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@MoogleViper - I would definitely a file a complaint. Whilst the nurses seemed nice, the problem with not reporting this sort of thing means that if someone didn't have their wits about them (as @Raining_again mentioned) they will receive bad care and could possibly lead to well death.


In other news, today has been pretty bad, there's been literally no work today and the work I've had to do left me tearing my hair out. I also got pretty offended by a few comments my co-worker and senior made in passing (about something, nothing to do with me). Ended up going to the gym, feeling like someone had hit me, left and got stuck in traffic for over an hour.



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So apparently having a train journey with 4 changes pretty much guarantees you missing one of your connections at some point. Currently sat in Satan's railway station after my train was late and I missed the next one by seconds...

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It would be my mother's 47th birthday today, had she lived. This time of year always inspires such low feelings.


And the girl I still lovej ust walked back into my office. Ten seconds, a smile and a hello and suddenly my heart feels like a lump of stone.


I guess I wasn't over her. 3 months without speaking to her, but thinking about her every day. I was just getting to the stage where I could really keep her from intruding into my thoughts, and where I was making a real go of my marriage.


Yes, I'm a terrible person.


Ah, shit.

Edited by Iun
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Sounds like an awful day all round Iun. I'm sorry to hear that.


You're not a horrible person, we all know that, especially after how your wife had treated you in the past.


Thank you... I know what I am though :/

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Sounds a bad day indeed @Iun, you are not a bad person.


My day started off pretty bad, again with the trains and work. Trainwise, Arriva Trains Wales have to be the worst company for organising trains known to this country. My train to work from Cardiff was 35 minutes late. The reason, it took them 15 minutes to couple two trains together and to get both sets of doors working on a train which should have left 10 minutes earlier. Then they cancelled 3 other trains, gave no information to anyone about what train is going where. The boards said one destination, the train was always going to another. So i just stood there and asked the driver on every train until mine arrived.


Then i called work to say i was to be late in, by this time my train had stopped between 2 stations due to someone on another train needed medical treatment. That part is fair enough, i'm not complaining upon that part. What i am not happy with is work. When i called to say i was running late and explained i was in the middle of two stations and waiting for medical staff to help on the other train. They said is there any other way i can get into work. I guess they missed the part of "i'm in the middle of two stations". I was told i would be put on a written warning for lateness. Of which i've appealed it with evidence from the train conductor who backed me up with my reasons as to why i was late. I'm not too happy at present, and it's putting me into a worse mood at the moment.

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Sounds a bad day indeed @Iun, you are not a bad person.


My day started off pretty bad, again with the trains and work. Trainwise, Arriva Trains Wales have to be the worst company for organising trains known to this country. My train to work from Cardiff was 35 minutes late. The reason, it took them 15 minutes to couple two trains together and to get both sets of doors working on a train which should have left 10 minutes earlier. Then they cancelled 3 other trains, gave no information to anyone about what train is going where. The boards said one destination, the train was always going to another. So i just stood there and asked the driver on every train until mine arrived.


Then i called work to say i was to be late in, by this time my train had stopped between 2 stations due to someone on another train needed medical treatment. That part is fair enough, i'm not complaining upon that part. What i am not happy with is work. When i called to say i was running late and explained i was in the middle of two stations and waiting for medical staff to help on the other train. They said is there any other way i can get into work. I guess they missed the part of "i'm in the middle of two stations". I was told i would be put on a written warning for lateness. Of which i've appealed it with evidence from the train conductor who backed me up with my reasons as to why i was late. I'm not too happy at present, and it's putting me into a worse mood at the moment.



That's a case for constructive dismissal or workplace bullying right there.

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That's a case for constructive dismissal or workplace bullying right there.


Yeah, they don't like me at the moment. They want to break you into a lifeless zombie. But all the rules simply contradict each other, there is little point giving into them. I asked to be moved because where i sit at the moment is between 2 team leaders, and one of them has a serious case of "if it's in the guidance, it's fine. If not, don't ask me". This person used to consistently tell me to get off my phone, press ready straight away and to stop talking to people other than the customers. Fair enough, if they imposed this to everyone else i wouldn't have minded too much.


I have made notes of everything which is affecting me personally, i'm close to handing my notice in. But i won't be because the one thing holding me back is the knowledge of knowing as long as i am here, they will not win. If i hand my notice in, they win basically. And they are close to timing toilet breaks and how many times you can move from your desk. I was told i have 5 minutes for a loo break, and if it's a number 2 it takes longer than 3 minutes. (1 minute to loo, 1 minute back leaving 3 to actually do the biz). I have contacted ACAS, who said to speak to my union who are currently looking into what to do.


