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  • 4 years later...

Well. That sucks. A major part of the appeal of the show has always been the fact that the presenters (especially Clarkson) weren't afraid to be a little out of line. I understand that actually punching someone is a little different than making a comment, but I'd be interested to know WHY he did it. After all, he has a bit of a history of punching people who have very much deserved it.


I love Clarkson. The guy says what he wants and does what he wants. The books i've read by him are hilarious. :bowdown:


If they do fire him then they may as well get rid of Top Gear altogether because it would be nothing without him. Shame really as this series has been fantastic, especially the ambulance episode. :D


I was talking to lostmario about this last night and he was saying he wouldn't be surprised if ITV snap Clarkson up for a car show, if he gets fired of course. It's a fair shout.


Smells like a bit of a publicity stunt to me :p already heard the story develop this morning to include statements along the lines of "we have to think about what the public wants". Petition to reinstate him is approaching 300k signatures already.


I think it would be really daft to get rid of him. The 3 guys have built up a dynamic and there's no denying Clarkson is a big reason the show works. They'd really screw themselves over if they sacked him.


Its an odd situation which is difficult to pin down

Originally its a fracas, then it was he aimed a punch (as claimed by the independent) and then by morning he had punched the producer - its either wild speculation going on a Chinese whipers style extrapolation or facts coming out


Either way it odd, but can they sack him? should they sack him?

at face value if i punched a colleague i'd likely be sacked or put on a written warning (if it was mutual thing/aggravation etc), but this is Clarkson, main presenter of Top Gear, a brand that brings in millions and millions for the bbc in merchandising rights, Top gear live, syndication rights etc etc If they Sack Clarkson, Hammond and May will walk its been said in the past they are a unit, if they all went that would be the death of Top Gear as a brand! and you know Sky or ITV would snap them up to do a show


I suspect the future shows have been scrapped because May and Hammond won't do it without Clarkson


It would be very interesting to find out exactly whats happened, it would be nice if they could reprimand him/dock his pay etc ASAP and get the remaining episodes rescheduled as soon as possible

  Cube said:
I'm not sure. Perhaps a new set of presenters could make the show interesting again.


You're in the minority I think, most people find it very interesting as it is. A former presenter came forward to say that Clarkson is integral to the show and was responsible for it going from a mostly technical show to 'pure entertainment'.


I'd have to agree as any sections of the show that focus just on car specifications are dull as dishwater. The gold can be found when they do silly things with a car element to it.

  Sheikah said:
It's obvious but that's not a problem if you don't be overly critical of it. I interpret it as a heavily staged but ultimately entertaining show.


I've never understood the staged argument. It's like going to see a comedy movie and complaining that they used a script.

  Cube said:
The difference is that they pretend it's not scripted.


If you mean they don't go to the front of the screen and say "Hey, this is staged by the way, roll clip" then yes, just like any other comedy entertainment I can think of, they don't go out of their way to tell you it's scripted.


It's obvious to people it's staged and if you're not being critical about it then it's quite easy to enjoy it. It's just scripted entertainment.


I think Clarkston is un-sackable. Top Gear is simply worth far too much money for the BBC and guaranteed if he left May and Hammond would follow to ITV or Sky where they would have a very similar show and make fun of the BBC.


It's known that if Clarkson were to leave/get fired that May and Hammond would follow, and after reading the comments on various sites, some people are threatening to cancel their TV license if Clarkson goes. To be fair, they can watch BBC programming on various on-demand services, including iPlayer without the need of a license. Just as long as you don't watch it whilst it's being broadcast, should be ok.


Honestly, i have no idea what's going on. I've heard mixed thoughts from various people, some saying he actually hit the producer whilst others are saying he threw food at them. Others saying he attempted to hit them, but who knows what's going on. Bit miffed that Top Gear isn't on this weekend, but seeing as May and Hammond won't do the show without Clarkson probably refused to carry on, hence the "postponment". Ah well, if he goes then Sky and/or ITV can snap them up and do a show there. BBC know Top Gear makes them a lot of money, so they'll be stupid if they sacked Clarkson because they'll lose so much money.


What if the whole fracas was..... staged?


It's almost like their ratings were down this season and are pulling a massive publicity stunt to win people back.



  Happenstance said:
Im sorry but popular or not, if Clarkson really did try to punch a Producer because food hadnt been laid out for them then he deserves to be fired!


It almost certainly won't have been a case of "theres no food?!" *punch*, all reports including Mays suggest an argument started it got heated on both sides and some pushing and shoving occurred...its at this point it becomes more "vague" with reports of Aiming a Punch, Punching, Throwing Food, or a slap

Still bad, but we don't know what was said, there could have been other issues and it boiled over because of the final straw of no food


  Dr. bob said:
What if the whole fracas was..... staged?


It's almost like their ratings were down this season and are pulling a massive publicity stunt to win people back.




And when their contracts are just up for renewal too....Its a possibility right now i say its a 60/40 split of either being staged, or overblown but true


could be massive publicity before they reveal they already have contracts with SKY and this was just a way to get out of the BBC contract/rights at the end of the show, you know sabotaging the competition and all


As long as the end result is more "Topgear" of some format with the three amigo's then i don't care, if it staged, on a new channel or someone's on a last last warning, with a side helping of being forced to review only Porche 911's, family cars and other things he hates for a time

  Agent Gibbs said:
It almost certainly won't have been a case of "theres no food?!" *punch*, all reports including Mays suggest an argument started it got heated on both sides and some pushing and shoving occurred...its at this point it becomes more "vague" with reports of Aiming a Punch, Punching, Throwing Food, or a slap

Still bad, but we don't know what was said, there could have been other issues and it boiled over because of the final straw of no food


Either way though, you do that kind of stuff at a job and you get fired

  Happenstance said:
Either way though, you do that kind of stuff at a job and you get fired


True but both of them would get fired and nothing has been said about the Producer



It says on the BBC news site they have top gear live shows in Norway this month, plus Australia amongst others and the UK....


If he's sacked that would be the end of those shows too...they would have to refund tickets, even if they replaced him and kept May and Hammond for them i suspect most would want a refund


the implications are actually larger than i thought

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