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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Zero Time Dilemma (aka Zero Escape 3) is now out! Problem is...no physical release over here (and 33 quid on the store). Physical version can be imported though from US.


Aw, what? I didn't realise we weren't getting a physical release. Might wait for it to go on sale, £33 is a bit much.


I started playing Adventures of Mana during my lunch break and I like what i've played so far. Having never played Final Fantasy Adventure I don't have any nostalgia for the game but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying it. It's very simplistic but has a great amount of charm about it.


This will be my next lunch break/Euro 2016 game. :D


Is this a remake of the Gameboy Final Fantasy games or something?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I contemplated it, but then the thought of them possibly banning my PSN account (for digital titles etc) put me off.

You can't download Vita games as far as I know, it's not a piracy tool. But yeah, hadn't thought about this.

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Yeah I meant more that I would have to connect to the internet on it periodically for those Plus digital titles, at which point they could detect an altered Vita.


I remember them hard banning PS3 custom firmware users just for having the firmware, regardless of whether they ran pirated games or not.

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There's the danger they could system ban as well though (pretty sure they did that on PS3). Extreme measures but still possible.


Only way to be sure would be to have a completely offline Vita. Could be worth buying a cheap preowned one for that purpose if the price/emulation was right.

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  • 1 month later...
Have been trying to buy a PSP Go off ebay but no luck. Don't really want to spend more than 40€ but they sell for 60€ in Germany :sad:


You might have a bit better luck looking elsewhere and paying for shipping? It is a region free system after all. Only issue could be system language.


Scratch that, I suppose power adapter could pose a problem as well.

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You might have a bit better luck looking elsewhere and paying for shipping? It is a region free system after all. Only issue could be system language.


Scratch that, I suppose power adapter could pose a problem as well.


Yeah, the latter is always a problem when I buy things from the UK :p


I've looked around but with shipping and taxes the price always adds up to at least 60€...


I gues I'll just have to keep an eye open for that one offer :D

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  • 1 month later...

Finally aquired a Vita. I have been more or less interested it for a while actually, but it's not exactly overflowing with supply. It's more or less extinct in this country actually. I asked Gamestop a few months ago for an used one, but they hadn't seen one for almost a year, let alone a new one. They even had the entire Vita game library of 20 games or so locked behind in a shelf behind the counter. The only store online that had onesold the version with five old games included for 230£. So I ended up buying an used one for 110£ including shipping and a 16gb card.


Should have a bunch of plus games for it already, although I haven't added them every month, although that will change now. Also looking forward to play some games I have on PS4 a second time with a new platinums like Gravity Rush, a few lego games and AC Liberation among others, and maybe some exlusive jrpgs, think there's a few of those.


Seem Gravity Rush was free on plus 3 years ago and I was wise enough to "purchace" it. Nice :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't think it would be worth starting a game specific thread (only because not many appear to play it) but Trails of Cold Steel II arrived earlier today.


Since completing the previous game earlier this year, in which it happened to become one of my favourite games of recent years, I have been eagerly awaiting this game and despite only spending a couple of hours with it so far I can already see that this sequel is unlikely to disappoint.


It carries on from the cliff-hanger ending of the first game and it feels great to be back in Erebonia again. One thing the Legend of Heroes games do really well is world-building, narrative and creating a cast of characters that you really do care about with some great back stories and whist the games can be quite slow going to start off they are definitely worth sticking with. As is typical with JRPGs there is a tonne of stuff to do and I absolutely love the combat system, which due to events in this previous game, will have even more variety this time around.


I really am looking forward to spending more time with this and if it is anything close to the greatness of the previous game then I may be constantly recharging my Vita for a while yet.

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Anyone know why average reviews are lower for the Vita version of Trails of Cold Steel than the PS3 version?


From what I understand, and I could be wrong but due to text heavy nature of the game some people just preferred reading the text on a larger screen and found the Vita version to be a little tougher on the eyes. I personally didn't have this issue and found the text perfectly fine.


Another thing could well have been loading times. Many believed they were far shorter on the PS3, however, by the time we received the original game this had been patched and supposedly loading times were pretty much identical after that.


Re loading times on both games, I only really noticed the loading being a minor issue on the first battle after continuing from a save on the first game. I assume the game was still loading the main assets which lead to a slight delay on those first battles after a continue.


I have noticed on the sequel that there does appear to be the occasional load before and after some battles but thankfully it's only really long enough to be noticeable but not an annoyance and again, it's not on every battle. Whether the same thing happens on the PS3 I can't say.

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