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I'm really not feeling too good... I thought about not typing anything but this time I just can't help it, or at least I could keep bottling it up though perhaps it's best not to.


Yes I have thought about talking with my family or one of the few friends I have outside N-E and it still seems to make sense to post it here, I also realise that the fact that I'm feeling down at the moment is probably partially down to the fact that A) I've been feeling a bit 'ill' since work earlier plus B) I didn't get much sleep last night so intend to remedy this by hopefully going to bed soon after I've posted this...


- I'm 28, recently single, wanting to be in a new long-term friendship/relationship partially to ease the loneliness but more because I feel that I'd have a lot to offer.

- While I do have a part-time job which I enjoy to a point and a grateful for, I wonder how long I can realistically stay in the same place, doing the same thing... while it's in my nature as a person even I get bored after a while.

- Despite trying to learn to drive, I still haven't managed it though I intend to give it another proper go this year as I have a new provisional, will pass the theory again I'm sure but I really need to apply myself I feel.

- Still living at home, this is both a positive and a negative I suppose?


Tomorrow... well technically today it's Valentine's Day, I dislike over-the-top PDA's at the best of times so I'm sure work will be a trial when serving couples in particular - I already have to stop myself from saying things out loud as it is! :p - but it'll be fine; plus I suppose you never know I could technically meet someone nice on the way to work/at work or something though it's unlikely but I am at least trying to stay positive on some level. ::shrug:


I think that perhaps I'm just stuck in a 'rut' of sorts but I just wondered what anyone else's take on things/advice might be?


My life really isn't all that bad, I still very much like my games/films/music/books etc so there's always that plus of course I really do still enjoy visiting N-E on a daily basis, I love reviewing as it's something I still want to do plus it helps keep me sane in a way :indeed: - thanks for the Dr. Mario code btw @Ashley I'll be right on that tomorrow :) - but yes... perhaps I just need to work towards other goals like driving, change of job, new interest or actually to just get out there and meet people which I'm really not so good at. :blush:


Anyway I do feel better for sharing in a way, tomorrow/today is a new beginning etc so I'm sure things will be fine in time and I hope that things start to look up for everyone else on here too I really do. : peace:


Night N-E one who's still up. :zzz:

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Had a fairly sizeable argument with a "friend" last night to the point I decided we best part ways. I'm not going to let anyone tell me what I am and am not capable of doing as they throw insults and cheap shots my way. Luckily, I didn't resort to such tactics myself in my defense although I was quite tempted. It really did get to me though and I could barely eat at the time, I was stuggling to actually message properly as I was shaking a little.


It prompted me to go out and get drunk with my mates, which I thought would have been easy on little sleep and even less food, but I was so angry, it didn't seem to matter what I drank - nothing was going to let my mind move away from that argument. I'm still seething now.


I saw this morning they removed me from their facebook so I'm down to 13 friends again but the reason I removed everyone else is because I didn't really view them as friends - they were just people I knew. But this has proved they were firmly in that camp too so perhaps it was for the best.

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Had a fairly sizeable argument with a "friend" last night to the point I decided we best part ways. I'm not going to let anyone tell me what I am and am not capable of doing as they throw insults and cheap shots my way. Luckily, I didn't resort to such tactics myself in my defense although I was quite tempted. It really did get to me though and I could barely eat at the time, I was stuggling to actually message properly as I was shaking a little.


It prompted me to go out and get drunk with my mates, which I thought would have been easy on little sleep and even less food, but I was so angry, it didn't seem to matter what I drank - nothing was going to let my mind move away from that argument. I'm still seething now.


I saw this morning they removed me from their facebook so I'm down to 13 friends again but the reason I removed everyone else is because I didn't really view them as friends - they were just people I knew. But this has proved they were firmly in that camp too so perhaps it was for the best.


I know how this feels, I really do. I had 'friends' who I'd known for almost seven years and just last year, things happened and we had a huge argument and I just told them to pretend I'm dead to them because I'll be doing the same with them. They used to be pretty cool guys but in the last two years, that drastically changed because THEY changed. I basically cut them out of my life and ever since, I've been better off. Yeah, I don't have many friends, I could even count them on one hand, but I'll tell you something, it's a heck of a lot less stress. Ever since then, I've had near enough no arguments (bar one or two) and no serious dramas since then. From what I've heard, they're still causing dramas between themselves. Better off out of it!


