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Nintendo's 'completely blown' its Wii 2 strategy


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Is PS3 only that much behind the Wii? I think that's a call for concern in itself, the current last place selling console pretty much up your ass ready to climax with only 5 million third party units behind.


It's the number of titles released by third parties that have sold over a million copies. With the total number of titles selling over a million the Wii has over 100, the PS3 has 81.


I'm not his biggest fan either to be honest I'm just saying that's how it would look to outsiders.


Is that a fact now? I had no idea the combined figure of wii third party sales is so high. I mean I KNEW it was higher than gamecube but I didn't think it would be higher than PS3.


This wouldn't be exclusive only titles per chance no?


Nope, this is all third party titles, exclusives and otherwise.

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Well, I'm glad they haven't made a Wii HD or Wii 2. The Wii was a great toy (not meant in a demeaning way) to play Wii Sports with, but did this function lend itself to other games? If you look at 2010, Mario Galaxy 2 only used tilting and pointing, Donkey Kong Country Returns utilised a shake or two (as far as I'm aware) and Metroid: Other M didn't use motion control at all, only pointing (and was all the better for it). With this is mind, can it really be said that players or developers think it benefits the types of games they like?


If Skyward Sword sticks to using MotionPlus, it'll stick out like a sore thumb (and, I think, be the worst Zelda ever). When you get people looking forward to Kirby more, something's wrong.


The Wii's real legacy has been "living room games" (as aped by Kinect). These may be fun in certain contexts, but I don't want to play them in the bedroom, and I don't want to play my favourite series like that. I'm not lazy. I do plenty of exercise, but when I'm playing games I don't want to move my arm from the elbow, I don't want to have to swing hard or throw hard, I don't want to bang my elbow or get my sleeve caught on the bedpost. It's just not fun.


So, in short, I'm hoping Nintendo back off from motion control. Wii 2? No thanks!

Edited by Grazza
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I love the Wiimote, the motion controls make casual games and golf games so much more fun to play, but beyond that I don't see then being beneficial in most games. The pointer on the other hand is a MUST!


It's made FPS games so much better it's unreal! In fact, pointer controls for targetting on almost any game is better than dual analogue.


It wouldn't bother me at all if Nintendo's next console had a revamped Wiimote, albeit more precise, with a wireless nunchuck that also had Wiimotion+ in... that'd do me reet!

Although I would like the machine to be a lot more powerful, not necesarrily for the graphics but just so the console could handle the big games... the poor Wii struggles running Black Ops!

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If Skyward Sword sticks to using MotionPlus, it'll stick out like a sore thumb (and, I think, be the worst Zelda ever).

Jesus Christ, you never give it a rest do you? So if the game has the perfect gameplay that implements the full usage of the controls has a better told story then the other games, has more content and a vast world filled with life. It's still going to be the worst Zelda game because of what? Hurr durp I want buttons!!!!


When you get people looking forward to Kirby more, something's wrong.

Perhaps thats because we have seen more of kirby epic yarn. Perhaps it's because we know we will be getting it first?


The Wii's real legacy has been "living room games" (as aped by Kinect). These may be fun in certain contexts, but I don't want to play them in the bedroom, and I don't want to play my favourite series like that. I'm not lazy. I do plenty of exercise, but when I'm playing games I don't want to move my arm from the elbow, I don't want to have to swing hard or throw hard, I don't want to bang my elbow or get my sleeve caught on the bedpost. It's just not fun.

Jeez lighten up and just have fun for what it is.


So, in short, I'm hoping Nintendo back off from motion control. Wii 2? No thanks!


Yeah good luck with that.

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I love the Wiimote, the motion controls make casual games and golf games so much more fun to play, but beyond that I don't see then being beneficial in most games. The pointer on the other hand is a MUST!


It's made FPS games so much better it's unreal! In fact, pointer controls for targetting on almost any game is better than dual analogue.


It wouldn't bother me at all if Nintendo's next console had a revamped Wiimote, albeit more precise, with a wireless nunchuck that also had Wiimotion+ in... that'd do me reet!

Although I would like the machine to be a lot more powerful, not necesarrily for the graphics but just so the console could handle the big games... the poor Wii struggles running Black Ops!


Yeah, I agree with most of this. Although I do think that the motion controls do have a place, but the time and situation has to be right. They can't just be used in every game because some games simply don't need it. In that sense, the other features of the system or controller can come into play. Its a bit criminal how the Wiimote speaker hasn't been used in a much better way, except for games like Shattered Memories.


