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Transformers: Dark of the Moon


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Definitely some flaws, but ultimately forgivable considering the entire second half of the movie doesn't go two seconds without something exploding.


Is it watchable explosions or just a complete and utter messy blur of rubishness that was the last hour-or-so of the second one?

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No, its all very defined in this one I felt. I did enjoy the second, but I agree in that the action scenes were a little unclear in that.


The camera angles seem to be a little more pulled back in this one, not least because there is more stuff going on on screen. And it utilises slow motion in a couple of the more important action scenes - but not so much as to ruin the movie.

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As a huge fan of the first two movies I hated this one. Just about all of the epic scenes are shown in the trailer, which also gives away certain plot points. Bay has also listened to the critics when they said they wanted the movie to be more about the humans and it shows. The film had plenty of action in it but the majority of it is just the humans fighting. If you walked into the movie after it started you could have mistaken it as some generic military movie.


Oh and that new "actress" is shockingly bad, she even makes Megan Fox look like a decent actor.


So disappointed. :(

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I avoided all the non-teaser trailers. :D


And I would definitely say Rosie Huntington Whitely (hyphen somewhere?) was better than Megan Fox. Still not "good" but definitely better than Fox, also made more tolerable because she is not a personality-less bastard. :p


For me it definitely goes;



1 >>> 3 >> 2

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that's my assessment of the movie.


I loved the start of it and the historical / conspiracy take on a real event, grabbed my attention straight away.


Loved the Chernobyl part, felt so eery there!


Loved the fact that the parents were only bit parts in this film and had about 10 lines between them.


Loved Loved Loved the cars.... wow. some incredible vehicles in that film, and they turn into robots... even cooler!



It just felt so much more.... emotional than previous films, Like Ironhide dying, when they were out-cast off earth, bumble-bee facing execution.... heck even those 2 little 'pet' autobots that brought down the ship. It was all a lot more 'wow did that happen'


Glad that they made the fights much more clear, and the use of slow-mo which has already been touched on in previous posts was used just enough to deem it appropriate. any more use of it and you'd get annoyed I think.


the free way chase when Bumblee transforms from car to robot and back to car to catch Sam..... amazing.




I HATE the new women / girl though. She is not attractive in any way shape or form. I found her more annoying than Megan Fox to be honest, and generally found myself wanting her to get killed off in the film as it went on (which would never happen as the hero needs a girl)



All in all... fucking epic film. loved it, but hated Megan Fox's replacement, And I don't like Megan Fox either!

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that's my assessment of the movie.


I loved the start of it and the historical / conspiracy take on a real event, grabbed my attention straight away.


Loved the Chernobyl part, felt so eery there!


Loved the fact that the parents were only bit parts in this film and had about 10 lines between them.


Loved Loved Loved the cars.... wow. some incredible vehicles in that film, and they turn into robots... even cooler!



It just felt so much more.... emotional than previous films, Like Ironhide dying, when they were out-cast off earth, bumble-bee facing execution.... heck even those 2 little 'pet' autobots that brought down the ship. It was all a lot more 'wow did that happen'


Glad that they made the fights much more clear, and the use of slow-mo which has already been touched on in previous posts was used just enough to deem it appropriate. any more use of it and you'd get annoyed I think.


the free way chase when Bumblee transforms from car to robot and back to car to catch Sam..... amazing.




I HATE the new women / girl though. She is not attractive in any way shape or form. I found her more annoying than Megan Fox to be honest, and generally found myself wanting her to get killed off in the film as it went on (which would never happen as the hero needs a girl)



All in all... fucking epic film. loved it, but hated Megan Fox's replacement, And I don't like Megan Fox either!


That reminds me...



The execution bit was awesome for a moment I actually thought they were gonna do it, they slowed it down just enough to make you go... "hey now but that's Bumblebee don't do it" but not long enough for you go "oh come on get it over with"


With the earlier death of Ironhide :cry: it made it seem more likely they would kill off Bumblebee too



So where do you think the franchise will go for here?


Bay says it's the last in his series... could they reboot it? Could they continue on to a 4th with a new director?


