little carefully and I honestly can't make anything out at the moment. Nintendohnut seems to play in the same style as he did when he was Good and people didn't believe him. This time, he's outed himself as Neutral willingly so that we could see if I was useful and people still doubt him and he's defended himself in the ways that he always has done: WALL OF TEXT! haha.


However, if there's one thing I've learned throughout all of the Mafia games I've played is that people can be very decieving in the way they type. Some people are a little bit obvious and some people are not. At this very moment, I'm willing to actually believe Nintendohnut but there is still quite a lot of doubt in this. The reason I'm willing to believe is because of the way he's defending himself and the way he behaved. He got a little too offended in some parts and it reminded me of when he was Lilo in the Disney Mafia (I think he was Lilo anyway).


However, the person I'm very suspicious of is Chairdriver. Again, going with the experiences of playing these games, this has been the only game I've seen Chairdriver quite active in. In the other games, he hardly contributes a lot and he keeps his cards very close to his chest but in this game, his behaviour seems way off. I don't know about you guys but the very thing that has alarm bells ringing in my head is when he tells someone to prove they are town by killing someone else. That wouldn't necessarily prove anything, it would just prove that the player is a killer, it wouldn't tell us his alignment for sure (unless I've missed something and if I have, ignore that last bit, lol)


I'm going to Vote: Chairdriver. Yes, I'm fully aware that these might not be valid reasons to you guys but there is something very off about him. I'm not telling you all to vote or anything but even though I don't trust anybody in this game, I don't trust him at all.


(Sorry, nothing personal :))

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Nope, I'm completely with you on this one Dazz. I am totally swamped by the game, and only have a few suspicions (damn you all being so hard to read!) but chair has been one of them. I was convinced Nintendohnut was a baddie until his most recent post, and whilst it hasn't reassured me completely, it's soothed my bloodlust and desire for the day to end :heh:


So I'm going to Change Vote: Chairdriver.

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I'm the same as you, I've posted all of my info already. I also responded to your question a bit afterwards even though I was half way out the door, on my way to work :p but here it is again in a more organised form:


Night 1:

Overhear Diageo saying 'First, roleblock, then protect. Roleblock, then protect' and my pm has purple text for his speech lol so it's definitely him.

Night 2:

Sméagol can protect or steal

Night 3:

Found traps and knives in Nintendohnut's room and discover he can kill - which led him to come out with his role.

Night 4:

Dazz attempts to learn of people's alignments (obviously I was hoping for something more solid)

Night 5:

I saw Zell sneaking into someone's room and stealing something.




.......Oh yeah.


I blame it on too many players. Plus I had to triple check you because you're a filthy betrayer. ;)

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I'm sticking with Dohnut(tho I do often suspect chair in mafia), it's all well and good him constantly pointing out that he's not threat to the town, BUT we have NO way to verify that! All our info is coming from him, and if he's scummy then of course he'll be saying that! It's just too convenient, him and Danny being so similar, not to mention it's so similar to Danny's play last game, I'm not falling for it twice. On top of that, the way he's arguing doesn't strike me as his usual town self. I can't remember because it's so far back, but did he only reveal his role after Peeps(who posted last page) revealed he has a killing ability? That's also rather convenient.

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I think it's time to get rid of 'Dohnut.


Put it this way: he won't kill unless we agree to it, and if that were the case the we would lynch the person in question.


So he can't really help us in any way and he could potentially win the game if he manages to kill the right person.

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I'm sticking with Dohnut(tho I do often suspect chair in mafia), it's all well and good him constantly pointing out that he's not threat to the town, BUT we have NO way to verify that! All our info is coming from him, and if he's scummy then of course he'll be saying that! It's just too convenient, him and Danny being so similar, not to mention it's so similar to Danny's play last game, I'm not falling for it twice. On top of that, the way he's arguing doesn't strike me as his usual town self. I can't remember because it's so far back, but did he only reveal his role after Peeps(who posted last page) revealed he has a killing ability? That's also rather convenient.


Not that I'm totally convinced Nintendohnut is telling us the truth but we have no way to 100% any of us though I know I'm Good. You say it's convienient that him and Danny are similar and yet here we stand, misinformed cops. Our powers are ultimately similar but you just get the opposite results to me. Both of us are cops, both of us get lied to and both of us fell for it (I don't necessarily know if you did with yours but I did). Maybe this could be the same for Nintendohnut and Dannyboy. Jonnas has created a game that can make a Good person look very suspicious, all you have to do is look at our power for evidence. I went round telling everybody players were Good because I didn't know about the whole 'me being naive' thing and I could have very well accidentally cleared Mafia (obviously, me finding out I'm naive, nobody is cleared).


What I'm saying is, there might be a lot of similarities in the game and Jonnas has created such a game that makes everybody look suspicious. Unless we can get a alignment-investigator who we know is 100% Good, then there's no way of verifying any of our alignments and no way for sure that we can trust anybody and even then, all we'd have is their word but no evidence or proof.

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I think it's time to get rid of 'Dohnut.


Put it this way: he won't kill unless we agree to it, and if that were the case the we would lynch the person in question.


So he can't really help us in any way and he could potentially win the game if he manages to kill the right person.


By killing me the mafia get closer to majority. Seeing as I can't ever manage to win now, you might as well keep me around to keep the majority higher. You say I could potentially win, but there is just no way that is going to happen as I'll never find Angus without the town, and he'll be lynched. There is literally no way killing me will benefit the town. All it will do is help the mafia.

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Again, assuming you're telling the truth and that is actually your win condition.


Thus, exception to it literally not benefitting the town - if what you're saying(again we have actually no proof at all), is false, then it will be benefitting the town.

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He didn't say that. He saying the same thing I have said several times; we can't confirm that what you are saying is the truth.


It's weird that you have to kill Angus, which is what the town is doing anyway, and yet it isn't your win condition.

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Still nothing from EddieColeslaw. Making me so suspicious. Stalling until the day ends obviously.


Agreed. Id go for her tonight but I have other plans. (Or rather, Id go for her but even before this post I had made it too obvious that I might go for her)

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So we are not getting a majority tonight? Il end the day with this then;


Being so close to getting lynched today nintynut snaps and targets a random player. His luck is in and he kills his target, this gives him the win and the game is over.


He is neutral and can kill, why are we waiting?

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Vote Standings


Nintendohnut (7): chairdriver, The Peeps, Cube, Rummy, Nintendohnut, Diageo, Zell


ReZ (1): Ellmeister


Ellmeister (1): ReZ

chairdriver (2): Dazz, Dyson


Majority is 11




Sir Dohnut was being accused left and right.


"He can kill without our permission!", they said "He can take the victory away from us!"


Some defended him, but the accusations were grave. The day has ended, but still, Nintend O'Nut is still suspicious on people's minds.




Remaining Players




















The Peeps



There are 20 remaining players


Night 6 starts now


(Also, if you already know the day will end, you should feel free to send your PMs early)

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