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Twilight Princess


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Was about to bump an old TP thread but it's almost 2 years old now, figured that is way too much of a bump to be making.


Anyway, I just restarted this game yesterday. Being that I am now unemployed and the weather is forcing me to remain inside I got the urge to restart a game I hadn't played in awhile. And as it the anniversary of the Wii's release in Europe this week I decided no better game that the very first game I got with my Wii (no counting WiiSports... or Red Steel...as I nolonger have RS anymore).


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


First thing that surprised me when I fired up the disc was the date on my last used save file. June of 2007. More than 3 years since I even looked at the game. :heh:


So started up and went through the intro portions, saved the kid in the forest, did the first wolf section and beat the first temple.


And loving it again. Plus I also realised I actually forgot most everything about the game it's almost like playing for the first time again. I got to the boss room in the Forest Temple and then thougt to myself "shit, I can't remember what this boss looks like or how to beat it. Of course I knew the boomerang would be involved but just couldn't remember the specifics.


Played a good 4 hours on it yesterday after, got myself up to just entering Eldin Provence before I decided that was a good place to call it a break and leave the next "chapter" for the next day (today)

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Twilight Princess, I actually enjoyed it a lot when it was first released as it has many brilliant moments, the redesign of Hyrule was stunning overall but unfortunately barren in many parts of Hyrule field which let it down somewhat.


I never really felt that 'urge' to replay it though like I did with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, many... many times over.


But still for one of the GC's last titles and one of the Wii's first it was a decent game of its time, just a shame that it didn't quite live up to the massive amount of hype and I fear that Zelda : Skyward Sword may suffer the same fate, though I so want to be proved wrong.

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Still surprises me that this is my most-played Wii game, and the only one with play time of over 100 hours.


It's sublime. The sum of its parts is better than any of any other Zelda game, in my opinion. You're just not gonna alter the views of Zelda fans.


Awful people, superb game.

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Still my second most disliked Zelda. I have stated numerous times why I disliked this game, so no need to clog up the thread. I did try to replay it at one point, but I just couldn't continue after the Temple of Time. I did try to see its finer sides, but I just couldn't.


Those who disliked this game, do not necessarily feel that way out of spite or nostalgia.

I just wanted to make that clear.

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I've actually had a desire to play through this again too. I will as soon as I finish replaying Paper Mario TTYD.


:grin:That's what I'm talking about, my boy!:grin:

Give those Shadow Sirens hell!




As for Twilight Princess, marvelous piece of art.

Though I agree it lacked in some areas, others were simply full of charm such as the mansion in the snow or Lake Hylia.


Yes, a full fledged adventure, and to me another great entry in the series.


The cut-scenes are also mightily cool to watch.


Oh Ganondorf, when will we get to know your history?:hmm:

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Bought it on GameCube, bought it on Wii and I do indeed have an urge to replay the former.


Over the years I have come to appreciate the tone of the game. However, even if the story, dungeons, graphics and music were perfect, unfortunately, this would still always be the Zelda Nintendo mucked up. That is because it doesn't have the controls it was originally intended to, or the game design those controls would have allowed.


The reason for that is the decision to put it on Wii. In the extended development time, much of what had been achieved on the GameCube was altered. Neither version could have anything that wouldn't work on Wii, and I'm afraid that has forever tainted the game.

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Still surprises me that this is my most-played Wii game, and the only one with play time of over 100 hours.


You must not have Monster Hunter 3 so? I'm 510+hours into that :heh:

(Sorry whenever I see hours spent on a game mentioned I like to ring that up, I consider it quite the acheivement... and I'm still playing a bit of MH every other day :))


On Zelda, must check my Nintendo Channel but I think it's round the 80-90 hour mark. Think other than my current new replaying, I've only replayed it once after my initial completion.


Bought it on GameCube, bought it on Wii and I do indeed have an urge to replay the former.


I didn't think the GC version was released this side of the world?


I also did not think much to this Zelda. It was just not the leap I expected, and almost felt a step back from Wind Waker. Hyrule Field, and much of the world, felt totally dead.


While TP is not my all time fav Zelda, in my opinion, still miles better than Wind Waker. While the start of WW is magical, the end section ruins the game with treasure hunt thing. I had tried twice to replay WW, both times I just stopped at the begining of the treasure hunt part. Cuz I just couldn't bring myself to do it. TP does leave itself lacking in some parts but at least there's no game destory sections like that part in WW. The bug hunts for Light Tears could come close but at least they don't last long and don't involve trekking the entire world map back and forth.


My fav is still OOT... I've replayed that countless times just for the lulz. I could have replayed it again now instead of TP, but decided to leave that till the new 3DS version is out


On a side note, available Nov 30...




I wish I could afford some F4F stuff, they always look so awesome. Owning one wouldn't be enough though, I'd need the full collection with a museum like room in my house for displaying. I need to win the lotto and soon :heh:


Oh Ganondorf, when will we get to know your history?:hmm:


You want a Ganondorf spin-off? I wouldn't say no to that, haha.

They could give him that awesome giant frak off sword from that old Gamecude, Spaceworld Demo. I'm always disappointed when I see him get a sword in a new game and it is not that one. :(

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While TP is not my all time fav Zelda, in my opinion, still miles better than Wind Waker. While the start of WW is magical, the end section ruins the game with treasure hunt thing. I had tried twice to replay WW, both times I just stopped at the begining of the treasure hunt part. Cuz I just couldn't bring myself to do it. TP does leave itself lacking in some parts but at least there's no game destory sections like that part in WW. The bug hunts for Light Tears could come close but at least they don't last long and don't involve trekking the entire world map back and forth.

