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It is? I thought it was Dra Goo (rhymes with poo).


Also, side note: My latest press release did predict about this pooping escapade. I'm psychic!


I always assumed the same and thus will continue pronouncing it like that in my head.

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It's Drago, like Ivan Drago. The extra O's and the upper casing is because we are better than you.


Atlètico Drago is a future name change. If we really slide down the leagues and if they open it up below the lower league, we'll be Drago County.


But, for now, we are DRAGOOOOO.

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I woke up feeling awful today. Really sore throat, can barely speak and super light-headed.


I cancelled my driving lesson, I always feel really guilty when I do, but considering the mess I made when trying to make a cup of tea this morning, I can't imagine the mess I'd make on the road. I'm just gonna spend the next few hours doing driving theory in bed so my guilt doesn't completely take over me!

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Not a personal "bad" thing but found out yesterday that my local Xtravision (think Irish version of Blockbuster) is closing down :(


The whole company went into administration few weeks back but they seemed confident they would find a buyer and at the time only closed 9 stores in the Dublin area and kept all other stores open.


But this week they found a buyer and the buy has on purchase decided to close a further 30 odd stores round the country :heh: (Not sure how many that leaves)


Now there is no DVD/Bluray rental store in my town :(

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Its not really bad stuff, because I was close to unaffected by it, but a reminder that some people in life a clueless, fucking cunts.


I work in customer services - a job that no one wants. As such, if you ring up a customer services team with the intention of being needlessly rude or a dick, then I just think that is the lowest of the low - like the person on the end of the phone wants to deal with anything, let alone a cock.


Anyway, this guy was the ABSOLUTE definition of a cock.


**On our online accounts, if you get three incorrect attempts, your account gets locked out and you need to call us to unlock it**


It should also be noted that I am (not being big headed) but one of the best call handlers, my customer service is absolutely fantastic, with constant compliments internally and externally, so I don't do really do blunt replies, unless in the exact circumstance where my award winning company is being wrongfully accused of X, in which case I will boldly defend it.


Good Morning, customer services, Michael speaking, how can I help?


Thanks for locking my account.


Okay, I'm sorry about that sir, please could you confirm your customer reference number?


I bet you've got everyone calling you today.


....No. Could you confirm your customer reference number please?


Anyway, he then gives me his number, and I ask him some security (paraphrasing:)


Could you confirm your password?




I've got something different here, its eight characters long.


Well no, its shares.


Anyway, we move onto another question because he couldn't get that, and he answers correctly (town of birth) and I note that his account is not locked - he is using the incorrect customer reference number, so he has locked someone elses account not his.


He then gets his correct password eventually.


No apology, no nothing. Fucking bellson.


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@ReZourceman, i get the attitude from the customers i deal with 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Not surprising, i work in customer service as well on the phones. You get the odd nice person, but the rest are dicks and put me in a mood.




My current phone has become damaged after the Bon Jovi concert on Wednesday, so at the moment i borrowed a phone so i can get mine fixed. I've been trying to unlock it for the best part of today. I'm told by the 02 store that it would cost £15 as long as the phone was in contract for 1 year or more. Which it is/was, as i've got the original sim card from the person who's phone it is (sim still works, it's his contract sim)


They say it can be debited from the PAYG sim card and could take a day or so to unlock. Which is fine i thought. Paid for the item, and come home a few hours later. What the fail to tell me at the time, and a nice woman on the phone said this to me. That the sim has to be in the phone and being used for 12 months or more before i can unlock the phone. They can do it right away on iPhones, but HTC's need this term satisfied. Thanks 02, last time i ever use you, you complete tits. I'm not a happy bunny right about now, and the only solution i have left is an early upgrade to get a phone which works. Insurance claims the phone i have is "wear and tear" and won't pay out. Which is fine. I've written a complaint to 02 about the store, i even got the store clerks name on the reciept so they know whom to blame.


Which means i gotta pay out even more money for a brand new phone (or see if anyone has an old Orange phone (company, not color)

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Just had my car looked over before I book it in for MOT. Apparently needs ~£500 worth of work. Firstly I don't have £500, secondly the car probably isn't worth that much, thirdly I can't afford a new car. Shit the bed.

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Ah crap, had a breakdown this morning because I'd forgotten to check my uni email for two and a bit weeks (again) and found I've totally missed a tutorial (again) and ended up self-harming with a steel pot lid heated on the stove. Now my right arm is doing a passable impression of danish back bacon. I haven't seriously damaged myself but I'm completely incredulous to my own anxiety over a course I've got zero-reason to be stressed over and this self-harming is a new business. I think I'll call my mum tonight. And then go buy some bacon.

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Damn, I had no idea you were dealing with issues like that, gaggle. How are you holding up?


Thanks Danny. To be honest it sort of took me by surprise as well. I've been feeling this anxiety/depression/whatever coming and going for years now (though more so recently) and the whole thing just suddenly seemed to snap in one go over something quite minor. Maybe, hopefully, this'll be the one incident I have but I am feeling shaken by it. Until about 10:30 this morning self-harm was a problem somebody else had. I have been pushed back across my own borders.


Anyway, told my mum who phoned the NHS non-emergency service who told me to go have it checked out at the emergency room. Burns are too narrow to treat anyway, so day mostly wasted. Told the doc it was self-harm, he said he'll have a letter sent to my regular GP so hopefully something might come out of it eventually.

Edited by gaggle64
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That's sad to hear Gaggle, but telling someone about it so soon is a very good sign i think, means you can get help quickly. Anxiety is such a horrible thing, and i can't imagine how bad it must be to have on a daily basis.


On a personal note, I have to give an hour-long seminar to my entire department this afternoon on my PhD topic. I can only hope no-one turns up because it's almost the end of term....my talk is going to be a long, rambley mess with no coherence and no conclusion. Whoopee!

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Its been a pretty awful day for work. So I'm pretty sad about that.


Otherwise, to top it off, I get home and my home insurance is due, so thats a nice 110 quid out of my back pocket.


Lordy, someone get me a cup of tea stat.


wow, this is basically my day today :o except replace insurance with power bill, 170 kangaroo koins :( oh, and replace tea with cider.. ^_^

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Infuriating Jim, I hope you get it sorted.


It seems our electric meter is broken. Given we found out our bill for electric alone is £1000 at present.


To put it into context, my house mate and I share a three bedroom house, since we moved in last June our quarterly bill has always been between 20-30 pounds for the electric as we're never really here except the weekends and nothing runs except a computer and a laptop.


We're now having to read the meter twice a day for a week to ensure it is broken and if it isn't we need to see why the meter went up by 5000 in the space of three months. Thankfully e-on have been really helpful and understood and asked us first before charging us (it was on our electronic bill thing online, rather than paper). So we've been able to put the account on hold.


Its unfortunately come at a bad time as if there is something wrong with the meter we've got to hang about and get it sorted. Sigh.

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