Hopefully if they do reboot they leave it a good few years like 10 at the minimum and hopefully Peter Cullen is still able to voice Optimus :awesome:


Though if they made a 4th given the Decepticons that were killed off a 4th would have to include Unicron and Galvatron


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I'd be extremely surprised if there wasn't a fourth, seeing as how popular and profitable the films are. A fourth film could definitely work, but it would need to be a bit more clever with its story (or rather...a lot more clever) because in this...they practically went as big as they could possibly go. So it needs to have some insanely creative and dynamic car chases, some genuine moments of emotion and more deaths (of high level characters), and a couple of expertly choreographed Transformer VS Transformer fights.


Bring in the Seacons for an epic water fight. Definitely definitely new Autobots too. Or just different modes or something.


Could be very good.

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forgot to mention, when it finished the audience were actually clapping and wooping...


like American style. Not had that happen in the cinema in a long time.


and it wasn't just one or 2 groups of nerds....it was everyone clapping and cheering.





so totally awesome though. I loved it!

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forgot to mention, when it finished the audience were actually clapping and wooping...


like American style. Not had that happen in the cinema in a long time.


and it wasn't just one or 2 groups of nerds....it was everyone clapping and cheering.





so totally awesome though. I loved it!


Ah man, I wanted to give it a bit of a clap when it ended but nobody else in the cinema made any attempt so I shyed away from the idea :heh:

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Ah man, I wanted to give it a bit of a clap when it ended but nobody else in the cinema made any attempt so I shyed away from the idea :heh:


I wanted to cry, I still can't get over how bad it was for me. Me and the lads spent alot of time at work today just slagging it off. Tis a sad day when I don't enjoy a Formers film.


Why the hell were the Decepticons firing at Sentinal Prime's ship in the flashback? Surely Megatron would have told them to leave him alone seeing as they had a truce at that point.


The whole Autobots dying and then returning was totally spoiled by the films main trailer. It showed Optimus swooping in and hacking all the deceptions away. That scene there should have been kept for the actual film and should have been for when they returned.


How in the hell did the Autobots get captured? As soon as Bumblebee gets free he kicks butt yet somehow he managed to get caught in the first place.


Why did the transported Decepticons get transported back after the pillar was destroyed? The pillar got deactivated yet they stayed on earth. Also, why once the pillar got destroyed did it send a signal back up and destroy what was left of Cyberton? It was essentially the same as just knocking the thing off which they did moments before!


Surely Sentinal Prime would have took the Matrix off Optimus. It made no sense why he wouldn't. He was a bad guy yet Optimus didn't know and still thought of him as his leader so taking it wouldn't have caused any questions to be asked.


All through the film they kept saying they had energon detectors around yet one didn't go off when a Decepticon was attached to Sam's arm.


The death of Ironhide was breezed over. He is a main character yet we didn't get to see any of the Autobots mourn for him.


As much as I love Prime they really need to use the other Autobots more in a fight. Sure the highway chase scene was good but most of them seemed useless at the end.


Prime getting stuck in the crane wires was just stupid. It made him look like an idiot and what happened to his sword and axe at that point. Surely he could have cut himself free?


The autobots capture scene wouldn't have went down like that. The Decepticons would have just killed them all from the start. It wasn't as if they were ordered off Sentinal as he wasted Ironhide.


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Hmmmm....tbh I don't think a lot of those points matter/are valid. I'll cover them though;


Why the hell were the Decepticons firing at Sentinal Prime's ship in the flashback? Surely Megatron would have told them to leave him alone seeing as they had a truce at that point. Could have easily been a last minute thing. And if it wasn't....how do you tell millions of people, without it getting out to the good guys? Need to know basis.


The whole Autobots dying and then returning was totally spoiled by the films main trailer. It showed Optimus swooping in and hacking all the deceptions away. That scene there should have been kept for the actual film and should have been for when they returned. Technically your own fault (I don't mean to sound like a dick lol), but I know what you're saying. Trailers are absolutely fucking ridiculous these days, so I completely avoid them. Luckily the cinemas I went to recently only showed the moon landing conspiracy trailer, and the only bit I caught of the other one was a very small glimpse of the other teaser. If you don't want to be spoiled, avoid the trailers.


