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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Digital pricing is pretty much on par with my expectations. Technically we're actually seeing a bigger discount that those in the US, but the UK is something of an anomaly in that no one charges RRP for games.


Personally I've never had much intention of going digital except for games I'm likely to regularly dive back into, like LittleBigPlanet or ? were it my kind of game ? Lumines. The pricing of digital-only titles seems good, and that's the main thing as far as I'm concerned.

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Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:


"Thrustmaster Uncharted Shock Resistant Case (PlayStation Vita)"

Estimated arrival date: March 05 2012 - March 07 2012


One of Amazon's aims is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we have fallen short. Please accept our sincere apologies.


You haven't been charged for this item yet as we don't debit money from your payment card until just before your items are dispatched. We'll send you a confirmation e-mail when your items are dispatched to confirm the date, contents and method of delivery.


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Vita Store Launch:


Everybody?s Golf (?29.99/?34.99)

Little Deviants Trial & Unlock (?19.99/?24.99)

Modnation Racers: Road Trip (?29.99/?34.99)

Reality Fighters (?19.99/?24.99)

Uncharted: Golden Abyss (?39.99/?44.99)

Wipeout 2048 + Network pass (?29.99/?34.99)

Escape Plan (?9.99/?12.99)

Hustle Kings (Psn Only) (?6.49/?7.99)

Motorstorm RC (Psn Only) (?4.79/?5.99)

Super Stardust? Delta (PSN Only) (?6.49/?7.99)

Super Stardust Delta & DLC Bundle (?7.99/?9.99)

Top Darts (Psn Only) (?6.49/?7.99)

Plants Vs Zombies (Soe) (?8.99/?11.25)

Cliff Diving (Ar Suite ? Digital) (Free)

Table Football (Ar Suite ? Digital) (Free)

Fireworks (Ar Suite ? Digital) (Free)

Army Corps Of Hell (?34.99/?39.99)

Virtua Tennis 4 ? World Tour Edition (?34.99/?39.99)

Asphalt: Injection (?19.99/?24.99)

Lumines Electronic Symphony (?29.99/?34.99)

Rayman Origins (?29.99/?34.99)

EA Sports FIFA Football (?44.99/?49.99)

Shinobido 2 (?34.99/?39.99)

Touch My Katamari (?24.99/?29.99)

Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend (?34.99/?39.99)

Michael Jackson The Experience HD (?24.99/?19.99)

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (?39.99/?44.99)

Dynasty Warriors Next (?29.99/?34.99)

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (?29.99/?34.99)

Ridge Racer Gold Pass (?5.49/?6.99)

Ridge Racer (?16.99/?19.99)

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (?29.99/?34.99)

A-Men (?11.99/?14.99)

F1 2011 (?44.99/?49.99)

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (M/D Not Verified Yet) (?5.49/?6.99)



Facebook (Free)

Live Tweet (Free)

Flickr (Free)

Foursquare (Free)


Downloadable Content


Everybody?s Golf Network Pass (?7.99/?9.99)

Reality Fighters Network Pass (?7.99/?9.99)

Wipeout 2048 Network Pass (?7.99/?9.99)


Hustle Kings

Hustle Kings Snooker Pack (?2.39/?2.99)

Time Savers Pack (?1.19/?1.49)


Uncharted: Golden Abyss (?0.79/?0.99) (??)


Modnation Racers Road Trip ? Unlock All (?3.19/?3.99)


Super Stardust Delta: Advanced Star Fighter Pack (?2.39/?2.99)


Motorstorm RC (Dual Compatible DLC)

Access All Areas Pass (?0.79/?0.99)

RC Collection Pass (?0.79/?0.99)

Full Game Pass (?1.19/?1.49)

Rare Rally Car: Patriot Enforcer ? Only available for 14 days (?0.79/?0.99)

Rare Rally Car: Italia Buttercream ? Only available for 14 days (Free)


Touch My Katamari

Download Request #1: Snowman!

Download Request #2: Shopping

Katamari Songs: All In One Pack (Bundle) (?4.79/?5.99)

(Includes the following, also available separately)

Katamari Songs: Namco Pack (?1.99/?2.49)

Katamari Songs: Chic Pack (?1.99/?2.49)

Katamari Songs: Vocal Pack (?1.99/?2.49)


Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Additional Character: Jill (?3.99/?4.99)

Animal Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

Brawler Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

Femme Fatale Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

New Age Of Heroes Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

The Evil Twin Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

The Rising Dead Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

Viewtiful Strange Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

Villain Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

Weapon Expert Pack (?3.19/?3.99)

Additional Character: Shuma-Gorath (?3.99/?4.99)

Costume Pack (?3.99/?4.99)


Ridge Racer

Add-On Course 01 ?Old Central? (?1.99/?2.49)

Add-On Car 02 ?Elenie? (?1.19/?1.49)

Music Pack 01 (Free)

Music Pack 02 (Free)

Music Pack 03 (Free)

Music Pack 04 (Free)

Music Pack 06 (Free)

Music Pack 07 (Free)

Music Pack 08 (Free)

Music Pack 09 (Free)

Music Pack 10 (Free)

New Songs Pack 01 (?0.79/?0.99)



Uncharted: Golden Abyss Demo

Modnation Racers Road Trip Demo

Dynasty Warriors Next Demo

Unit 13 Demo

Wipeout 2048 Demo


Wow, what a fucking shitty launch.


My Uncharted game arrived from Shopto (obviously). Slight problem though, they've put it in a The Borrowers sized case, anyone else had this problem?




Lulz. I like them. They're cute!

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GAME added: "As the official launch partner for PlayStationVita we are pulling out all the stops to make this hugely anticipated hardware release as exciting as possible for our customers.


