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Final Fantasy Official Thread


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This is looking quite beautiful. Square-Enix is showing the Nintendo love. We get the best version of Final Fantasy III, 3D.


I quite like it looking like Crystal Chronicles. Actually, it isn't all that different from Twilight Princess, except the adults look more childish in FF.


I will definately be picking this one up, as well as Namco's Tales of Phantasia.

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Looking at this really beautfiul graphic... Do you think there is a possibility, that Square will release Final Fantasy VII (and its sequels) on the DS?


Possible. But it would not be the real FF7 because the DS storage capacity is not big enough. It could be done in a different way but I think SquareEnix is keeping FF7 as a cash cow for the Playstation 3.

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It nice to see that square is really trying to release something other than straight ports to nintendo, I was worried when they announced a remake of ff3 because all the remakes including the ones on the ps have been quite shit with a shiny fmv at the start then a snes quality game featuring "improved visuals" but this time improved visuals really seemed to mean something, no we needs some revolution sword fighting final fantasy.

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I'm so looking forward to 3!!!!! I loved the class system. I know 5 and 9 have outdone it to an extent, but I also loved its world. It was so imaginative then. I'm looking foward to seeing how they can update it. It's historically important.


Number 8 was filled with emotion and you actually cared what happened to the characters. FF6 had too many people to control and there were only a handful which had a decent backstory. The ending for number 8 aswell as the into is one of the best in a videogame.


Personally I prefered 8 too, but they're rather different in emphasis.


6 was very finely connected little cutscenes, like a picture book. Lots of character classes too - colourful and variable. It was funny too, and at times it couldnt take itself seriously. It was so entertaining in many ways.


8 was totally different in emphasis. It was a journey of a mind. It put across wide range of subtle emotions. The down side of this is that the player also has to be perceptive to feel it. As a result, too many factors came in on the side of the player - such as age, upbringing, sexuality, culture and personal experience. I think that's why 8 tends to split opinions right down the middle. It's much harder piece of story telling than 6 or 7.


If you don't understand the emotions 8 is trying to convey to its fullest, then that's a big chunk of the game out of the window, because 7 was richer in character background, 6 was richer in pacy event-driven story telling, 3/5/9 were richer in character class development, and so on so forth. It was very brave of Square to attempt 8.

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Very well said. I mean I could totally relate to Squall and how he wouldnt/didnt like depending on people.


Its also strange how people think that number 9 is probably one of the worst of the series. I have just started it last week and im on disc 3 as I cant stop playing it. Its a great game with some awesome cutscenes and a more traditional look. Also I think why people mainly like number 7 is due to it being the first real decent RPG they played at least in this country anyways.

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I created this after like 1 hour of getting educated by a staff of Advanced Media Network - in-case you lot get confused with which FF are which. Hope it helps in some cases.




Japan | US


FF 1 - FF 1 (Released in US also on GBA)

FF 2 - UNRELEASED IN US ON NES (Except on PS1) (Released in US on GBA)

FF 3 - UNRELEASED IN US ON NES (Going to be released on DS in US)

FF 4 - FF 2 (SNES), FF4 (GBA)

FF 5 - UNRELEASED IN US ON SNES (Except on PS1) (Going to be released on GBA in US)

FF 6 - FF 3 (Going to be released on GBA in US)


Anyone here imported Final Fantasy IV? Impressions?


Really nice, the text is kinda small though. The graphics are great, and the musics is better than the SNES version.


Didn't play much so can't say at the moment.

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I completed Final Fantasy I yesterday, and you know, as much as it annoyed me with barely ever telling me where to go next and then the ludicrous amount of random battles towards the end when I really just wanted to finish the thing... well once I completed it, all was forgiven. The ending was amazing and I have it saved before Chaos... all the stuff about it saying that I was the bringer of light... I wasnt expecting more than something like "the Crystals shine once more and the land thrives. The End."


Ive started on Final Fantasy II and its a bit strange, the levelling up and keywords and all, but Ill get to grips with it and hopefully enjoy it.


One last thing about the first one, the Windfall Shrine (I think) may have had a crazy amount of floors to go down through but it was worth it for the surreal ones with people and tasks to do... plus the boss of it was far more difficult than Chaos.