I have one mutual friend who sort of tries to get me to talk to them in a way but I always say no. I guess what I'm saying is that even though it may seem hard now (if it does anyway), you've made the right decision if all they do is put you down or bring any negativity your way. Life's way too short. Just focus on you and positive people.

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I know how this feels, I really do. I had 'friends' who I'd known for almost seven years and just last year, things happened and we had a huge argument and I just told them to pretend I'm dead to them because I'll be doing the same with them. They used to be pretty cool guys but in the last two years, that drastically changed because THEY changed. I basically cut them out of my life and ever since, I've been better off. Yeah, I don't have many friends, I could even count them on one hand, but I'll tell you something, it's a heck of a lot less stress. Ever since then, I've had near enough no arguments (bar one or two) and no serious dramas since then. From what I've heard, they're still causing dramas between themselves. Better off out of it!


I have one mutual friend who sort of tries to get me to talk to them in a way but I always say no. I guess what I'm saying is that even though it may seem hard now (if it does anyway), you've made the right decision if all they do is put you down or bring any negativity your way. Life's way too short. Just focus on you and positive people.


We've been friends for 6/7 years now but they have really changed over the past 6 months or so and it was always quite noticeable. It's one thing to withdraw yourself from others and focus on yourself for a bit - I get that and do it frequently myself - but to change so much in such a short space, I don't understand and probably never will.


Friends can have off days and you accept that as part of the bond that ties you. Formalities that go hand in hand with those on the outer edge of your social circle, and beyond, will be cast aside as time wasters - they've been followed too many times already.


There are some things I won't accept on any occasion though, regardless of who it is, and having stepped over that line, I didn't feel I had much choice. It might sound like it was a rather cavalier/reactionary decision but given what was said, my letting it slide would have been a greater insult to myself than anything they came at me with.


There have a been more than a few times recently when their support could have completely changed my outlook and given me some much needed positivity. Yet whenever I looked for them, they were never there. And I let it go.


This time, I'm letting it go in a completely different way because I just don't need that or them, if that's how they wish to act, in my life.

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We've been friends for 6/7 years now but they have really changed over the past 6 months or so and it was always quite noticeable. It's one thing to withdraw yourself from others and focus on yourself for a bit - I get that and do it frequently myself - but to change so much in such a short space, I don't understand and probably never will.


Friends can have off days and you accept that as part of the bond that ties you. Formalities that go hand in hand with those on the outer edge of your social circle, and beyond, will be cast aside as time wasters - they've been followed too many times already.


There are some things I won't accept on any occasion though, regardless of who it is, and having stepped over that line, I didn't feel I had much choice. It might sound like it was a rather cavalier/reactionary decision but given what was said, my letting it slide would have been a greater insult to myself than anything they came at me with.


There have a been more than a few times recently when their support could have completely changed my outlook and given me some much needed positivity. Yet whenever I looked for them, they were never there. And I let it go.


This time, I'm letting it go in a completely different way because I just don't need that or them, if that's how they wish to act, in my life.


Yeah, this is exactly how I felt. I don't mind if people have their off days, I respect that some people just need to be left alone and have a little breathing space, but, as you said, there's just some things you don't do, as a friend. I can also relate when you say that letting it go would be a greater insult to yourself as I felt the same way in my situation. Yeah, maybe the argument could have been avoided and solved with a quick sorry but you're constantly arguing and you're unhappy with them then what is really the point? If they show you nothing but negativity and disrespect toward anything, do not stand for it.


It's funny because in my situation with me not talking to them at all, I haven't had an awful lot of arguments, just some here and there but I'd say a good 95% of the time, it's all been good. A mutual friend told me that they argue between themselves constantly. Just shows you that I was better off and you will be too. I don't think you were too quick to react, I think you made the right decision. I don't know your situation or what happened but by how you've described it, it's obviously upset and hurt you and you done something about it. Many people would have put up with it but you stood up for yourself and said "I'm better than you, piss off!" and I say good for you, sir! Find better people, make better friends and move on from them clowns!