Actually, Shattered Memories is a great example of what the Wiimote can offer in terms of enriching the experience. You had the pointer controls for using the torch and looking at objects. You had the nunchuk and gesture system to knock over objects during the nightmare sections, or for solving puzzles. You had the speaker to listen to messages during the game or that "radio crackling sound" before something was revealed. That game had the lot.

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Well, I'm glad they haven't made a Wii HD or Wii 2. The Wii was a great toy (not meant in a demeaning way) to play Wii Sports with, but did this function lend itself to other games? If you look at 2010, Mario Galaxy 2 only used tilting and pointing, Donkey Kong Country Returns utilised a shake or two (as far as I'm aware) and Metroid: Other M didn't use motion control at all, only pointing (and was all the better for it). With this is mind, can it really be said that players or developers think it benefits the types of games they like?


If Skyward Sword sticks to using MotionPlus, it'll stick out like a sore thumb (and, I think, be the worst Zelda ever). When you get people looking forward to Kirby more, something's wrong.


The Wii's real legacy has been "living room games" (as aped by Kinect). These may be fun in certain contexts, but I don't want to play them in the bedroom, and I don't want to play my favourite series like that. I'm not lazy. I do plenty of exercise, but when I'm playing games I don't want to move my arm from the elbow, I don't want to have to swing hard or throw hard, I don't want to bang my elbow or get my sleeve caught on the bedpost. It's just not fun.


So, in short, I'm hoping Nintendo back off from motion control. Wii 2? No thanks!


Just cause there is motion control for the Wii, it doesn't make it the standard that every single game should be in. This post can be picked and torn apart that it's so unreal, but it's honestly not worth my time if you think this.


But regardless, no news on Zelda = WORST GAME EVER!!!!! >:o


We know there's motion control, a sword and shield, Link and some other items. Rock on.

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Just cause there is motion control for the Wii, it doesn't make it the standard that every single game should be in.


I'm saying the Wii is a console optimised for the motion control games like Wii Sports. Without that, what do you have left? Slightly more processing power than the GameCube, a DVD drive and not enough buttons. I'm not saying good games can't be made, it's just that I don't think there should be another console based around motion control.


But regardless, no news on Zelda = WORST GAME EVER!!!!! >:o


It's nothing to do with news. I gave Wii Sports Resort a go the other day, trying to like it. Every single event. Now, whilst it's impressive when you first try it, there's no way I want to play a full Zelda game with those controls.


That early idea of "normal" games controlled with the analogue stick in your left hand and motion control in your right (like Metroid Prime 3) has been and gone. There has still never been a good game like that! Developers have (quite rightly) gone back to just using the Wii remote for pointing, or just using the remote on its side.


In short, a Wii HD/Wii 2 like Michael Pachter is thinking of is a bad idea.

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I watch Pach-Attack! all the time and used to love watching the Bonus Round when Pachter was on it. I've not watched the Bonus Round in quite some time so I dunno if he still features...? I think he's a cool guy with a lot of charisma and good knowledge and I believe he does know what he's talking about. Its just he makes these rash estimations about what he believes Nintendo should do and people jump straight onto his back because of it. I'm sure he knows perfectly well that Nintendo will do their own thing but how can he predict what that will be? No one can.


Nintendo said they didn't go HD this gen because they didn't think HD TVs would catch on. Looks like they were a bit off the mark with that one. Now that HD TVs are (pretty much) the standard in households, is it a wild prediction that they might have gone the route they have with their handhelds and put out an update...? Probably not and earlier on people loved the idea when Pachter started with it. Just because it didn't come to fruition everyone (read: Nintendo fanboys) have turned against him. Lol. If you watch the Pach-Attack or anything you'll see that he's happy to admit that he's wrong about stuff and he makes joking comments about the Wii HD now and again.

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I'm saying the Wii is a console optimised for the motion control games like Wii Sports. Without that, what do you have left? Slightly more processing power than the GameCube, a DVD drive and not enough buttons. I'm not saying good games can't be made, it's just that I don't think there should be another console based around motion control.


It's nothing to do with news. I gave Wii Sports Resort a go the other day, trying to like it. Every single event. Now, whilst it's impressive when you first try it, there's no way I want to play a full Zelda game with those controls.


