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N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011


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Dunno when I'll get shit up. Will have a busy few days. But apart from mad happenings yesterday it has been brilliant. Just with Dannyboy, Cube and Goafermax chilling/discussion forum wins. :p. Off home soooonishish to prepare for work tomorrow (mildly nervous/not really/wrong thread)


I'm worn out, got over 200 snaps and 30 minutes of footage so could be a day or so until i get things sorted.


More to follow, once i get home and had a kip.

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Had a grand old time last night, was good seeing you lot again, along with some new faces, and thanks especially to Daft for being accomodating enough to let my drunken ass stay over for the night and watch Terminator 2 :D. Awfully hungover right now though.

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haha true!


Nah I was only joking anyway, Jimbob did great.


Unlike Eddage who couldn't find Pizza Hut even with Google Maps on his phone ;)


If there is one thing I will take away from yesterday, it's that most of you lot are all a lot shorter than I was expecting you to be :p


Sorry I didn't do much in the way of goodbyes but I couldn't even get to half of you - though I think Fierce Link and The Bard had all the goodbyes I could probably muster anyway and I needed to get off to see someone. I ended up missing my train and staying in London for the night.

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Can't really blame Jimbob for that. ReZ was the one who couldn't keep his pasty ass fucking still for one minute.


*Doesn't appreciate being the person to receive the soul blame*


Anyway, I'll write a proper write up tomorrow or maybe later tonight, but apart from the hiccup in the middle of yesterday, it was pretty fucking awesome and was great to see such a gargantuan turn out! :D

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The meet-up does sound awesome.


I once again didn't go because I'm lame.


Although I'm doubly lame because I had a really good opportunity to go this time.


My friend was driving to London to stay at his mate's at the weekend, coming back tonight.


So could have gone with.


Did not click though.

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Urghh, how much did i drink last night. Only wanted a couple pints, and wasn't well either.


Yeah I did notice. My pukey hoodie says thanks by the way (I wasn't wearing it at the time, for those who don't know).




Meet was a bit disorganised, but I liked it. Just sitting in the park gets boring pretty quick, so at least the rain forced us to keep moving. The bridge was a bit odd though and I was very much aware of how intimidating we must have seemed to people wanting to walk under the bridge. And I was talking to Jay and we couldn't figure out why we stayed at the end with the poo.


I agree that we do need a plan though. A theme park sounds like an awesome idea, although that would still suffer if it were to rain. Plus not everyone likes them, so I think attendance would be lower.

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Yeah I did notice. My pukey hoodie says thanks by the way (I wasn't wearing it at the time, for those who don't know).




Meet was a bit disorganised, but I liked it. Just sitting in the park gets boring pretty quick, so at least the rain forced us to keep moving. The bridge was a bit odd though and I was very much aware of how intimidating we must have seemed to people wanting to walk under the bridge. And I was talking to Jay and we couldn't figure out why we stayed at the end with the poo.


I agree that we do need a plan though. A theme park sounds like an awesome idea, although that would still suffer if it were to rain. Plus not everyone likes them, so I think attendance would be lower.

Agreed on the tunnel, thought it was very strange and not fun[ny].


Tbh it seems people form smaller groups anyway... plus better conversation can be had in them. The situation we had in that Hyde Park gallery was impossible... as was the setup when we had everyone in the pub for a while... couldn't even get near some people.


Eddage and I were talking about a possible future Alton Towers trip, although I was under the impression that the theme parks closed after the summer. We should find out the opening times/ dates and sort it out!




Alton Towers closes after Nov 5th with their fireworks spectacular!

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This was just so fucking epic I can't even begin to describe it. Everybody was so amazing and incredibly nice. The weather was annoying, but didn't bother me too much. The problem was mostly that we didn't have a plan C, so people started splitting up, and it was a goose chase trying to find each other again. But then we found each other at the pub in the evening, and greatness was restored. I was amazed and thrilled to meet so many of you, and I wish I'd had more time to speak to all of you personally. I even met Molly! And I didn't creep her out/stare at her eyes/scare her off or anything! :p


I'm very happy to have met all of you, and I hope I'll be able to make it to another meet at some point in the future. :)


Pics and videos will come later!

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At the end of the day we ended up at a pub, ReZ got out paper and pens and we went random on them. A few games of Telephone were played (write a line, next person draws it, next person writes what they see, next person draws what is written etc etc, each previous stage is hidden from the next drawer) and a few N-E houses were drawn (I only have 1 sheet of N-E houses). Someone else must have Gary Trotter too lol.