Bad stuff: Work annoyed me a little today. I just wanted to literally walk out halfway through my shift! Still, I just breathe deeply for a few seconds and let it fly over my head!

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Seems I got that bug going around. Been up since 3 and threw up earlier. First time in eight years, but I still don't like it. Hoping it's a one time thing, but going to pop to the pharmacy when it's open just in case.


I feel for you Ash :( that's pretty much what I had since Thursday... with any luck it'll pass in a couple of days for you as well, best to take some paracetamol - if you can keep it down - and get an early night - if you can sleep - I certainly wouldn't recommend initially ignoring it like I did, choosing to drink alcohol instead. :heh:


The next morning was not good. :blush:


Anyway, best of luck and hope you feel better soon. : peace:

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Been feeling like crap since yesterday, and i believed it was due to a heavy night out. But it's continued into today, and it's not good. Got a banging headache, aches and pains, ripping sore throat and sickness. Joy o joys.


Welcome to the age of 2 day hangovers.

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I've had a constant string of sickness and infections since Christmas. My glands are officially huge, and I keep having to take naps in the middle of the day (despite a full nights sleep every night). My psoriasis is coming back. Fucks sake when is this going to end :( Only just got over a really bad kidney infection!

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Was taking my son to his first live football game this evening, Ireland Under 18 vs Wales Under 18 which was happening at our local clubs pitch.


Was late getting there cause my son didn't finish his dinner fast enough, got there just as first half was ending, missed 3 goals (was 3-0 Ireland at half time)... then just as 2nd half was gonna start, flood lights for pitch broke... match abandoned..... we saw no football. :(

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I knew this would happen. Basically forced me to apply for a job i did not want in a way to make them not want to keep me on by saying, this will be the best chance to get a payment and/or get benefits if you don't get the job" than not applying for it in the first place.


Now, they are saying regardless if you applied or not, you will get a redundancy if there is no job available. And if i withdraw my application now, i may be applicable for a payment. But that's risky as they could use this against me. But then, withdrawing the application would affect any chances of getting JSA (if i needed to)

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Dude, you of all people should know to FUCK the JSA side of things. The point is that you should receive enough income to help you find another job before you run out of money. Redundancy isn't meant to be a sweet freebie.


Keep looking for a new job. You may find one that is perfectly timed to make the most of redundancy - if not, then you may find a better job that is worth forsaking the redundancy. I mean, what's the point in taking the redundancy with being allowed to sign on for JSA if you'll be stuck on JSA for 9 months and burn through the redundancy anyway? Find a better job. Strive upwards.

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Work is actually bringing me down. Not because of the work itself, which I like 90% of the time, but because of the people. I just can't take the little remarks and the dramas.


I had one of the managers have a word with me because, apparently, I "undermined a supervisor with bad attitude". Basically, I had my arms folded and was talking to a customer, both of us were happy and laughing and stuff and I said "If you need anything, just ask". She said okay and started looking at shoes. The new girl came to me and she were asking me a question about something when my supervisor, who thinks he's the boss for some reason, says "Don't fold your arms! It gives off a negative vibe!" so I was like "Oh, alright" and I undid them and had my arms to the side.

The new girl said "I never really get that with body language. I wouldn't have said folded arms is negative"

"Nah, I wouldn't either but we were told about reading body language when we started here and one of them were folded arms"

She said "I fold my arms because I'm cold but as long as we smile, it shouldn't matter" and we both laughed.

About five or ten minutes later, his face was so miserable so I asked him what was up. He totally blanked me. I asked him again right to his face. Ignored me again. I was like "Oh cool, no worries" and just ignored him.


So after my shift, my boss asks me for a word in the staff room so I talk to him and apparently, my supervisor has spoken to him saying that he saw me taking the piss out of him with the new girl behind his back. I laughed.

"Are we going to actually have this conversation?" I said.