That early idea of "normal" games controlled with the analogue stick in your left hand and motion control in your right (like Metroid Prime 3) has been and gone. There has still never been a good game like that! Developers have (quite rightly) gone back to just using the Wii remote for pointing, or just using the remote on its side.


In short, a Wii HD/Wii 2 like Michael Pachter is thinking of is a bad idea.


This is utter nonsense. To suggest "That [the] early idea of "normal" games controlled with the analogue stick in your left hand and motion control in your right (like Metroid Prime 3) has been and gone." means you've clearly been living in a cave or you're trying to get a reaction!


The Wii remote pointer has shown how FPS games can be played much more quickly and fluidly without the dual analog set up, why do you think SONY is putting those same controls into MAG, SOCOM and Killzone 3? So to suggest developers have dropped that control scheme would be to ignore the fact it has not only been successful on the Wii but also spread to the PS3!

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I'm never trying to upset anyone. I have no problem with analogue stick + pointing. I was talking about analogue stick + moving your hand or arm significantly. If that's been copied... well, I've been living in a cave.


Sorry if any of my posts were inflammatory.

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I'm never trying to upset anyone. I have no problem with analogue stick + pointing. I was talking about analogue stick + moving your hand or arm significantly. If that's been copied... well, I've been living in a cave.


Sorry if any of my posts were inflammatory.


EA Grand Slam Tennis did... but other than that..? I dunno...

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Firstly, I'm gonna agree with Pach on this completely. There is no way the Wii will last another couple of years given how weak the support for it is already and that the 360 and PS3 are finally coming in at lower and more appealing prices. Hell, weak DS and Wii (especially Wii) are the reason they are having to rush the 3DS out before the fiscal year ends. Zelda is this year but jeez it's gonna have bloody motion control (this isn't unwarrently hate towards the Wii and calling it childish, but argh I don't want Motion control in a Zelda game, just give me a button press it's so much more reliable....IR aiming is great though).


Secondly, i think it's hilarious Nintendo are releasing a 3D ready console before they do a HD one. Amazing when you think about it.


Firstly, I'm gonna agree with Pach on this completely. There is no way the Wii will last another couple of years given how weak the support for it is already and that the 360 and PS3 are finally coming in at lower and more appealing prices. Hell, weak DS and Wii (especially Wii) are the reason they are having to rush the 3DS out before the fiscal year ends. Zelda is this year but jeez it's gonna have bloody motion control (this isn't unwarrently hate towards the Wii and calling it childish, but argh I don't want Motion control in a Zelda game, just give me a button press it's so much more reliable....IR aiming is great though).


Secondly, i think it's hilarious Nintendo are releasing a 3D ready console before they do a HD one. Amazing when you think about it.

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Secondly, i think it's hilarious Nintendo are releasing a 3D ready console before they do a HD one. Amazing when you think about it.


- Famicom: Had an optional 3D visor for use with one or two games. Was similar in technology to the brand new visor that Sony are showing off.


- Virtual Boy: Nothing needs to be said about that.


- GBA SP: There was a working prototype with a 3D screen. Resolution wasn't good enough for a good-looking effect.


- GameCube: All models had a chip inside capable of outputting 3D. No 3D games were released because the screens were way too expensive. Nintendo have a working 3D version of Luigi's Mansion.

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Now that HD TVs are (pretty much) the standard in households,


If the next Ninty console is HD-only, I'll be so pissed, it's not even funny. HDTVs aren't the standard yet.


weak DS


Wait, what? Not even the Wii is weak, much less the DS.

(We are talking about sales, right?)


Secondly, i think it's hilarious Nintendo are releasing a 3D ready console before they do a HD one. Amazing when you think about it.


When I think about it, I see that the 3D console doesn't depend on me owning a 3D television, but the HD console would (since a HD handheld is pointless). It makes perfect sense.

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Cube I'm aware of all of that, I was stating they are going to be releasing a full 3D console before a HD console, given that 3D has only just taken off in the mass market, a good few years after HD.


And yeah Jonnas I was talking about sales. If you're a shareholder in Nintendo and have seen the fall in sales (especially vs the uprise in 360 ones), what better than to see a new console come out RIGHT before the fiscal year ends and sell out (which is will due, and no doubt they'll be shortages for a fair bit afterwards too). There's a reason why they've always been adamant it'll be out before April, and why a lot of the PR around it has had mixed messages (like the eShop at launch business). Either way, it'll be a great console, but i'm definiately waiting for the 3DSlite. Looking at the console already you know they're working on a redesign, hopefully once which'll result in production costs too. £220 is incredibly steep given I could go on holiday with that much!


