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bad stuff thread.


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Look, I don'y know you, you don't know me, and I admit I'm not the easiest person to get along with, but you have been on my case more than anyone, but you never give a good reason for it.


The lower the tone of basically every thread you post in with your negativity. Someone could post a thread with nothing but fluffy kittens in and you'd find a way to make everyone miserable.

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The lower the tone of basically every thread you post in with your negativity. Someone could post a thread with nothing but fluffy kittens in and you'd find a way to make everyone miserable.


Thanks for lowering the tone.

Those that have really noticed my postings know I'm not that bad, but wankers like you choose not to see that.

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Er... I... have a bad toe. Hurts when I walk, on the 'ball' of the toe. More of a foot-pain than a toe pain. I don't know where the pain comes from. But it is a BAD thing. Bad. Yes.


I've got a sore thumb. Was moving a freezer back into the kitchen at work (after having defrosted it outside) and as I was moving it through a narrow doorway my thumb was caught between the freezer and the wall.


Hurts when I bend it ::shrug:

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I can't upload pics off my phone so I send a picture of my foot to ReZ and said "upload and gimme link" and I don't actually think he's online so it may disturb him a little.


So gimme a while, Mad Monkey! You can have a pic of my foot to fawn over in no time :)

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What do I need to do, and do I still need to do it?




Went to a film quiz this evening. (Was wearing Indigo Tribe t-shirt and ring) some guy recognised it and started talking to me (and my friends). I know him from somewhere. As in/.....I've either met him or been in his close vicinity VERY recently, but I cannot think for the life of me where. I went over to him and asked if he had been to Kapow (only thing I could think of he might have been at) but he said no. I asked if he was on YouTube, but he isn't and he didn't recognise me.


I absolutely recognise him though. So annoying.


ALSO....lol....quite funny. A question (run up, first closest answer gets a round of drinks) of running time - total running time of X films - Back to the Future. He was wearing a Back to the Future T-shirt.....(and their team didn't win). Then it was a break. I yelled at him to discuss where I knew him from, so I said "Back to the Future shirt guy" and he went "I know! I know!" as if I was ribbing him for not getting right, and by now he had walked out of ear shot so I was like "No, no I wasn't being a cunt" etc...my group all laughed a lot. Was good.

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