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The Next Playstation


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I realize Sony's ''NGC'' is a long ways off but i thought it might be fun to discuss our expectations for the next Playstation. (And later, see how wrong we were when it does launch)


I love the PS3 but there's definitely enough room for improvement to warrant a successor. Soooooo, a 3 part question:


What should it be called?


How should it improve over the PS3?


And what launch games would convince you to buy it?

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I don't expect it for another 4 years.


It'll be called the Playstation 4. They only way they would have changed it was if the PS3 sank, which it didn't.


I think it'll come with a set of cameras as standard. Maybe Move integrated into the Dual Shock (and improved upon).


I also think the PS4 is where Home will really come into its own since that'll be considered with the console's development.


Also, it'll be a lot more developer friendly. Sony have finally finally realised how important this is with their support for the PS3 libraries and the new NGC.


I'm sure there are a load of things that we won't be able to predict but whatever the case, the future is pretty bright.

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I suppose Sony could call the console 'Playstation Home'.


I'm sure alot of the PS3 functionalities and capabilities are lost on a good percentage of the general public. I remember Michael Pacter saying on the Bonus Round that the console update that enabled the PS3 to be used as a 3D BluRay player had completely passed him buy until he was asked on it... and he's involved in the industry!


Perhaps calling it PSHome could help more with selling it to the general public as the device for your living room.

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What should it be called?

PlayStation 4. There's not really any reason to change things up.


How should it improve over the PS3?

I think they need to stick with trying to make a premium machine — have a lot of tech and features packed in — but whilst Ken Kutaragi's approach to technology was often ingenious I can see Sony's next machine being far more developer friendly now that he's gone; the NGP ostensibly already substantiates this.


PSN will be a lot stronger out of the gate. When the PS3 launched Trophies didn't exist, there was no in-game XMB, Home was but a glint in Phil Harrison's eye, etc. A new machine will be built with those features, or at least similar ones, in mind.


From a competitive standpoint I think Sony would need to clearly outdo Microsoft's next console in a common area. For example the 360's eDRAM and unified RAM structure have heavily contributed to multiformat games looking better on that system, a desirable position for a platform holder as they don't need to lift a finger to have the 'best' version of a game.


(In addition to the above it's worth remembering that a new machine could affordably include a much faster Blu-ray drive and a more considered GPU; the RSX was a relatively late addition, not being all that different to an off-the-shelf GeForce 7800.)


And what launch games would convince you to buy it?

I can't really say without seeing something, although I hope Sony continue to be fairly aggressive at pushing new IP.

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You bought your Wii as an internet browser home system? You must have the lowest standards ever!


Yeah, it's not great. Mind you, at least it can go on YouTube, which seems a rarity nowadays! Hopefully the 3DS will be able to use Flash.


Regarding Pit-Jr's question, I still think the PS3 and Xbox 360 are top notch. If only there were some games I really wanted to play on them. The industry has become too westernised - almost all games are grey and brown with guns in them (or are very niche).


It goes against my instincts not to want a new console yet. The PS4 should obviously be able to take 3D in its stride (ie. without being worse than the 2D version), and there are also new graphical techniques in that new Epic tech demo that require a new machine. However, I'm afraid to say there would probably need to be more reasons than that to truly justify a new console.

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It will have an inbuilt toaster and teasmaid and serve you breakfast every day. It will also have an inbuilt answering machine and will take phone calls for you when you are too busy drinking tea and eating toast. There will be an optional trouser press add on, for those of us that insist on freshly pressed trousers every day. It will have legs too, and will follow you around wherever you go, but will not be able to walk up or down stairs.

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(In addition to the above it's worth remembering that a new machine could affordably include a much faster Blu-ray drive and a more considered GPU; the RSX was a relatively late addition, not being all that different to an off-the-shelf GeForce 7800.)


Speed is my main gripe with the PS3 so yeah id love to see some exponential improvements in boot/read/load/install times. Same with the PSN, faster servers and download speeds. This alone would make me upgrade


I'd also like

-IR receiver for Universal remotes, most of which dont support Bluetooth

-a slightly bigger Dual Shock 4, with revamped shoulder buttons

-a premium speaker/mic combo built right into the dual shock for voice commands!

-of course backwards compatibility with PS3 BDs

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Tricky one. My PS3 is a glorified Bluray player for me. Well, a bluray and uncharted player... If Sony follow the same path I doubt I'd be interested in their next machine (but then i said that this time); I'm just not a big fan; I gave up on the 360 a long time ago; PS3 held my interest for a while, but I just prefer playing Nintendo games. Simple as that really. It's not worth forking out loads of money on a console to play the odd exclusive I really fancy!


Nintendo competing on the tech front again will solve all my problems.

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The industry has become too westernised - almost all games are grey and brown with guns in them (or are very niche).


The games that are heavily promoted are, i agree.


Nintendo competing on the tech front again will solve all my problems.


They certainly can afford it now and i hope they do splurge this time but i say that knowing that they will focus on a mesmerizing new gimmick, profitable hardware, and great software (as it should be).

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The controller is the reason i like the 360 better than the ps3. I literally cannot hold the dual shock for any amount of time as it is just too small for my hands. The 360 controller feels like it was literally made for me and I never experience discomfort when I'm gaming. If they can make the dual shock more ergonomic, so that it actually fits into my hands like a controller should (the n64, gamecube and 369 controllers all manage to be the right size and shape) then I'll be happy, and a lot more likely to invest.


And they should call it the Sony Boobsville McPornomatic. Guaranteed to sell.

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I want the analogue placement to change. The PS3 pad looks like it's built for 2D games (like the Wii's Classic Controller).


Really? The Playstation controller's analogue sticks are in the prime place, right where your thumbs would be when holding it.

I also find it easier to switch between the d-pad and the analogue sticks on the Playstation controllers.

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The games that are heavily promoted are, i agree.


Sorry, I didn't mean to sound ignorant (which I can't stand). I genuinely would like to get a PS3 sometime, it's just I haven't seen anything that's really grabbed me yet. It's a blinkin' shame Dragon Quest moved away from Sony, because I'd have one now if it hadn't.

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