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Reading more on Mokongs link, they had plans to make "Forever Red" a larger ep. Even bringing in Zords for a huge battle, which would have made things more "wtf".


There was originally a 10 Zord battle against Serpentera. It included the Thunder Megazord, Red Shogunzord, Red Battlezord, Lighting Fire Tamer, Astro Megaship, Galaxy Megazord, Lightspeed Megazord (Either that or the Lightspeed Solarzord), Time Force Megazord, the Q-Rex, and Isis Megazord.In another script, the same Zords were used, with the sole exception of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, and then the original Megazord, substituting in place for the Thunder Megazord
Posted (edited)

Talking about favourite rangers (Tommy, Jason)... as much as it was difficult to have Billy your favourite, Triceratops was pretty cool as the power lance as a weapon.


Also, am I getting it confused potentially with Thunderbirds, or was there a single episode, where you actually saw the Dinozords (though possible it was the Thunderzords) in a hanger/cave out the back?


This is such a major geek thread! :p

Edited by Retro_Link
  Paj Meen Ah said:
I wish was there another form of media for the general concept of Power Rangers to flourish better in. I mean the show is enjoyable in a nostalgic/means nothing/childhood reminiscence way, but it's atrocious on almost every level if you actually think about it. :p

Yes, it's terrible. Absolutely awful, in almost every sense. The only real positive I can find about it was that some of the martial arts sequences were pretty good. That Green vs. White video on the previous page actually had some pretty decent fight choreography, better than that in some movies (if you ignore the jumpkick jumpkick jumpkick jumpkick bit).


Also the minatures/animations in the early season were decent. Certainly way better than the CGI of later years.


Other than that the story, the acting, even the comedy was seriously weak to anyone over the age of 12.


But it will never exist as anything else. It will never be that film ReZ envisions (complete with a bevel font on the poster, wtf?). Sad but true.

Posted (edited)

I used to love this show growing up. I use to spend copious amounts of hours every day dreaming about ways to take out the rest of the Rangers to leave me alone with the Pink Ranger (Amy Jo Johnson), I always thought Jason was too cool for school. My brother always used to call Billy the Gay Ranger, turned out he wasn't wrong.



I often shout to myself IT'S MORPHIN' TIME when i'm getting changed.

Edited by Jon

I've been watching the first few 'History of the Power Rangers' videos that were mentioned a few pages back. Got a huge nostalgia rush from the one on season 1, but remembered less from season 2. I'm pretty sure I only watched up to 3 back in the day anyway, but I'll probably watch the History videos of the other seasons, just out of interest.


Should have stopped Power Rangers at the Space era, it ended the longest story-arc as well. Doesn't make sense having Power Rangers without Zordon anyway.

  ReZourceman said:

Power Rangers in Space sounds fucking amazing. Like actually good.


I remember loving that one. It actually had plot twists, for example. And the awesome Psycho Rangers.


I've heard that it was adapted from a Super Sentai season where the gimmick was Virtual Reality. It makes sense in retrospect, but it's awesome how they managed to cover it so well.


I started the Linkara videos.


He's less excruciatingly awful in these videos than he is when we're forced to look at him/he's on show to the world.


I enjoy a condensed version of the story...means I don't have to watch hundreds of probably SHIT episodes.

  • 2 months later...

Man, it's cool, watching videos about the seasons I never watched (considering the last I saw was Lightspeed Rescue). I just know I would've loved that Green Ninja Ranger, if I watched that as a kid.


Lucky b****** Caris. What the bleeping heck is the left hand side sword, i don't recall watching PR that long. Still, sweet set there. Wonder if that Dragon Dagger* works?


* I know it's a toy :D

  • 4 months later...
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