I have asked countless times for a shift change, because this shift i am on is killing my social life. Working every other weekend, 13 hour days 5 days a week. Including 2 hours travel. Anyone who has seen me in recent weeks will have seen how tired i look and how stressed i am. I'm snapping at little things which would not normally bother me.

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@Jimbob, honestly man I've been in your place in a job like that. Quit. Totally fucking serious just quit. You've got experience, you're competent, you can find something else. You smash up full time job hunting, you can do it.


Life is NOT worth pissing away making yourself so miserable to that extent. I promise you bud.

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I disagree. Dont quit without finding another job first. JSA is not good.


@Jimbob, honestly man I've been in your place in a job like that. Quit. Totally fucking serious just quit. You've got experience, you're competent, you can find something else. You smash up full time job hunting, you can do it.


Life is NOT worth pissing away making yourself so miserable to that extent. I promise you bud.


I won't quit, because if i quit they win and won't change. Talking to the union today, they said just that to me. One of my mates in work is on long-term sick which is protecting him from being sacked, they can medically discharge him from duty but will cost rest of years salary (we've got one of them old contracts that says if we go ill and are released, they pay the rest). Newer staff hired from 2012 don't have this part anymore. He's using the time for a well earned rest.


And one other thing not making me quit is the JSA, £72 p/w. If i quit, i won't get JSA for a month or two according to the rules.


I booked time off at the end of July, they are trying hard to cancel it as they need all hands on deck for the calls. Heck, they even tried the old "You booked Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off but not Saturday, Sunday so you can work them" trick. It's too bad i pre-prepared for it :grin:. Basically, it's the end of the year for Credits with arrogant people calling for renewing claims, saying it's our fault for not answering calls. Who knows, may not go back in August.

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I won't quit, because if i quit they win and won't change. Talking to the union today, they said just that to me. One of my mates in work is on long-term sick which is protecting him from being sacked, they can medically discharge him from duty but will cost rest of years salary (we've got one of them old contracts that says if we go ill and are released, they pay the rest). Newer staff hired from 2012 don't have this part anymore. He's using the time for a well earned rest.


And one other thing not making me quit is the JSA, £72 p/w. If i quit, i won't get JSA for a month or two according to the rules.


I booked time off at the end of July, they are trying hard to cancel it as they need all hands on deck for the calls. Heck, they even tried the old "You booked Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off but not Saturday, Sunday so you can work them" trick. It's too bad i pre-prepared for it :grin:. Basically, it's the end of the year for Credits with arrogant people calling for renewing claims, saying it's our fault for not answering calls. Who knows, may not go back in August.



Yeah, they are really and most definitely pushing their luck. Don't give them the satisfcation, as you say. Record conversations digitally if necessary and then drag them to court when it all gets too much.


It kinda happened to me in a branch of GAME at one time - we had to get a loyalty swipe with every purchase, so if the customer wouldn't buy a loyalty card or didn't have one, the team there had a bank of cards (about 15-20) they kept in a file and each one was addressed to a different member of staff under a pseudonym. So they got a shed load of vouchers and the "hit rate" was always 100%.


I refused to play ball and then when they applied the thumbscrews I just recorded every conversation and pretended to play along. On the day that I quit without notice the manager was all "well, you're not getting this month's pay" so I calmly put the CD in the player and replayed all the "chats" we'd had, and told them that this could go to loss prevention any time I felt like it, and if I didn't get paid the full month, that's where it would end up.


They paid me and I sent the CD anyway. Two people lost their jobs. :)

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It would be my mother's 47th birthday today, had she lived. This time of year always inspires such low feelings.


And the girl I still lovej ust walked back into my office. Ten seconds, a smile and a hello and suddenly my heart feels like a lump of stone.


I guess I wasn't over her. 3 months without speaking to her, but thinking about her every day. I was just getting to the stage where I could really keep her from intruding into my thoughts, and where I was making a real go of my marriage.


Yes, I'm a terrible person.


Ah, shit.


Giant warm man hugs Iun :heart:

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Christ guys - I do hope things work out, I feel a little silly for coming here now.


I've basically not been sleeping well, couple hours sleep at most a night, which is fine over the weekend, but here on 8-5 shift, I feel like death.


I perhaps may have to ask nicely if I can drive home, but driving home means driving whilst tired...argh. :(

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I disagree. Dont quit without finding another job first. JSA is not good.


Yeah, even if you are working long days you can still put in a few hours a night looking for a job or even on your day off. If you're serious about wanting to move you'll do it.


