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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception


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Good game let down by some horrible AI, poor melee combat and some dull level design midway through. Really picks up in the last quarter with some amazing design choices but its a shame the rest of the game didnt quite match up.


Beautiful game and I mean beautiful. The 3D on this fucker is amazing, best yet in a game. The aiming is janky even with sensitivity right up but you can tolerate it. I prefer Uncharted 1 and 2 but there is fun to be had.

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I'm surprised by the hate of the melee, I think its brilliant - flows like water its so fluid, easy to action counters (and thus more satisfying) not overly done, options like adding weapons into the mix and environment interaction. Don't know what else could be wanted from a third person shooter melee wise.

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I'm surprised by the hate of the melee, I think its brilliant - flows like water its so fluid, easy to action counters (and thus more satisfying) not overly done, options like adding weapons into the mix and environment interaction. Don't know what else could be wanted from a third person shooter melee wise.


For me its very slow moving (I know a lot of it ends up in slow motion but its more than that) and very repetetive, it gets boring seeing the same animation over and over again in the same fights.

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I've been playing both Uncharted 1 and 2 recently and the aiming on 3 is pretty imprecise. More imprecise than it needs to be. The multiplayer has what people would consider the correct aiming controls, with single player getting some kind of weird slowdown/diagonal staircasing issues. I initially put it down to better/faster AI, but when a thread on Neogaf appears with over a thousand posts discussing the issue... as well as threads on numerous other forums, it's clearly a problem that needs fixing ASAP.


The aiming issues were the first thing I noticed while playing Uncharted 3. The movement of Drake could do with some sprucing up too, the dude is very sluggish compared to very responsive movement in Uncharted 1 and 2.

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I've ramped the sensitivity right up & still the aiming is broken!!

It's the only thing ruining a darn fine game so far.


Same here. Sensitivity at max is the only way to currently play, it shouldn't be this way. Uncharted 2 was set to around halfway and worked perfectly.

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Theres a lot of complaints ive seen as well over the difficulty. You can get through it on normal and hard but it gets very annoying. I played Uncharted 2 on all the difficulties and enjoyed it everytime. This one I had quite a few "Fuck This" moments and it was only until I decided I didnt care anymore and just wanted to see the story that I lowered the difficulty and started enjoying it a bit more.


Also, im sick of running towards the camera.


Also also, it feels like they wanted the melee combat to be like Batmans but didnt have the time to spend on it so we get a slowed down version with the same animations over and over.

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If you stand near walls/tables/chairs/bottles/big fishes/random objects then Drake will use those. Which I think makes it a great combat system.


I also think the animation in the fighting is astounding - it's very clear he's not trained in fighting (hence why the combat isn't as quick at Batman) but he can still handle himself. I've never really seen anything captured in a game quite like that.


The only thing I didn't like with the fighting was the big dudes as the animations for those were the same every time.

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Same here. Sensitivity at max is the only way to currently play, it shouldn't be this way. Uncharted 2 was set to around halfway and worked perfectly.


Totally agree, the aiming on UC2 worked perfect. Might carry on with Arkham City & Deus Ex till they fix it lol!

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Normal was waaaaaay harder than it should have been.


Things they need to fix,


Heavies being immune to headshots.

Bullets having no stopping power (They definitely need to slow the heavies down).

Implement the sprint function from the multiplayer (would make sense since the AI are so much more aggressive in this).


I'm sick of running away from the camera.


I love the melee. You've just got to be imaginative with it. Like I said, I slapped someone to death with a massive fish.

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Ive noticed a lot more graphical problems with 3 as well. Lot of textures not loading until about a minute into a scene. Also, did anyone else find Elena's face weird? I think it was her eyes but something wasnt quite right.


Oh and I finally stopped and watched the AI characters jumping and climbing and it was terrible. It was like they were floating up to ledges at times from distances they shouldnt have been able to make.

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Things they need to fix,


Heavies being immune to headshots.

Bullets having no stopping power (They definitely need to slow the heavies down).

Implement the sprint function from the multiplayer (would make sense since the AI are so much more aggressive in this).


I also think they need to fix the stealth. It's way too hard to be stealthy. Getting spotted by an enemy alerts the entire area. They should make it so that gunfire alerts the area, not simply getting spotted. So if you do get spotted by one (or two) guards but take them out quickly (silenced gun, melee) then you should still be able to proceed silently.

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