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Your Favourite YouTubers


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I don't know about you guys but I love me some YouTube. So I was wondering who is your favourite YouTuber? What's your favourite video?


At the moment, I like these guys called PistolShrimps. You may have seen a couple of their videos before but they're really funny so I thought I'd share a couple of my favourite videos with you guys.




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I base what I think of YouTubers entirely on how attractive and/or charming they are.



Someone posted this video in another thread a few weeks ago. I still think it's the best YouTube video of all time. :hehe:


I had it on loop for many hours driving people insane.


It's also my ringtone so the madness can continue. :D

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This is worse than being rickrolled. :blank:


Except sexier.


My favourites, all are great and highly recommended. You could do a lot worse than spending thirty minutes or so watching these videos. Pretty much in order of awesomeness. Watch the top one for sure.


Epic Meal Time - Ridiculous Calorific Meals




Matt Lees - Parody/Comedy Videos




Edbassmaster - Pranks




Pat Condell - Anti-Religious Speeches




Jack Vales Films - Pranks/Fart Pranks




Toby Turner - VLOGs







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Gotts to be Shane Dawson, CharlieIsSoCoolLike, A guy called PJ the kick is really awsome +creative.

And Davey Wavey :D


No videos/examples because I'm too lazy. Plus, they don't need them. Their names are cool enough :)

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My favourite person on YouTube has to be Cory "Mr Safety" Williams of SMP Films. His videos range from deep and thoughtful to ridiculous and hilarious. And he's just an incredibly charismatic and sympathetic guy to boot. His cats have a profile as well.


Among him and others, I follow British vlogger Katers17, Natalie Tran's Community Channel and amateur filmmakers The Fine Bros.

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Gotts to be Shane Dawson, CharlieIsSoCoolLike, A guy called PJ the kick is really awsome +creative.

And Davey Wavey :D


No videos/examples because I'm too lazy. Plus, they don't need them. Their names are cool enough :)


I like them too. I also like Kevjumba and Alex (weird how I watch his videos and yet I STILL can never remember what he's called). Kevjumba usually makes some funny videos with his dad and Alex reading Twilight has some guaranteed laughs too.

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TeamFourStar and their Dragonball Z Abridged Series has to be the best thing on YouTube... it cracks me up so much that I'm always crying with laughter when watching it!


For anyone that has ever watched DBZ, I simply cannot recommend this enough, you will absolutely love it!

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MR Chi City, one of the best guys on youtube. Stopped doing video's a while back but Snacks on snacks and hitting those little nigs with a freezepop is still awesome.


Yeah this is probably the best video on YouTube. I'd be very surprised if anyone ever tops it.



Alex Day (Twilight videos) are good, but I find him annoying now. Just...he isn't really that funny, and his life seems too easy.

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