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Having been posting a little in the Wii and DS boards I notice an entirely different group of people to the regulars we have over on General. I'm curious why there's very little mixing between the communities. Well, mostly curious on why you guys think that is.


Can anything be done to blend, or are you happy with the way it is?


Do most of you guys even want to talk about non-gaming stuff here?


Thoughts on a forum post card to PO BOX THIS THREAD please.


There is also a similar thread on General if you'd like to brave it and post there. We're very nice people. Those of us that don't post in green.

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It's one thing coming on message boards to discuss your hobby in anonymity. That sort of thing has been central to video game culture for years. It's something else entirely to invest part of your personal life on a message board. The latter just doesn't appeal to as many people as you seem to think it should. People have other things to do, to be honest.


At least that's how it seems to me.


But it's a big scary world over in Gen Chit Chat. I'M JUST NOT READY FOR IT!!!


Nah but really, dunno why it's so divided into two different sections. Just assume that the 'community' where folk know each other get along and don't have a need/interest in the gaming ones, and the ones in gaming are just here to talk about games.

Nah but really, dunno why it's so divided into two different sections. Just assume that the 'community' where folk know each other get along and don't have a need/interest in the gaming ones, and the ones in gaming are just here to talk about games.


I think that's pretty much it.

It's one thing coming on message boards to discuss your hobby in anonymity. That sort of thing has been central to video game culture for years. It's something else entirely to invest part of your personal life on a message board. The latter just doesn't appeal to as many people as you seem to think it should. People have other things to do, to be honest.


At least that's how it seems to me.


I wouldn't say that's quite right. One could easily stay as anonymous in General as they are here. General can be to music and films what this board is to games. I understand that not everyone wants to talk about or is even interested in those topics though, but it's not like posting little things on General is in line with the personal aspects of twitter or facebook.


I just use the New Posts button (like everyone should really) and click on the threads that interest me (like everyone should). (Seriously, doing that you could still end up staying out of General completely.

Posted (edited)

I've been a member of the site since the end of the N64-Europe days but I hadn't ever really posted much at all in General Chit Chat.

I think the only reason in truth is that I could never be bothered to talk about anything other than gaming... and now with the Wii being online, I mostly use the forums to see who's coming online and then usually chat about other things whilst we're online together.

To me the site will always be about a Nintendo community predominantly and not so much about the "General" N-E community... sorry guys!


I'll mainy use the General Chit Chat Threads for the Anime/Manga Thread to see what people recommend.


In short; I use the forum for things that my friends aren't into (Nintendo basically) and that we don't chat about.

Edited by Kav

Some people join to only chat about games, others join to partake in the General areas. No-one can make the members partake in General, if they don't want to visit general then they don't have to really.

Posted (edited)

I enjoy both the gaming boards and the Gen boards, for different reasons:


The Gaming boards give me some insight into good games, because lord knows gaming sites can let me down a lot of times (Eurogamer less so, but still), so it's good to have the input of reasonable, like-minded people, like Flinky, RedShell, Grazza and Fused King. I bought De Blob and House of the Dead thanks to this very forum (and I now plan on buying Fluidity/Hydroventure, as well as Dragon Quest IX somewhere down the line, too). I also bought Little King's Story, but I haven't had time to play it, only after my exams


Unfortunately, I don't usually play games as soon as they're released, so I tend to miss on fresh discussions, but I'm always ready to give my opinion whenever applicable. It's pretty much all I do: I show anticipation for a future game, give my thoughts on a game I just completed and, occasionally, I ask for help with any gaming-related issue. There's also the occasional discussion regarding more general aspects of gaming (though it's usually the Zelda series or the future of gaming. And I don't even have any interest in joining any discussion regarding the latter)

Mainly, this is a fun, reasonable, good community we have here, and I wouldn't trade it for any other.


With Gen Chit Chat, I take a different stance. It's like a place where I hang out, chill, have an imaginary drink and chat with these virtual friends. Discussing the issue du jour (usually learning something new), witnessing awesome, hilarious moments and generally having a nice time with our quirky members is all par for the course and, once again, it's a great community in this regard.

And, of course, the mafia games in the Playground. They're awesome, greatly thanks to the aforementioned community developed in Gen Chit Chat.


I am not surprised that the two communities are so different, since they're looking for different things. It's just that this site attracts awesome members. They are initially attracted by Nintendo news and products for one reason or the other, but stay, even after they lost interest/never had serious interest in gaming. And our quirky community pretty much means that other people who aren't interested in gaming will join anyway, staying for Chit Chat. And our gaming forum is one of the most reasonable places of discussion in the internet, so great users keep returning.


In conclusion: N-E brings the best in two distinct, yet not-mutually-exclusive worlds. But nobody should be surprised if most people prefer one side or the other.

Edited by Jonnas
Posted (edited)
It's because this is a Nintendo gaming site. It's not weird for people to just want to utilise the forum for that sort of thing.

Pretty much this. As someone who spends 99% of his time on N-Europe in the Console Discussion sections, I can personally say that it's really all I'm interested in.


I don't doubt that the people in other boards are equally nice and humorous, but I'm involved in enough communities already.


Plus you guys post too much in the other boards, making it mildly intimidating. ;)

Edited by LostOverThere
Posted (edited)

What about anime, though? Would a more persistent anime thread tempt you across to more General shores?


You guys seem great and it'd be nice to get your input over on our side. I know the 3DS is tempting me over to this side more often nowadays, and I'm sure you all appreciate my input immensely.

Edited by Guy
What about anime, though? Would a more persistent anime thread tempt you across to more General shores?


For the record, the previous Anime thread was pretty much dedicated to Naruto (and occasionally Bleach). Anyone attempting to discuss something different would find their posts lost in the discussion of Bleach and Naruto. So, not only were things the same back then, the current system allows for better discussion, whenever someone is interested.


Anyway, if you wish to frequent the gaming boards more often, that's great, really. I just doubt you'll change the current mentality that inhabits the forum :heh:

For the record, the previous Anime thread was pretty much dedicated to Naruto (and occasionally Bleach). Anyone attempting to discuss something different would find their posts lost in the discussion of Bleach and Naruto.


Yeah, and comic book discussion is another bad example of this, it's pretty much superheroics/spinoffs or GTFO.

Film/music thread were a mistake to take down, though, those two were constantly on the move and ultimately worked.

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