How in the hell did the Autobots get captured? As soon as Bumblebee gets free he kicks butt yet somehow he managed to get caught in the first place. They were massively outnumbered, and then reinforcementes came in - element of surprise and all that. Gave (him) the split second he needed to take action.


Why did the transported Decepticons get transported back after the pillar was destroyed? The pillar got deactivated yet they stayed on earth. Also, why once the pillar got destroyed did it send a signal back up and destroy what was left of Cyberton? It was essentially the same as just knocking the thing off which they did moments before! Its Cybertronian technology man! It "defies our own laws of physics!" :p


Surely Sentinal Prime would have took the Matrix off Optimus. It made no sense why he wouldn't. He was a bad guy yet Optimus didn't know and still thought of him as his leader so taking it wouldn't have caused any questions to be asked. Maybe. Depends how important it is though. All they mentioned in this one was that it brings dudes back to life. Maybe they just didn't need it, or maybe Sentinel couldn't have revealed himself at that moment. But yeah....a bit silly, but its only a very minor plot hole.


All through the film they kept saying they had energon detectors around yet one didn't go off when a Decepticon was attached to Sam's arm. Could have been because there were autobots nearby. We didn't get anymore detail about proximity and such - the specs of the detectors, so it doesn't really matter.


The death of Ironhide was breezed over. He is a main character yet we didn't get to see any of the Autobots mourn for him. This is war, there is no time for mourning. ;)


As much as I love Prime they really need to use the other Autobots more in a fight. Sure the highway chase scene was good but most of them seemed useless at the end. I agree with this. Needed some hardcore Bumblebee/everyone VS Shockwave action.


Prime getting stuck in the crane wires was just stupid. It made him look like an idiot and what happened to his sword and axe at that point. Surely he could have cut himself free? He was all tangled up innit, couldn't move his limbs to get enough power to cut himself out.


The autobots capture scene wouldn't have went down like that. The Decepticons would have just killed them all from the start. It wasn't as if they were ordered off Sentinal as he wasted Ironhide. Again true, but its an action movie, stuff isn't/doesn't happen like it would in real life.


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F-ing amazing, I loved it. I love the first film but this just wiped the floor with it. And my god they need to rename Optimus to Complete Badass Prime.


I dont get some of the critic reviews for this, my dad loved as did the rest of the cinema who also clapped.


Whilst I wouldnt mind a fourth I think I'd prefer they go in a new direction with a new director and new Transformer designs, maybe a couple of films including Unicron, the have to keep Cullen as Prime though.


edit -


I forgot to say that I thought the use of 3D was the best since Avatar, really really good.

Edited by bryanee
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I saw this yesterday afternoon in 2D and I thought it was predictable nonesense yet still entertaining in a "leave your brain at the entrance" kinda way.


I've not seen the second film and wasn't particularly impressed by the first.


But the spectacle of it all on the big screen was impressive even if it had more than it's far share of problems.


I will say this though, it felt a bit long for what it was. The beginning when they are explaining the space stuff with the old tv clips was great but I felt like the middle was really dragged out. Then you have the final battle which at times felt oddly paced and then after the last blow has been landed, it cuts to the credits with a remarkable swiftness that had been lacking throughout the rest of the film.


Plus, why do they insist on putting up human marines with pea shooters against 30ft tall alien robots with advanced weaponry and armour.


Why the hell were the Decepticons firing at Sentinal Prime's ship in the flashback? Surely Megatron would have told them to leave him alone seeing as they had a truce at that point.


The whole Autobots dying and then returning was totally spoiled by the films main trailer. It showed Optimus swooping in and hacking all the deceptions away. That scene there should have been kept for the actual film and should have been for when they returned.


How in the hell did the Autobots get captured? As soon as Bumblebee gets free he kicks butt yet somehow he managed to get caught in the first place.


Why did the transported Decepticons get transported back after the pillar was destroyed? The pillar got deactivated yet they stayed on earth. Also, why once the pillar got destroyed did it send a signal back up and destroy what was left of Cyberton? It was essentially the same as just knocking the thing off which they did moments before!