You shouldn't judge WW based on that treasure hunting though. You could even just play the game up to that point, doing all the side quests instead of aiming for the end-game, and then say 'well, that was fun' and turn it off :heh: The world of WW is just so much more vibrant and alive. And I'm not talking the colour scheme (although that helps) I'm talking about the number of characters around, and the amount of things to do and random events that pop up in the sea.


I was massively disappointed by Hyrule Field in TP, nothing happened out there and it was completely unfeasable that such a field could exist in a habitable landscape. 2D tree-walls? Cliffs to sheer nothingness? Before they make Skyward Sword's overworld, I hope they go play Fable II or similar to see how it should be done.


Majora's Mask is still the best Zelda, anyway :D

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I was massively disappointed by Hyrule Field in TP, nothing happened out there and it was completely unfeasable that such a field could exist in a habitable landscape. 2D tree-walls? Cliffs to sheer nothingness? Before they make Skyward Sword's overworld, I hope they go play Fable II or similar to see how it should be done.


So you want a Zelda with considerable load times between screens/areas, pop-in and frame rate issues when out in the field? :P


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Fable 2, and I'm enjoying Fable 3, but it's not how I'd want a Zelda game to look in terms of creating the overworld. But similarly, I think the emptiness of TP's field dragged the game down. It was an enjoyable game but outside of Hyrule Town and a small selection of other gathering points, there wasn't much there to do. I'd happily take something akin to Wind Waker's overworld again, perhaps without the sailing although I must be in the minority that enjoyed that element of the game, for Skyward Sword, because of the reasons you mentioned.


One thing about TP that I loved was the Yeti Mansion dungeon. I'd love to see more places with that level of imagination in the next game (afterall, it is essentially a fantasy adventure style game so it should be more flexible in its dungeon routine and ideas), although get rid of the outside bits where you had to constantly roll on the snow so that you wouldn't sink in.


And favourite Zelda for me is Link's Awakening. I really do need to get round to playing Majora's Mask though.

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Well, for starters, what happened to him in the period after he was born untill he showed up on a horse to meet the King of Hyrule?


Second, How did he spent his days locked inside the Sacred Realm?


Third, ...... I JUST WANT TO SEE HOW HE'S BORN:laughing:


Dirty pervert...

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Well, for starters, what happened to him in the period after he was born untill he showed up on a horse to meet the King of Hyrule?


Second, How did he spent his days locked inside the Sacred Realm?


Third, ...... I JUST WANT TO SEE HOW HE'S BORN:laughing:


well we know he had two mothers..... no info on what spawn of satan (or satan himself?) fathered him.

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Definitely my least favourite 3D Zelda but I found I enjoyed it far more on my second playthrough a year or so later. It was just so incredibly over-hyped that the end product was a bit disappointing.


The second half of the game, a few memorable moments apart, felt incredibly rushed and incomplete, and there generally wasn't as much to do in Hyrule as there should have been.


(also, surely bumping the old thread and keeping all discussion to that one topic made more sense than starting a new one, who cares how long ago it was used?)

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The world of WW is just so much more vibrant and alive. And I'm not talking the colour scheme (although that helps) I'm talking about the number of characters around, and the amount of things to do and random events that pop up in the sea.


Really? Wind Waker's world is just as bland as Twilight Princess in my view (not colour-wise mind you). Sure there's more things to go and do but I don't think that contributes towards making it more alive. The characters are also completely forgettable, whereas the ones from OoT (and their creepy alternatives from MM) are surprisingly very intricate at times.


However, I entirely agree with you on your last point, MM is undoubtedly the finest Zelda game ever made.

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It's funny, just like a lot of you I haven't touched it since I beat it back in 2007 or so. I do, however, think that even if it isn't the best Zelda game of all time (Link's Awakening) it was still very enjoyable and and I the whole world had a very nice charm to it I think. I still think that Wind Waker was better, but all in all I do not regret the ~40 hours I put into it.


I look forward to Skyward Sword, although I do so apprehensively.

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So you want a Zelda with considerable load times between screens/areas, pop-in and frame rate issues when out in the field? :P


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Fable 2, and I'm enjoying Fable 3, but it's not how I'd want a Zelda game to look in terms of creating the overworld. But similarly, I think the emptiness of TP's field dragged the game down. It was an enjoyable game but outside of Hyrule Town and a small selection of other gathering points, there wasn't much there to do. I'd happily take something akin to Wind Waker's overworld again, perhaps without the sailing although I must be in the minority that enjoyed that element of the game, for Skyward Sword, because of the reasons you mentioned.


Comment about pop-in pushed to one side, load times are a sacrifice that must be made on games that use discs in order to have a vibrant landscape.


I don't necessarily want it to work exactly like Fable 2. Some of the areas there are entirely linear paths etc which are not exciting. But certain areas in such as Brightwood, Bower Lake or Oakfield are much better examples of how a 'field with trees' area should look. Hyrule Field in TP was a set of quadrants which had no real path and contained a large number of unlikely 'set-pieces' (aforementioned sudden-drops to nowhere) built specifically to separate areas and direct your route. It didn't feel like a 'world', it just felt like a block of necessary land inbetween more important areas. Nothing about it was logical, there were no people travelling the paths, no signposts, and a mass of unused land with no homes or farms.


It just needed a bit of... hustle and bustle. At least the sea in Wind Waker had things like the Ghost Ship, merchant ship and giant squid attacks.

Edited by Shorty
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