Enjoyed a nice game of Balderdash with ReZ, Goafer Jimbob, EEVIL and Cube too. ReZ... Saddlebag testicles... huge brown gash.... just... not normal basically.


Here are photos of Meet:



Some of our topics of Conversation



Dyson sketches London Girl



N-E Houses



Dyson and I were commissioned to do some co-op drawing...



More co-op drawing (not sure who but I think ReZ and Daft?)



7 evil Exes with Ramona 'Daisy' Flowers




Jimbob, Cube, ReZ


Bard Slideshow:






Goafer FLASH:






Wild Dyson is spotted:






VIDEO click to play





click to play


click to play





click to play


Edited by The Peeps
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Bard is scaring the fuck out of shorty and nami in one of those photos!


.. yeah pretty much fresh home from Landan. Best part for me was the walk to marble arch/standing around there. The sun was out and actually had some fun chats. Unfortunately I spent much of the day inwardly stressing and panicking because my phone didn't like the rain at all and several people needed to know where we were - pretty much any time we got organised enough to go elsewhere prompted manic attempts to update people with location.


Totally sounds like I left when it got good. Sorry to flink for not succumbing to his tempting texts (:P) but by that time I was miles away. Yeah. Kinda anticlimax, if I'm honest - but largely my own fault for being poor and leaving early.

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Maybe it picked up after I left, but tbh, this is the absolute shoddiest of meetups so far. Whilst I had enough fun with the people I was with, the disjointedness, lack of organisation, fact we spent half the day in various different groups, it was a bloody terrible 'meetup'.


Next year, we need some fucking solid plans.


See you've basically summed up why I would never bother doing a meet in its current. I'm not gonna come all the way to London (what is the obsession with London?! Much more central locations to meet and have fun!) to tramp around in the rain and/or sit in the park all day. Sure meeting would be awesome (I've met a few people off here) but I think it needs to be for something.


I'd rather we tried to get a ton of rooms in the same hotel with a small conference/function room to set up an awesome gaming room do that shizzle during the day then have an awesome night out on the booze. So there's at least a base of sorts.


It's all too disjointed by the sounds of things. Whilst yes there are probably plenty of good parts to the meet as it is, I feel there could be so much more. We have a big community here and need to make the most of it.

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(what is the obsession with London?! Much more central locations to meet and have fun!)


Because the summer meet up is pretty much the London one at this point. Everytime people moan about this they get told that meet ups can be sorted for elsewhere at any time but it never happens.

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(I lost Prov Donk) which was annoying.


Was sad to see no Goron/Zell/Chairdriver.


Attempting to post some photos soon.




And I will do a massive post.


And this post is for whoever told me to be ReZ/WeZ.

Lol was me!

See you've basically summed up why I would never bother doing a meet in its current. I'm not gonna come all the way to London (what is the obsession with London?! Much more central locations to meet and have fun!) to tramp around in the rain and/or sit in the park all day. Sure meeting would be awesome (I've met a few people off here) but I think it needs to be for something.


I'd rather we tried to get a ton of rooms in the same hotel with a small conference/function room to set up an awesome gaming room do that shizzle during the day then have an awesome night out on the booze. So there's at least a base of sorts.


It's all too disjointed by the sounds of things. Whilst yes there are probably plenty of good parts to the meet as it is, I feel there could be so much more. We have a big community here and need to make the most of it.


One thing - not sure if it's been said before...


You can organise a meet anywhere. You. Organise. Arrange it. Make it so. Don't want it where it is? Have one somewhee else. Can't make it that day? Arrange another elsewhere.




But yes - it'd be cool to have a proper 'event' arranged, but essentially the 'spirit' of the meet's origins was esssentially "I'm gonna be in this park in this place on this day. Anyone else wanna join in?" Usually we have to amuse ourselves, and the meet is essentially what we put into it. Yesterday I felt no real energy to amuse myself because I was too busy being depressed by the rain.


If it wasn't raining then it would've been alright.


But it rained, and there were really too many of us to effectively and directly organise a plan B that was acceptible. There were too many people who arrived at staggered later times to confuse things.


I don't really know why I'm being overly defensive - previous years when it's essentially been park/troc/pub I've had a completely astounding time because of the people.


Yeah. Bleh. Essentially I'm totes up for a hyde park 2012 where we do the same as today - park-based outing. I'd also be totes up for any other meet where plans of action were actually in place. I'd be up for a meet in midlands too.

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Just got home. Knackered. Had an awesome time. Not much more to say.


Did you guys move on from Chando's? Fleenuh, 'Bears, Nami and myself returned last thing to say our goodbyes but found it all closed for the night.


Retro_Link, Wesley. I regret muchly never conversing with or even near either of you for a moment. Apologies.