He asked what I meant and I was like "As per usual, he has the wrong end of the stick. Me and her were just having a conversation about body language. She said she don't see how folded arms create a negative vibe and I couldn't either. As you know, I don't really believe in all that bollocks"

My manager believed me and asked if I could see it from the supervisor's point of view. I failed to.

"I actually don't, though. No offence but it's not my fault he's paranoid. He could have asked me what I said, like a man. Instead, he came running to you saying that I've said shit I haven't. I don't respect that one bit. If he has a complaint to make about me, make sure he gets his facts straight first!"

My manager was all "Don't get upset" and stuff and I was like "How do you expect me to react when he's going around stirring shit about me? It's not appreciated."

He was like "Okay, I believe you, obviously he's blown it out of proportion and misunderstood everything."

He said "He was just saying that folded arms creates a negative impact to customer service"

I said "I wasn't going to go here but okay, you brought me here to talk, right? Let's talk. He's telling me how folding arms creates negativity? How about ignoring me in front of customers? Obviously not! What about shouting at me in front of customers and other members of staff for no reason? Nope, couldn't possibly create a bad atmosphere. Or what about when he's walking around with a miserable, stern look on his face like a bulldog chewing a wasp? I feel like I'm in a school playground. It's a pathetic joke!"

He asked why I didn't tell him any of this before.

I said "Because I handle my shit! I don't need no-one getting involved, I tell them if I have a problem, you of all people know this and this isn't me making it up to get back at him, this happened and I have several witnesses who you can ask that'll tell you that all of this happened but you know what, I say nothing. Why? It's means nothing! He's crossed the line several times with me but you don't see me bitch and whine, I just get on with it because that's life. If things got too bad, I'd have a word with him. If it was ignored, obviously I'd take it further but he hasn't even approached me!"

He just said "Don't worry about it, mate. Just chill out and go home, I'll tell him he misunderstood the situation"


Whether he did or didn't, I don't know and I don't care. I've had problems with this dude in the past and everything were okay for a while right up until a couple of weeks ago. His attitude has started to stink. Like when I ask for him, he's snappy and rude with me. One time, I didn't know he was on lunch and I asked if he could help me with something. "I'M ON MY LUNCH!" was what I got, really rude. I didn't misunderstand that either because I was with one of the assistants and even they said it was uncalled for. I just said "Oh, I didn't know, no need to snap. Just say you're on your break, I'd understand"


Another time was just the other day. The other supervisor told me how I did today and checked everything so I was on my way to the staff room to get my things when I said "I'm off now, dude. Everything's been taken care of" in a normal voice and then I get "STOP SHOUTING AT ME!" out of nowhere, really snappy again. I just said "Piss off" and just carried on. Haven't spoken to him properly since. Today, he seemed okay right up until that moment that happened. UGH!


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Like when I ask for him, he's snappy and rude with me. One time, I didn't know he was on lunch and I asked if he could help me with something. "I'M ON MY LUNCH!" was what I got, really rude. I didn't misunderstand that either because I was with one of the assistants and even they said it was uncalled for. I just said "Oh, I didn't know, no need to snap. Just say you're on your break, I'd understand"

I get this sometimes. The best response is "I'll let the customer know. I'm not lying for you."

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I've been solidly sick for about three months, between infections and a massively swollen neck. Had bloods taken.


on one hand, just coincidental infections because of meds... may blow over.


on the other hand - my organs failing from 10 years of toxic meds.. have to come off said meds and the severity of my psoriasis hits my health instead lol

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I've been solidly sick for about three months, between infections and a massively swollen neck. Had bloods taken.


on one hand, just coincidental infections because of meds... may blow over.


on the other hand - my organs failing from 10 years of toxic meds.. have to come off said meds and the severity of my psoriasis hits my health instead lol




Kitteh hugs for you.

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I've been solidly sick for about three months, between infections and a massively swollen neck. Had bloods taken.


on one hand, just coincidental infections because of meds... may blow over.


on the other hand - my organs failing from 10 years of toxic meds.. have to come off said meds and the severity of my psoriasis hits my health instead lol


I want to give you so many hugs and kisses that you'll probably want to kick my ass like the female terminator you are!

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