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Really liked the chase through Bravos with Arya and the "no named girl". She really, really frightened me. Very well acted, directed, etc. She actually made me recoil.





They have referenced Catelyn Stark so much now she must be returning... unless it's a giant troll attempt from the writers. I really hope they reveal her at the end of next weeks episode. The screams from the Internet will be deafening.


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Really liked the chase through Bravos with Arya and the "no named girl". She really, really frightened me. Very well acted, directed, etc. She actually made me recoil.





They have referenced Catelyn Stark so much now she must be returning... unless it's a giant troll attempt from the writers. I really hope they reveal her at the end of next weeks episode. The screams from the Internet will be deafening.


Haha, yes! She was totally scary, the way she ran was just... I wouldn't want her to run after me that way!


And yes, it is SOOO close now, it must happen. They can't go beating around the bush like that without addressing it now. Though GRRM has said that Lady Stoneheart will not appear in the show, as well as the actress having said the same. Also, Beric Dondarion is all well and alive.. I don't think it's happening, unfortunately.


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Haha, yes! She was totally scary, the way she ran was just... I wouldn't want her to run after me that way!


And yes, it is SOOO close now, it must happen. They can't go beating around the bush like that without addressing it now. Though GRRM has said that Lady Stoneheart will not appear in the show, as well as the actress having said the same. Also, Beric Dondarion is all well and alive.. I don't think it's happening, unfortunately.


I hope they're just lying! They lied about Jon Snow and the Hound!



I also liked how the chase seen harkened back to when Ayra chased a cat around Kings Landing.


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Yeah, I'm finding this season sensationally dull. Hound is back, Bronn is back, and I'm still bored senseless. The absolute massacre and destruction of the high sparrow pand the gang is the onl;y thing that excites me.


And that "joke" scene with Tyrion was the most cringe-inducing scene I've seen in anything for a long long long time.

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Yeah, I'm finding this season sensationally dull.


The majority seem to disagree. The ratings for this season have been the highest consistently to date.


I've loved this season so far, possibly my favourite.

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It's definitely the weakest season, some of the dialogue has been really bad, like Tyrion telling Varys to punch him in the face, which didn't belong in Game of Thrones at all. This week's joke scene was probably one of the first scenes I've ever thought was objectively bad start to finish.


I like Arya though, so I liked what they did with her arc :)

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Tbf I watched most of the show in one go (season 2-5) and have lost track of individual seasons :p but personally I feel like general quality of dialogue has dropped way off this time, and many scenes serve just to drag a point out further and further.

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Hot damn, I didn't breathe for the entire episode! Shit that felt good to finally have Bolton die and then in that manner! It was extremely satisfying - and Sansa's smile was priceless. It's a shame that we had to lose Rickon but it wasn't that hard a blow as we had barely seen him at all, and it was expected since he was in the custody of Bolton.


Denaerys was badass as hell, and Tyrion's lines were awesome.


As expected, a really solid episode!



(Also, I hear that the charge in front of Jon Snow was real, no green screen or anything - quite impressive if true.)


Edited by MindFreak
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I did read that Kit Harrington genuinely punched Iwan Rheon (by accident) twice during the final scenes.


Boy, Episode 9 lives up to it's reputation. It was edge of the seat stuff, i was genuinely worried that Jon would die again (several times, the horse cavalry, the crush and the raining arrows). But finally, Bolton got his just desserts. And Winterfell is back in Stark hands at last. Didn't feel too sad seeing Rickon die (to be fiar, hardly seen or heard from him since season 1.


Denaerys using all 3 Dragons to take out the enemy fleet, badass as anything. And Tyrion's lines were right up there again, spot on as always.


To be fair, they could have episode 10 just being of Tyrion talking about wine and Lannister debts


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It was an amazing episode

I called how ramsey would die weeks ago after he fed his brother and mother in law to the dogs, he had to go the same way! but man it was so satisfying how he went and how it was Sansa who did it


Jon was an interesting one for character development this week, he was unsure of himself, felt a failure and had no confidence, he fell for Ramsey's ruse so easily and all seemed lost. However i see that cavalry charge as a changing moment for Jon - he was faced with certain death, in a moment where he will have felt all was lost and once again his best actions to lead others in the greater good was a failure.......but then in comes charging all those who he inspired, they fought and died to save him against insurmountable odds, i hope Jon saw that for what it was, he was such a great inspirational leader even in death he would be followed by those loyal to him.


Sansa was interesting as it seemed very much like she planned her own ruse and sacrificed Rickon and was willing to sacrifice Jon - she could have told Jon he could have been waiting for the Vale knights, but she kept back, she took a ruthless course of action for her own victory and to reclaim Winterfell no matter the cost.


Danys stuff was typically amazing, it goes to show how the Masters still thought her dragons were those tiny winged lizards they last saw and how much of an underestimation they made!

and now she has their fleets and 100 iron island ships


Next week i expect a Kings Landing to generally take centre stage, with Cersei's trial and potentially death (hers has been long ever due - she essentially set the entire 6 seasons into motion by her actions). I could see the dragon fire under the sept being put into play, with the faith miltant and loras certainly being casualties.

Whilst that's going on i could see Bran having more visions culminating in the Tower of hope and that bed of blood finally being revealed.


but more than that i could see the cliff hangers being increased with a short scene of the brotherhood recieving a report that Jon and Sansa have retaken winterfell being given to a hooded woman


And the final shot being Cersei revealing in the death of the faith militant, before they all hear a roar in the distance and a wide pan shot to the harbour where ships blot out the horizon and three dragons soar towards the red keep - Dany making her move


man i cannot wait!


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Cersei has said time and time again that she'd "burn cities to the ground" and so forth for her children. She has one left. I see her taking out the whole city, or at least a lot of it. And perhaps accidentally killing Tommen along with it. But she would take out all of the Sparrows at once and could rule from Casterly Rock, which is overdue an appearance.


Dany could then sail into Kings Landing and find it in ruins, rebuild and attack.


But I'm probably completely wrong.


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