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I completed Final Fantasy I yesterday, and you know, as much as it annoyed me with barely ever telling me where to go next and then the ludicrous amount of random battles towards the end when I really just wanted to finish the thing... well once I completed it, all was forgiven. The ending was amazing and I have it saved before Chaos... all the stuff about it saying that I was the bringer of light... I wasnt expecting more than something like "the Crystals shine once more and the land thrives. The End."


Ive started on Final Fantasy II and its a bit strange, the levelling up and keywords and all, but Ill get to grips with it and hopefully enjoy it.


Couldn't say it better, I also recently completed FF1 and really enjoyed and hated it for the same reasons you stated.

But it also gave me a certain addiction of leveling up I only felt in Pokémon.

I'm also a bit into FF2 but decided not to continue. The leveling up is really annoying although it's pretty realistic. If you get hit often your HPs go up because you learn to take more damage, your defense increases too. If you use a lot of magic your MPs increase. If a character uses a certain weapon more often he gets stronger with it and spells also become stronger the more they are used but this system is just to complex and confusing.

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I can't wait for these games to come out, although I would love to pick up a GBMicro and FF:DoS before I start getting the others. And of course I'll have to finish 8, well, start it again and finish it anyway.. When I playeed FF1 awhile ago I got really bored and couldn't be bothered to train, leading to very big hardness.

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A few things:


1)As much as i'm looking forward to Final Fantasy 3, I can't say I hold much love for the porting of the Crystal Chronicles character over to the game; it ruins the feeling of it being a whole new game, in a way. I also hope they've upgraded the story to modernise it, as I can't help but feel that a modern game with an ancient script designed for very limited hardware would be a recipe for disaster.


2) Final Fantasy 9 is NOT the worst in the series. In fact, I think I had the most fun with 9 than any other in the series. My only criticism is that it's perhaps too easy.


3)Although I loved Final Fantasy 8 at the time for the emotional drama, it feels too moody-teenagery for me to comfortably play it any more. Although I happen to be playing through it now, so it's not SO bad.


4) If ever there was a demonstration of why Nintendo machines are seen as kiddy, it's those Final Fantasy 64 shots (or should that be Final Fantasy LXIV?). LOOK AT THEM! Where are the textures on the characters? Why are they so chunky? What's with the super-cute art style? Not the direction Final Fantasy would have been comfortable in going in, and i'm glad it got canned and the series moved over to PlayStation


5) Can't wait for Final Fantasy 6.

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3)Although I loved Final Fantasy 8 at the time for the emotional drama, it feels too moody-teenagery for me to comfortably play it any more. Although I happen to be playing through it now, so it's not SO bad.


That is the reason why i never liked Final Fantasy 8, all the main characters are annoying teenagers, i especially dislike Squall. To me he seemed like an annoying prick who needed to lighten up. Now i'm not saying Squall needs to lighten up as much as Tidus :shakehead but for GODS SAKE show some kind of emotion man!


Because of Squall's lousy attitude i have been stuck on disc three for the past year and don't really care that i'm not bothered to complete the game. And that means a lot coming from me because i have been stuck on Ninja Gaiden countless amounts of times in the past month but i'm still going at it.


As far as character development goes in the Final Fantasy series Sephiroth has to be the best ever character to come out of the minds of those geniuses down at Squaresoft (Square-Enix). (Sorry for going off topic!!)


Final Fantasy 3 is gonna rock! :bouncy:

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Stocka, ive been trying to tell you for years lol..


FF is an amazing series, my favourite. I only bought my PS2 to play FFX. FFIX is my favourite, because of the story, the characters, the fact that it doesnt take itself too seriously and isnt afraid to be funny (really refreshing after VIII which annoyed the hell out of me) i also loved the pace of FFIX. Its such a magical game.


I cant wait for III. I have Final Fantasy 4-11 so that and the GBA 1 and 2 will finish the collection nicely :)


And PHWOAR have you seen how FFXII is shaping up?? *cums*

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Stocka, ive been trying to tell you for years lol..

I'm sure FF games are amazing its just i've never got round to playing them, mainly because i've never had a PS1/PS2.

I also dunno if I should get I II[GBA] and III[DS] or not because I feel its like starting a series but not being able to go on and continue. I heard they are all seperate games though, so I probably will get III.

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