Surely Sentinal Prime would have took the Matrix off Optimus. It made no sense why he wouldn't. He was a bad guy yet Optimus didn't know and still thought of him as his leader so taking it wouldn't have caused any questions to be asked.


All through the film they kept saying they had energon detectors around yet one didn't go off when a Decepticon was attached to Sam's arm.


The death of Ironhide was breezed over. He is a main character yet we didn't get to see any of the Autobots mourn for him.


As much as I love Prime they really need to use the other Autobots more in a fight. Sure the highway chase scene was good but most of them seemed useless at the end.


Prime getting stuck in the crane wires was just stupid. It made him look like an idiot and what happened to his sword and axe at that point. Surely he could have cut himself free?


The autobots capture scene wouldn't have went down like that. The Decepticons would have just killed them all from the start. It wasn't as if they were ordered off Sentinal as he wasted Ironhide.


I was thinking everyone of them things.



How come Optimus was the only person to lose an arm when Sam was being swung around by that deceptacon for ages and had the marine dude holding on to him for the entire time? The device is shown to go up his forearm, not over his shoulder where it would need to go.


And yet at not one point after does he hold it in pain.


Edited by Captain Falcon
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OK I really liked this one. Even more so than the first.


It's like the 3d effects forced Michael Bay to lay off the "shaky cam".


Everything wrong with the second film is removed here.


All in all a brilliant popcorn flick!


Edited by mcj metroid
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Its nice to see people who enjoyed it and not have people jump down other peoples throats because they do like it. Its a refreshing change from what I'm used to on other forums, whenever I post that I like the TF films (I even enjoy some bits of the second, that forest fight damn) people are quick to have a go and essentially call me dumb for liking them.

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Its nice to see people who enjoyed it and not have people jump down other peoples throats because they do like it. Its a refreshing change from what I'm used to on other forums, whenever I post that I like the TF films (I even enjoy some bits of the second, that forest fight damn) people are quick to have a go and essentially call me dumb for liking them.


It's funny with people like that. These elitist people think they are "above" everyone who likes movies like transformers because of their mainstream success or because it's " popular". I suppose the mentality here is that the internet is mostly full of nerds but yet they follow a crowd as well. It's now popular to hate justin bieber, the lady gaga, the Michael Bay,James Cameron etc.. funnily enough the negative people look more foolish in the end because they TOO are following a group and that group is full of hate...


I do believe some people actually dislike many of these things for viable reasons, but most of the time I believe not.


I'll never understand that with the internet in general. Decide things for YOURSELF!

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Agree entirely with MCJ here. Like what you want to like, hate what you want to hate, it's simple. I get ripped for liking Lady Gaga and Glee but I just shake it off and ignore dem haters!


As for Transformers, I liked the first and thought it was a nice balance of story and CGI but Revenge of the Fallen was such a CGI show for me but it was still pretty cool to watch but I thought it was quite..."Eh, okay, visuals are nice but that's all I can say about it"-kinda thing.


I've heard good things about Dark of the Moon but I'm going to make my own mind up about it. My mates have said I'd hate the first part because it's full of cliché, cheesy humour and I'd like the second part because of the fights. They also told me that it beats the second one as far as the story and characters are concerned so maybe there IS hope for the series after all.

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Oh those opinions still exist on here!


I absolutely LOVE the first Transformers movie, it's amongst my favorite films! But people will still tell you you're wrong! ;p


Think I'd quite like to see this film in 3D... I can probably allow myself to pay for one 3D film a year (Avatar last year)... and this film was made that way after all.

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I thought the second one looked very nice visually. I don't know if it's because I hadn't gone to the cinema in a while or they got a new screen, or even if the film really was that visually pleasing. But I was actually stunned at it.

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There were times in the 2nd when I didn't think the Transformers blended in as seemlessly with the surroundings... I'm still stunned by this in the first film.

I think it may have been the brighter colours some of them had and the more diverse environments like the desert. Well that and the rediculously huge scale and look of some of them.


Though certain scenes like the forrest fight were brilliant!

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