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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Hmmm well tech wise impressive, aesthetically it looks like a squashed and rounded psp. Like a lot of people though I'm not sure I need this kind of home console gaming on a handheld, I do so much of my gaming at home.


Also this is gonna be EXPENSIVE, all those input methods (2 touch pads, motion controls etc..) and that OLED screen. Surely above the 3DS but would people pay more than the PS3 for a handheld?!

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Hmmm well tech wise impressive, aesthetically it looks like a squashed and rounded psp. Like a lot of people though I'm not sure I need this kind of home console gaming on a handheld, I do so much of my gaming at home.


Also this is gonna be EXPENSIVE, all those input methods (2 touch pads, motion controls etc..) and that OLED screen. Surely above the 3DS but would people pay more than the PS3 for a handheld?!


I have a feeling Sony are perhaps going after the iPhone market more or those willing to make a long term investment in a technically impressive piece of kit/the tech savvy gamer. It will be expensive unfortunately, as you say.


I'm not sure about the design myself. Something about it doesn't look right. Perhaps it's the sticks, I'm not sure. The rounded edges as well, although I can understand why they're there. I agree it's very impressive tech wise and the games, from the stills shown so far, look great thanks to the processing power and that OLED screen but they're big console titles which benefit from being played on a big HD tv. I rarely game on the go (I'd rather listen to some music or something) so I personally have to weigh it up as something I'd want to have for playing at home even though I have my PS3 and the other consoles.


Obviously, and rightly so, I'll wait and see when it is released (end of the year world wide, although Europe not getting it until 2012 is something I'd expect) and at what price but I can see this being both too expensive and perhaps a little unnecessary at the moment for me.

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Better pic,




I like it.


It has Uncharted, so that's me happy. Also, from what I hear trophies, too. Score.




Didn't realise it had real analogue sticks, too.


Edit: I think this pic makes it look sick.




It's pretty much a DS3 with a screen.



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Since the PSP2 has no release date, no price, no games, no battery life at all for the moment just the announcement that it is "there" I am happy for the 3DS in march. However I will probably end up buying a PSP2 if the price is acceptable which might prove the most difficult point to reach a large audience and keep developer support. I guess a price range between 300-400€ seems to be a good point when I see how much people pay for Apple devices...


Battery life might not be a big issue - there is a lot more space for a bigger battery so I believe it will be on par or slightly worse than the 3DS like most smartphones big screens, WiFi, etc. draw a lot of power.

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It has a release window of the end of the year.


About 12 games have been confirmed for it.


I'm pretty excited.


I'm happy how the PSP2 and PlayStation Suite turned out.


I was worried there would be PSP2 and PlayStation Phone and it'd cause confusion.


It seems like a pretty clear distinction and good use of the brand.

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I have a feeling Sony are perhaps going after the iPhone market more or those willing to make a long term investment in a technically impressive piece of kit/the tech savvy gamer. It will be expensive unfortunately, as you say.


I'd actually say they're going more after the iPad market. The iPhone is still a slick phone and thus that slump of a PSP2 cannot replace it or other android / WP7 mobile phones.

People who realize they're gaming on the iPad more than anything when they're not surfing the Web however might consider the PSP2 due to a lineup of much more substantial games. I'm guessing the PSP2 might start out about a hundred bucks below the iPad. Somewhere in the 400-500 category.



The NGP boasts a ARM Cortex A9 (4 core) PU, a SGX543MP4+ GPU, a five inch (16:9), 960 x 544, 16 million colours OLED screen, and a multi touch pad on the back.
(Source: Eurogamer)


I don't get why people associate every screen that's considered "wide" an 16:9 aspect ratio. You even heard people spouting that the 3DS has a 16:9 top screen (its 5:3). The PSP2's display has a 30:17 aspect ratio unless pixels appear wider than they are high, which I seriously doubt.

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The more interesting comment in there is that Sony will lose money with each system they sell. So the Nintendo 3DS might have a headstart but (if everything works out) the PSP2 will launch with a very competitive price around christmas season or earlier. I think Sony is determined to win back ground in the handheld war and technology + price really attract a lot of people including me.


Right now I can only guess the outcome after 5 years - Nintendo is currently in the lead and doing most things right but so does Sony. Furthermore Sony is not as worried about money and profit as Nintendo is - they subsidize their consoles to win market share and they buy third party exclusive games whereas Nintendo doesn't care about that.

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I'd actually say they're going more after the iPad market.


But the majority of the market is almost certainly people who simply wanted another Apple accessory...that's why Honeycomb Tablets, as impressive as they may be, will almost certainly fail.

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Does any one actually know any thing about the Uncharted title they plan to release? As it was noted during the Kotaku stream the images they were showing of Uncharted on PSP2 were all from Uncharted 1.


Although I have never played it, if it's a port I'm slightly concerned about the rehash culture that's going to prevail on both new handhelds.

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I don't think the NGP is going after any specific market. At its heart it is a games machine, but it'll do a whole lot more - especially with the added inputs.


This is a pretty solid announcement. I expect we'll see the majority of the 3rd party games at E3. What's most promising is that a lot of developers are saying this is easy to develop for, unlike every other Sony console. It's apparently even easier to port to, hence MGS4 running on it. I also expect it will be priced fairly competitively since Sony always take a hit on these things.


We haven't even seen most its features. Its link up to the PS3 will be interesting. I'd also happily use it as a controller for the PS3 if that functionality was used.


Basically, a good start -can't wait to see what comes next. There have already been hints about cloud computing from Kojima.


He said that when he launched Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on PSP he dreamed of a cloud computing future, and that game was an experiment for it. "NGP allows this cloud computing," he said, cryptically.