Edit: Jonnas, also you posted saying HD isn't the standard yet. Well, it is pretty much. Update has increased a lot and think about it, EVERY TV sold now is in HD. By the end of the current console gen I think most people will atleast have a couple of HD sets in their house. Also on your point about not really needing a 3D tv to play in 3D...well, you kind of do. The 3DS is the only exception as it's newish tech, and even then it's on a tiny screen and the viewing angle needs to be correct.


I wonder what percentage of people now own HDTVs. They're becoming so cheap (especially during sales), makes you wonder.

Edited by Goron_3
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Firstly, I'm gonna agree with Pach on this completely. There is no way the Wii will last another couple of years given how weak the support for it is already and that the 360 and PS3 are finally coming in at lower and more appealing prices. Hell, weak DS and Wii (especially Wii) are the reason they are having to rush the 3DS out before the fiscal year ends. Zelda is this year but jeez it's gonna have bloody motion control (this isn't unwarrently hate towards the Wii and calling it childish, but argh I don't want Motion control in a Zelda game, just give me a button press it's so much more reliable....IR aiming is great though).


Secondly, i think it's hilarious Nintendo are releasing a 3D ready console before they do a HD one. Amazing when you think about it.


I shall furnish you with some FACTS, then you can crawl off back to your PS3 board:


FACT ONE: The Nintendo DS was the biggest selling system of last year. It sold a massive 21.77 million units worldwide.


FACT TWO: The Nintendo DS is the biggest selling system ever released, it has sold a total of 145.30 million units since release.


FACT THREE: The Nintendo Wii was the second biggest selling system last year and the biggest home console. It sold 18.65 million units.


FACT FOUR: The Wii is already the fifth best selling system of all time and looks set to leapfrog the PS One this year. In total it has sold 85 million units since release.


FACT FIVE: These incredible sales have been reached with very few (if any some territories) price cuts.


In economic terms that is amazing, as even inspite of massive record braking sales the Wii and DS still haven't reached saturation point at the current price level.


FACT SIX: Nintendo are far more intelligent than Sony or Microsoft as they have ensured that a profit was made on every unit sold, unlike other consoles which are still making a loss on each unit sold.


FACT SEVEN: Looking at weekly software sales you will see that each week the vast majority of the top ten selling titles are on the Wii or DS. What's more Wii software sales have seen over 100 million selling titles on the system.


So really as you will see, your whole argument falls to pieces like a leper in a wind tunnel as soon as you start speaking of the 'weak' Wii and DS!

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It's hard to argue with the figures, given that the Wii and DS are still outselling the competition year in year out.

If the Wii sales do begin to become "weak" any time soon (still a far way off being weak Goron 3) then Nintendo will likely drop the price, maybe bring it out in even more colours and it'll start to sell more again.


I think the only problem Nintendo created for themselves regarding their next console is their mantra of "it's not about graphics, it's about gameplay".

So if their next console really is similar to the Wii but just more powerful, would a situation arise where people that bought into their mantra think to themselves "if it's not about graphics, but it's about gameplay; why should I bother getting the new console?"?!


Considering the number of (I hate this term) casual gamers that bought the Wii, would they really think of upgrading it unless it did something new that other consoles weren't doing? If not, this could drastically effect sales of their next console!



I'd still buy it though, simply because Nintendo make the best games, bar none!

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If the next Ninty console is HD-only, I'll be so pissed, it's not even funny. HDTVs aren't the standard yet.


Its getting that way here. Maybe its different in Portugal...?


I wonder what percentage of people now own HDTVs. They're becoming so cheap (especially during sales), makes you wonder.


Yeah, true. I personally don't have one but there's already two in our house. If the Wii was an HD console, I'd have an HDTV for it... its actually that simple. As it stands, I've been able to put the money into games. :p


I shall furnish you with some FACTS, then you can crawl off back to your PS3 board:


With a pseudo like Goron I wouldn't align him with the PS3... :heh:

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Its getting that way here.


Right. For about 5 years now, it's been hard to buy a TV that isn't HD (not that I've got one), so they are "standard" in retail, if not in the home. Is there such thing as an "HD only" console yet though? Can't you use Scart leads?

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