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Scientists Might Recreate Woolly Mammoth


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Yes! You know, I tried to find that the other day (for the shit game thread) but had no luck. Good find!


I had to edit down a longer clip and upload it myself. It seemed perfect for this thread. For some reason it wouldn't work properly if I cut it too much and I had to leave a bit of the other blokes voice in.

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They've been on about re-creating Mammoths for years. It would be easier than bringing back other pre-historic animales, as we already have elephants. Scientists were on about years back about taking the DNA they found, the DNA of an Elephant and combine them (or change the necessary parts).

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I remember being really excited by the discovery of a whole, frozen wooly mammoth in the Arctic. One of the newspapers documented the process of the find and everything about it over a week, it was fascinating to follow.


I just don't see the point of resurrecting the wooly mammoth, other than to prove that they can? As Moogle said, what exactly do they plan to do with it should they successfully clone one?

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Well I'd rather have one alive than not. If you can, you may as well.


I'm bored of the ethical questions of cloning animals. Humans, yeah there's stuff to discuss, but animals...clone 'em all. I don't care. I just want a Velociraptor running around in my garden.






Well not really. Maybe a Triceratops.

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I want an archaeopteryx. I always thought they looked pretty kick-ass, and I took pride in being able to spell the damn thing from a very young age.




Look at those eyes. I'd tame it, then train it and use it to fight crime. By eating the faces of villains.

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Well I'd rather have one alive than not. If you can, you may as well.


I'm bored of the ethical questions of cloning animals. Humans, yeah there's stuff to discuss, but animals...clone 'em all. I don't care. I just want a Velociraptor running around in my garden.






Well not really. Maybe a Triceratops.


I love how it comes down to 'don't play God!'


Atheism lol!

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I love how it comes down to 'don't play God!'


Not really. It's unethical to bring a creature back to life only for it to live it's life in a tiny cell being subjected to tests for the entirety of it's life, never seeing it's own kind.


If that's your idea of "playing God" then you must have some fucked up god.

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Well I'd rather have one alive than not. If you can, you may as well.


I'm bored of the ethical questions of cloning animals. Humans, yeah there's stuff to discuss, but animals...clone 'em all. I don't care. I just want a Velociraptor running around in my garden.


Well not really. Maybe a Triceratops.


I don't think any garden (except ones found at State homes or Mansions) would be able to house a Triceratops. Worth a shot though.


Imagine taking it for walks, would you be able to have a leash that long.

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