To next year! And with a rain-contingency plan in hand.

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One thing - not sure if it's been said before...


You can organise a meet anywhere. You. Organise. Arrange it. Make it so. Don't want it where it is? Have one somewhee else. Can't make it that day? Arrange another elsewhere.



Relevant segment is at 2 mins onwards. Can't figure out how to make it do that automatically when embedded :p

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Oh, yeah, I just remembered: I was seriously disappointed in Flink's (and possibly others'?) ability to remember Zelda songs! He even got Zelda's Lullaby wrong! I mean, WTF?! :heh:




Even when trekking around and trying to find people, I was still having a good time with the people I was with. For me this was all about the people; I didn't actually matter to me what we were doing - for all I cared we could've sat in the park all friggin' day doing nothing. :heh:

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If you post pics of ReZ in the shower I will ban you :heh:


We have pictures of Rez in the shower, i'm organising some snaps to upload.


Same for Jimbob when he was with us, and appreciated you staying behind, even if you did then lead us on a wild goose chase! :p


Can't really blame Jimbob for that. ReZ was the one who couldn't keep his pasty ass fucking still for one minute.


Haha, true that. Wish Rez would have stopped saying "We are here", so when we got to where he said he was, he would text/call and say he was now somewhere else. It got annoying


(sorry dude)


Nah I was only joking anyway, Jimbob did great.


Thanks for that. We needed a leader at that point, because if i hadn't have stayed behind, would you have found the pub as quick. Who knows really, but i hope things don't go that bad again.


Sorry I didn't do much in the way of goodbyes but I couldn't even get to half of you - though I think Fierce Link and The Bard had all the goodbyes I could probably muster anyway and I needed to get off to see someone. I ended up missing my train and staying in London for the night.


Hey, tis alright. It was nice to have met you, and thanks for not Falcon punching me.


Yeah I did notice. My pukey hoodie says thanks by the way (I wasn't wearing it at the time, for those who don't know).


Sorry about that, i blame the dodgy McDonalds at 1am upon that.


This was just so fucking epic I can't even begin to describe it. Everybody was so amazing and incredibly nice. The weather was annoying, but didn't bother me too much. The problem was mostly that we didn't have a plan C, so people started splitting up, and it was a goose chase trying to find each other again. But then we found each other at the pub in the evening, and greatness was restored. I was amazed and thrilled to meet so many of you, and I wish I'd had more time to speak to all of you personally. I even met Molly! And I didn't creep her out/stare at her eyes/scare her off or anything! :p


I'm very happy to have met all of you, and I hope I'll be able to make it to another meet at some point in the future. :)


Pics and videos will come later!


I am thrilled to have met you young sir. A gentleman indeed, and i do hope you are able to attend another meet in the future.


At the end of the day we ended up at a pub, ReZ got out paper and pens and we went random on them. A few games of Telephone were played (write a line, next person draws it, next person writes what they see, next person draws what is written etc etc, each previous stage is hidden from the next drawer) and a few N-E houses were drawn (I only have 1 sheet of N-E houses). Someone else must have Gary Trotter too lol.


Enjoyed a nice game of Balderdash with ReZ, Goafer Jimbob, EEVIL and Cube too. ReZ... Saddlebag testicles... huge brown gash.... just... not normal basically.


Twas a good evening, minus the hic-cup afterwards. I think i would have understood Balderdash a bit more if i wasn't so drunk.


(I lost Prov Donk) which was annoying.


Was sad to see no Goron/Zell/Chairdriver.


Attempting to post some photos soon.




And I will do a massive post.


And this post is for whoever told me to be ReZ/WeZ.


Yeah, i miss that Donkey already. As i said, you should have checked the Shrek play. Last i heard, the Prov Donk was starring in it.


Just got home. Knackered. Had an awesome time. Not much more to say.


Did you guys move on from Chando's? Fleenuh, 'Bears, Nami and myself returned last thing to say our goodbyes but found it all closed for the night.


Retro_Link, Wesley. I regret muchly never conversing with or even near either of you for a moment. Apologies.


To next year! And with a rain-contingency plan in hand.


Na, we stayed in Chandos. Thought you gone out for food/take-out??, hence why we left assuming you had done so already. Apologies for that.


And yes, we need a back-up plan in the event of rain occuring again. Not the cafe, that was crap. All of us in a doorway. And so was under a bridge. The Serphantine was a quick idea, and one that worked for a while until we were told to stop swearing (tis on film). Nice to have met you as well.


So then, my side of things. It's coming soon, with all the photos and my video(s). Be a nice post as well, probably get something up tonight.

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