I booked time off at the end of July, they are trying hard to cancel it as they need all hands on deck for the calls. Heck, they even tried the old "You booked Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off but not Saturday, Sunday so you can work them" trick. It's too bad i pre-prepared for it :grin:. Basically, it's the end of the year for Credits with arrogant people calling for renewing claims, saying it's our fault for not answering calls. Who knows, may not go back in August.


How did you pre-prepare for it? That sounds like a really shitty thing to do. What does your contract say in terms of hours? Monday - Friday 9-5 or does it mention weekends?

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How did you pre-prepare for it? That sounds like a really shitty thing to do. What does your contract say in terms of hours? Monday - Friday 9-5 or does it mention weekends?


I saw the renewal period was coming up, they don't tend to kick in the renewal part of peoples contracts until May, so i booked the time off in April. Basically, the renewal part is voluntary overtime/shift changes with finishes at 8pm/9pm and if not enough are chosen, random selection takes place. Only way to get out of that is to have holiday booked already before they tell you.


The contract itself says 40 hours per week, Monday to Sunday. Shifts can change with 2 weeks notice. At the moment, i'm on 10am until 7pm 3 days a week, then 11:30am until 8:30pm another 2. Every 2nd and 4th Saturday it's 8am until 4:30pm. This changes as and when the business requires it to do so.


So in a way, it is a pretty shitty thing to do as you said. But with the amount of crap thats going on at the moment, and has done since day 1. What i'm doing is minor compared to that.

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So in a way, it is a pretty shitty thing to do as you said. But with the amount of crap thats going on at the moment, and has done since day 1. What i'm doing is minor compared to that.


I meant it's a shitty thing for your work to do. Try to force you to work a Saturday when you've booked holidays off.

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I meant it's a shitty thing for your work to do. Try to force you to work a Saturday when you've booked holidays off.


They honestly do this, it's crap. You do need to put it in writing that even though you've booked the Friday and Monday off, you are not available for Saturday/Sunday. But in a way, they only ask in busy periods. Thats between June and August mainly.

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So I finally discovered why I need to pay £1000 in electricity. Its basically e-ons fault, which I had no doubt for a second.


Our bills since September when we got back from New York have always been pretty cheap, the gas is always about £100 and the electric has never been above £40 for every quarter.


Originally we questioned this, but given the company had our meter readings and they weren't estimated bills, we thought nothing of it and assumed that due to us both being out 99% of the time and very rarely using anything but two computers and some lamps, that was just how it was.


Wrong! We even had eon take a meter reading in March to ensure we were paying what we should be and not under the odds and be whacked with a huge bill.


Step forward to June, whacked with a £1000 bill, they have messed up around for over a week telling us to take meter readings, when they must have known what was happening at this point.


Apparently someone missed that we were under paying for 9 months and hadn't raised it, instead they just added the total of what we owed and placed it in one bill, meaning that whilst we need to pay off this £1000 we also need to pay anything we owe between now and when we leave them.


Because let's face it, I'm not sticking with a company thats been so unbelievable stupid for nearly a damn year. Thankfully we've got the payments to £70 each a month and only owe £500 each, so we can get this sorted soon. But yeah...fuck. They also want the first payment Monday, lovely folk.


Thanks eon.

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So I finally discovered why I need to pay £1000 in electricity. Its basically e-ons fault, which I had no doubt for a second.


Our bills since September when we got back from New York have always been pretty cheap, the gas is always about £100 and the electric has never been above £40 for every quarter.


Originally we questioned this, but given the company had our meter readings and they weren't estimated bills, we thought nothing of it and assumed that due to us both being out 99% of the time and very rarely using anything but two computers and some lamps, that was just how it was.


Wrong! We even had eon take a meter reading in March to ensure we were paying what we should be and not under the odds and be whacked with a huge bill.


Step forward to June, whacked with a £1000 bill, they have messed up around for over a week telling us to take meter readings, when they must have known what was happening at this point.


Apparently someone missed that we were under paying for 9 months and hadn't raised it, instead they just added the total of what we owed and placed it in one bill, meaning that whilst we need to pay off this £1000 we also need to pay anything we owe between now and when we leave them.


Because let's face it, I'm not sticking with a company thats been so unbelievable stupid for nearly a damn year. Thankfully we've got the payments to £70 each a month and only owe £500 each, so we can get this sorted soon. But yeah...fuck. They also want the first payment Monday, lovely folk.


Thanks eon.


We had similar but nowhere near as high as that. Our meter hadn't been read in around a year and they were estimating lower rather than higher. Since then I make sure I submit meter readings every few months so it doesn't happen again!

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