HA. Fucking classic. "We're the official launch partner so we're offering everything you could want from a console launch! Except for that, that and you guessed it, that too. If you want the complete selection, please go to a retailer that isn't an official launch partner".


My Uncharted game arrived from Shopto (obviously). Slight problem though, they've put it in a The Borrowers sized case, anyone else had this problem?


Did it come with a manual? Or are we witnessing the death of manuals from Nintendo and Sony?

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No Ubisoft games = People buy better games instead = More exciting launch.


But Ubisoft are publishing Lumines and bringing Rayman Origins, the former of which is supposed to be one of the best launch titles and the latter of which is a brilliant game that people really should check out. The rest of the games Ubisoft are bringing are terrible but the fact that both of the titles I've mentioned aren't being stocked is pretty poor on GAME's behalf.


Edit: beaten to it by Aimless :laughing:


Still deliberating whether to pick a Vita. Would trade in my 3DS towards it as that's sitting unused and has been for some time but it's likely that this too would sit unused outside the launch period, like all my games consoles. So think I'm gonna hold off. Also wasn't too happy with the analogue sticks when I had a go on one a few days ago. Felt too small and just didn't feel right.

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Just been having a wank sesh on Virtua Tennis.

It's amazing.


Get on it - y'all. :)


Come on then fill us in with your impressions of the system and it's games.


You're all wankers.


Tell us something we don't know!


Well in anticipation of getting the Vita tomorrow (if Royal Mail dont fuck up). I've downloaded Hustle Kings, Super Stardust Delta and DLC and some of the demo's on my PS3 to transfer over tomorrow.

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Come on then fill us in with your impressions of the system and it's games.


: peace:


It's very impressive.


It's an absolute power house. I haven't even touched Uncharted yet - just been playing Virtua Tennis. Gotta say Virtua Tennis looks amazing. And the player models are brilliant.


The system itself I've had a little play with but not much. It is similar to the 3DS in how you can pause a game and return to the home menu to open something else. One thing I have been doing whilst playing is pausing Virtua Tennis and opening up the Trophy app to see what I can do next. It's all seamless with no slow down and little lag (compared to the PS3 anyway).

All PS3 trophies are shown with a separate list of Vita ones. The trophy app is a better way to track what you have unlocked than it is on the PS3.


I like the big circle blob for each app - it's all laid out well and doesn't look cluttered.


The system itself felt sightly awkward at first. I wasn't keen on the control sticks - but I have found myself not having any problems after spending about 3 hours straight on Virtua. I think the bigger test will be playing Uncharted as the right control stick is very close to the 4 main buttons. It is a little difficult to press the X button sometimes as the stick is almost in the way. Again though, this is probably just something that I need to get used to.


Not tried anything to do with the rear touch pad yet. Took a picture of myself to create a custom tennis player and it was very good quality for the low lighting. My created player was not flattering in the slightest however... so has been swiftly deleted... :heh:


The buttons have great feedback (MUCH better than the original PSP) and the D-PAD is one of the best I have felt from any controller or handheld. Lots of praise there.


There is so much more to doooo! But that is gonna have to wait haha.

And by the time i post that you lot will have been wiping your own jizz off the screen of your shiny new toy and wont give a shit then :heh: lol.


It feels very very different to the 3DS experience too - and that in my opinion is a good thing. I now know that these 2 consoles can definitely exist together and both be successful. We just need the games to be there which I'm confident they will be.

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Motorstorm RC seems pretty awesome. Was worried about the controls because games like Micro Machines always felt awkward but the 'Alternative', because I'm super alt, controls are perfect.


Can't wait to play it where ever the hell I want.

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Awesome, can you give us more info on virtua, why it's so good. Checked out online yet?


Also, can anyone answer my question with regards to downloading from my ps3 to my vita. Will it be quicker if I download it all tonight on the ps3? How do the two devices transfer? Bluetooth?


Motorstorm RC seems pretty awesome. Was worried about the controls because games like Micro Machines always felt awkward but the 'Alternative', because I'm super alt, controls are perfect.


Can't wait to play it where ever the hell I want.


Getting really good reviews. The only thing putting me off is no online multiplayer

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Is it just me or does Safari BLOW ever since iOS4? It used to be lightening quick and now it stutters all the time when loading.


Awesome, can you give us more info on virtua, why it's so good. Checked out online yet?


Also, can anyone answer my question with regards to downloading from my ps3 to my vita. Will it be quicker if I download it all tonight on the ps3? How do the two devices transfer? Bluetooth?



Getting really good reviews. The only thing putting me off is no online multiplayer


You use a USB cable to transfer so it should be super quick. So, download tonight.



It's not the kind of game that would benefit for online, tbh. Races last like...45 second. Imagine waiting for players to fill a race and then boom you start and you're done. I think they've nailed it with the timed ghost things.


Give it a go. I'd be surprised if you still think it lacked it after playing it. It's almost a racer/puzzle game.

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Awesome, can you give us more info on virtua, why it's so good. Checked out online yet?


It's so good because if you have ever played a Virtua Tennis game before you will know exactly what you are doing.

Some of these newer tennis games on the main consoles are trying to be super realistic and it takes the pick up and play element away from what a sport game should be all about imo.


This just feels perfect for the Vita. It looks great, plays amazingly well and there are lots of different modes to play through. Yeah, some might be shit (like mini games etc) and the career mode is nothing new / slightly tedious - but if you just want it to be able to play some on the go tennis then it's perfect.


Having said that, if you wanna spend a good hour or more with the game, whack the difficulty up to professional, set up a match playing best of 5 sets and away you go. Hard as nails. But great fun.


Online I have played one match - perfect, no lag. And I handed some Japanese guy his ass. So all is good. Looking forward to handing you your's Dazzy... :hug: lol

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