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Festive Names!


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I couldn't log into my account last night, after a few attempts I soon found out why though... :p I'm more than happy to enter into the spirit of things with a festive name change just so long as my name reverts back to 'S.C.G' as it was before, with no extra full stop on the end.


This is all I ask, other than that...


Noelllll noellllll...



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I feel like you're giving me away.


I think yours is quite fitting, as a present box generally is cube like.


Though maybe "gift" would have been better. When I see "Present" I keep thinking there's a roll call, someone called your name and you are saying you are "present", haha.


Mine actually makes me feel old and grey :heh:

But in a happy way. Ho ho ho :santa:


The question is,

Do You Believe in Me?


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Jayseven, Justin and Retro_Link, all still unchanged?


I just assumed you knew but hadn't got round to them/ran out of time.


I realised Justin after I posted. Jayseven is in a different category so I overlooked him. RL...I have no excuse.


Although I can only think of one for Jayseven.


And yes I have a saved record of everyone's name. I'll change them back after xmas or before if you'd prefer.

Edited by Ashley
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And it's nice to see that Ashley (sorry, Little Donkey :heh:) no longer has a morbid Av/Sig. :santa:


Actually if you knew the fuller story of my previous sig (The Fall) and my current (Norwegian Wood) my old one was less morbid than my current :heh:


(although my previous avatar was just Andrew Dost, not The Fall)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So... are our names reverting back soon or after New Years? I don't mind either way, would just like to know :) in any case thanks for the temporary name changes Ash, they definitely helped along the general feeling of festivity around the forum. :D

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But its still the 12th day:


The Twelfth Night of Christmas is always on the evening of 5 January, but the Twelfth Day can either precede or follow the Twelfth Night according to which Christian tradition is followed.




Anyway changed them all back now. Took bloody ages because changing names lately seems to go unbearably slow. And I took down the actual decorations in the process.


Only one I'm unsure about is Flinks. Its so haphazzardly formatted I can never remember what the 'correct' way is. I'm sure there's an underscore but there's not one in his sig...

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