"What I'd like to realise is playing on your PS3, and when you go out, you put the game on your NGP, and when you come back home, you can once again use your PS3 and large screen TV," said Kojima.


"This dream is going to come true in the near future. And right now, I'm working on this project of the dream. I'm sorry, I can't reveal this now. But we'd like to present what we're doing at E3."



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The more interesting comment in there is that Sony will lose money with each system they sell. So the Nintendo 3DS might have a headstart but (if everything works out) the PSP2 will launch with a very competitive price around christmas season or earlier. I think Sony is determined to win back ground in the handheld war and technology + price really attract a lot of people including me.


Don't hold your breath yet. If I remember correctly, the PS3 also was sold at a loss. So from a technological point of view, it was a bargain. It was still a pure gaming machine costing 600€, the price of a middle class PC. Unlike the PS3 however, the PSP2 has no direct rival on the handheld market in terms of power and features. So it won't have to share it's target audience with Microsoft.

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I'm extremely impressed. I think the hardware is a huge leap forward for Sony, it's sexy as hell. I've been underwhelmed by the looks of the PSP Go, Move etc so this pleases me.


As far as the tech specs go, I'm very surprised the graphics quality this has. I really wasn't expecting it. It sorta has everything, mics, cameras, touch screens, touch pads, motion controls, 3G blah blah.


I'm sat here and in all honestly I can't fault it, I might cancel my 3DS pre order mow.


Of course the RRP will be a deciding factor.

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If Sony wants to battle 3DS, Android/iOS devices they can't offer the PSP2 for 600 Euro - I think early adopters will be screwed with a 450 € price tag (very fair because this is the same price as a Samsung Galaxy S) and soon after that it will drop to 300-350 Euro. More expensive than the 3DS but competable.

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There's no point speculating about the price.


Metal Gear Solid 4, Lost Planet, Yakuza Shown In PSP2 Form




The PSP2—or the NGP, as its currently codenamed—may be powerful enough to play PlayStation 3-quality games. At today's coming out party for the next-generation PlayStation Portable, Sony and friends showed just that.


Sony's Shuhei Yoshida likened the power of the next PSP to that of its current home console, the four-year-old PS3. A handful of developers took the stage to illustrate the next-generation PlayStation Portable's power, playing an all-new Uncharted game designed for the new handheld, as well as a few games based on existing PlayStation 3 software.


Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima showed a demonstration of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots running on the PSP2, looking almost as good as its console counterpart. "This game used the model data and environments from PS3, and it was exported directly to NGP," Kojima said, adding "On NGP, we can enjoy the same quality as the PS3."


Sega's Toshihiro Nagoshi also showed off a PSP2 version of Yakuza 4, extolling the ease of reusing PlayStation 3 assets, saying the Yakuza team created its NGP demo in a very short time frame.


Capcom's Jun Takeuchi showed two games running on the PSP2, a copy of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd to illustrate the system's backwards compatibility with downloadable PSP games and a demo version of Lost Planet, which looked close to its PlayStation 3 ancestor.


None of those titles were officially announced as PSP2 games, however. Given the ease of portability between the PS3 and PSP2, we won't be surprised if some of those PlayStation 3 games find their way to Sony's new platform.



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I wonder how many casual consumers would be able to tell the difference on a quick glance.


I don't think Sony are after them.


In all honesty I think Sony are after the PSP market.


PSPs do sell!


It's just software dried up (mostly due to it not selling... due to... who can guess?) which in turn did hurt sales (but not as much as you'd think it would).


So even after that cycle they sold pretty well.

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I don't think Sony are after them.


In all honesty I think Sony are after the PSP market.


PSPs do sell!


It's just software dried up (mostly due to it not selling... due to... who can guess?) which in turn did hurt sales (but not as much as you'd think it would).


So even after that cycle they sold pretty well.


And unlike the PSP, there'll probably be a lot more software for the PSP2. If anything, large western devs are just going to release their games simultaneously with the home console /PC versions slightly downscaled on the PSP2. Plus, with an established download store and the touch screen, a large portion of the smartphone games may just be ported over.

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Im not sure what to make of it. ::shrug:


I like the idea of the console being like a potable PS3, however the pricing will determine a purchase for me.


Also like the games listed and graphics look amazing.

Couple that with trophy support, a nice looking white console and you've got me veerrrry interested.


No doubt i will end up getting one at some point. :grin:

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It's just software dried up (mostly due to it not selling... due to... who can guess?) which in turn did hurt sales (but not as much as you'd think it would).


This is (one of) my main issues with the PSP, the games library isn't as good as say, the DS. There's only a hand full of PSP titles I want.


So no UMD with the PSP2? They were horrible.

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After seeing the 3DS this just seems pretty underwhelming to me in comparison, the only thing that may eventually sell it to me is Uncharted and a price of significantly less whatever it ends up being which will probably be £280...


I hope they realise that they will at least need to have a price-point of £250 or lower to even stand a chance of being competitively priced.

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The NGP at the very least has a new input to play with.


Which one though? The touch-screen? DS had that years ago or the touch-pads? they're basically just replacements for triggers I'd imagine or the motion sensor? the 3DS has this...


Yes the PSP2 may have superior visuals but that's really all it seems to have over the 3DS as a game system now yes I'm sure the PSP2 will do more but then you could just argue that if you want to do more then there are other devices that already do what it does and more.


The visuals on the 3DS still look impressive even against the PSP2 plus they'll have added depth thanks to the 3D surely? Anyway I'm sticking with the 3DS because I believe that it'll actually be better as a games console.

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