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It's really "...", yup. A lazy, lazy effort. The beat is brilliant, but that's a direct sample of Pon De Floor by Major Lazer, which I'm sure you'll have heard before. The song has no hook or anything. Listened a few times last night. Just blah.

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fell out with a friend @ the weekend over something so stupid and now him and 4 other people have blocked me on msn / fb ,, its like... stupid


they really gotta grow up... seriously :shakehead






Re songs. Is "Pon De" something. Cos of above and "Pon De Replay". Whats Pon De mean yo bro slowbro?

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Break it down for us.


---> made new friends

---> one of these friends started to like me more than as a friend

---> i didnt get how much he liked me

{---insert a lot of arguments over it....n stuff--}

---> i started to meet up with another guy (not that anything actually happened)

---> the guy that liked me got jealous, pissed off, whatever

{-- btw i always told this guy i didnt like him as more than a friend when he asked and everytime he asked i kept telling him nothing would ever happen . PLUS i wasnt looking for anything other than friendship--}

--->on friday we were gonna meet up for unch to talk about it

---> but someone must have told him about other dude (friend) aaaand made it seem like it was more than it was

---> sooo basically on friday it ended up him telling me to go fuck myself, his friends telling i led him on, blah blah blah

--> ended up gettin 3 text messages, an email and a fb message (lovely picture of someone giving someone the finger)


--> him and 3 friends have deleted me off msn fb :D

(btw on friday night one of the messages i got was him drunk, telling me how much he hated me)



gotta love my life sometime

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Beyonce released a new song. And it's so dancey. :shakehead

Fuck you up the fuckity fuck. You don't even listen to Beyonce. You smelly cunt rat!


I would say I don't meant it and you're great, but I do.

It's really "...", yup. A lazy, lazy effort. The beat is brilliant, but that's a direct sample of Pon De Floor by Major Lazer, which I'm sure you'll have heard before. The song has no hook or anything. Listened a few times last night. Just blah.


Yes it has taken a sample from Pon De Floor, who cares. It has plenty of hooks, all on me. I just love Beyonce. Go back to your man lover Nicki Minaj.


That PSN argument got me riled up for one, and I took a page out of Daft's book with the white text. You don't enjoy the song and that's fine. Just realise I'm joking before you start an argument.

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Yes it has taken a sample from Pon De Floor, who cares. It has plenty of hooks, all on me. I just love Beyonce. Go back to your man lover Nicki Minaj.



It's fine. You're awful and I accept that now. ; )

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Am I being called a girl or something?

I don't understand you man!


"I like Beyonce"


"Get back to your man-lover Nicki Minaj"


So Nicki Minaj loves men. You don't like NM and contrast her with your liking of Beyonce.


Ipso facto Beyonce is unlike NM because she doesn't love men. Therefore, Beyonce is a lesbian.


Or something :blank:

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