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I'm annoyed: I kept one Shepherd save from ME1 and 2 but my hdd got wiped. I've started a new save on ME2 hoping to 'catch up' but the default story from ME2 isn't how I played ME1. Without paying for DLC and starting again, I'm not going to get the story I used to have before 3 comes out this week. :(

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Spoiler-free look at how your Mass Effect 3 ending will be affected if you choose not to play multiplayer






Well that sounds bloody terrible. I'm planning on getting this when it's a lot cheaper (partly because ME2 was so much better because of the post release DLC) and I can't be certain how many people will still be playing online. Excitement levels have plummeted.

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I'm annoyed: I kept one Shepherd save from ME1 and 2 but my hdd got wiped. I've started a new save on ME2 hoping to 'catch up' but the default story from ME2 isn't how I played ME1. Without paying for DLC and starting again, I'm not going to get the story I used to have before 3 comes out this week. :(

One solution would be download an ME2 PC save then use the tools on MassEffectSaves.com to convert it to a 360 one. A bit of a faff, sure, but it would allow you to more or less reconstruct your lost data using a save editor.


It's not an incredibly user-friendly process, and you'll want to keep abreast of any issues people are having with importing to ME3, but it's certainly more viable than playing through two massive games in the space of a few days.

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One solution would be download an ME2 PC save then use the tools on MassEffectSaves.com to convert it to a 360 one. A bit of a faff, sure, but it would allow you to more or less reconstruct your lost data using a save editor.


It's not an incredibly user-friendly process, and you'll want to keep abreast of any issues people are having with importing to ME3, but it's certainly more viable than playing through two massive games in the space of a few days.


hmm, might look in to that. Thanks for the heads up!

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I was planning on playing the multi-player after the story....

i don't like that they are forcing it upon me to continue my all good play through...


If i can complete the game see the not so good ending, play multi player and then reload an earlier save to see the best ending its not so bad


but if you have to start from the begining.... i will be annoyed because i play a different game between ME play throughs so i don't kill it for me and make it stale or boring

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Hmm, due to my excitement I’ve been visiting BSN the last couple of days, picked up a few minor gamepley spoilers but nothing I can’t handle. There’s one non-spoiler issue though, that concerns me greatly, and which now has been confirmed thanks to the US release of the game.


Hardcore fans who have been there since the beginning, and played through both games with a Shepard they’ve carefully created in ME1’s character creator, and have imported it unchanged in ME2, will not be able to import that Shepard into ME3. All your choices will import, but not the face. Personally, that’s enough reason for me not to start singleplayer right away, at least not untill they fix it. If they’ll fix it. The issue has been known for a week, but only now there has been a official comment on the matter, with no hint of a fix in the works for now.


There are various work-arounds, but they are a lot of hassle, all using unofficial 3rd party tools, and with various degrees of success.


This is a great disappointment for me, nonetheless I’m hopeful they’ll fix it, and hopefully quickly. In the meantime I’ll be playing multiplayer.

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This is a great disappointment for me, nonetheless I’m hopeful they’ll fix it, and hopefully quickly. In the meantime I’ll be playing multiplayer.

Look on the bright side - this will do wonders for your galactic readiness score! ;)


This is your punishment for not using the default Shepard.

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I intended to play multiplayer anyway, at least enough for it to have a big enough impact in singleplayer. Didn’t expect it to play a week (?) of multiplayer without even starting singleplayer though.


If they’re not going to fix it, I’ll use one of those work-arounds.

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I'm not fussed about that. Femshep never really looked as rad as manshep- mostly because of the crap hair choices. The only course of action to avoid plastic lump hair was to go all sigourney weaver in Alien 3 and go shaved.


Now, the new default femshep is a kick ass redhead and looks amazing. I know who I'll be picking. Just think of it like James Bond casting or something.

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Can't you just spend 10 minutes doing the face again?


From what that article said...if you plan on doing all side-quests (like I did for ME1 and ME3) then you don't have to worry about multiplayer.

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Not me, I’ve spent a lot of time 2 years ago to get the face perfect. Yeah sure, I can get a good approximate of the face by taking a screenshot (from different angles and good lighting..) of ME1 or 2, but an approximate will not do. It will always feel off, if I’m not sure it isn’t exactly my Shepard. I’ll need the exact slider positions, and that’ll take more than 10 minutes, and basically is a chore. Stuff like hair colour is easy obviously, but the exact brow height? Or the other subtle stuff? Why put gamers like me through that, if this is something that should’ve have worked in the first place? It worked fine in ME2.


Also to clear up: faces created in ME2 work fine.

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Now, the new default femshep is a kick ass redhead and looks amazing. I know who I'll be picking.

Really? I think she looks really out of place, despite liking the original concept art. Stylistically her model has a more exaggerated, comic book look than any of the other characters in the demo.

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I said almost the exact same thing a few pages back. They really exaggerated some of the features of default fem-shep in game. She looks nothing like that in my sig/av. For starters it looks like she has Angelina Jolie's lips.



As for playing mulitplayer for a perfect finish, is that such a big deal? Isn't it just a survival/horde mode? You can play a bit of the multiplayer half way through the singleplayer, it's not like there's going to be any spoilers or anything.

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Look on the bright side - this will do wonders for your galactic readiness score! ;)


This is your punishment for not using the default Shepard.


Indeed, suffer as you will.


It is crap that it's having issues importing ME1 face-codes to ME3, not that the issue will bother me when i get to play.


@Sméagol, like yourself i've been mooching the BSN site. Boy there are a lot of moaning people on there. I've only stuck to the general area (non spoilers), but there are some people who are adamant at putting spoilers in there.

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Won't lie: I've not seen her in game :heh:

Here's a quick comparison using the demo: a 'normal' FemShep, the default one.


As anyone that's been frustrated by BioWare's character creators will know, models do tend to look a bit different when they're in game and animated; they should really give you a button that allows you to cycle through different facial animations. Nevertheless, I still think the default looks like she's on loan from a different game.

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As for playing mulitplayer for a perfect finish, is that such a big deal? Isn't it just a survival/horde mode? You can play a bit of the multiplayer half way through the singleplayer, it's not like there's going to be any spoilers or anything.


Well, yeah, you could. But what if you don't really fancy multiplayer? What if you don't want to pay for Live? What if you just want a single player game? I think it's a bad choice, especially if you have to have made ALL the right choices in the previous games, which I'm not sure I have.


I really consider buying the game on Thursday but then again; I liked the two first games but they weren't extraordinary to me. I'm not quite so fond of shooting games. Great story, though, and overall fun game. Also, I haven't really got the time for it right away.



Here's a quick comparison using the demo: a 'normal' FemShep, the default one.


I think the default one looks happier. And more human. And has prettier hair.

Edited by MindFreak
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I think the default one looks happier. And more human. And has prettier hair.

Thing is, she's not smiling. Characters during customisation are supposed to be stone faced.


As for the hair, you arbitrarily can't select it for custom characters so I had to go with the closest available.

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Thing is, she's not smiling. Characters during customisation are supposed to be stone faced.


As for the hair, you arbitrarily can't select it for custom characters so I had to go with the closest available.


Hehe. If I saw those two at some time and I had to make a move on one of them, I'd pick the default. That's all that matters to me. That's how I pick characters in games. Except when I go for the male option which I actually always do. Oughta shake things up sometime. Hehe.

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Well downloading ME Infiltrator on my ipod now. Figure it will serve as a nice prelude at least. Some what worrying when I log into my origina account it doesn't show up that I own ME2...guess that doesn't matter as long as it detects I own ME3 and all the readiness syncs up ok.


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